A Heart's Desire
By Tani Writes
Date: August 6, 2024
Ch. 31Experience

No matter how hard a person becomes, when he succeeds, his fatigue disappears and he does not even remember those difficult situations.

Soni couldn't believe what state Tara was in a while ago and how happy and contented she was now. Soni and Mr Ahmed knew everyone, so they should have hugged Tara, but they were thankful that Tara was returned safely and it was only the prayers of her parents after God's mercy.

When Tara sat in the car, Mr Ahmed angrily said "It was necessary to do all this when it was not happening to you, then why you haven't left it?
Tara smiled and said, Baba! second chance is given to the lucky ones, How could I let go?
All the boats had been burned, so I had no choice but to return successfully!"
Mr Ahmed was looking very sad but he was also very happy in his heart.

Soni was sitting silently in the car because she had never seen the state of Tara she had seen before.
Everyone came home and was very happy but no one knew the truth about how all this happened to Tara. Only God, Tara, Soni, or Mr Ahmed knew how she came out of the situation and succeeded.

Tara had already believed that she was a very weak person, but where God had made her so weak or where she had the fear in her heart that had been growing up with her since childhood, then God himself was always with Tara.

Mr Ahmed was quiet, but in his heart, he also knew that Tara had been threatened since childhood because of the fear that had affected her life and she was becoming a more and more vulnerable person.

After a few days, the result came and it was found that Tara secured second position in the entire division. It was a very proud moment for Tara and Mr Ahmed and the rest of the family, and Mr Ahmed's happiness was boundless.
She was sitting in her room when Mr and Mrs. Ahmed arrived and he was receiving phone calls from people that her daughter had achieved such great success. Everyone was congratulating her.

The joy and satisfaction that Tara felt at her success was indescribable. Tara's hands were still cold from joy and nervousness and she was sweating.
The interview will take place and that too will pass as Tara is second in the top 10, and everyone was gossiping.

Mr Ahmed was so happy that he thought of throwing sweets all over the area and that night both Tara and Mr Ahmed could not sleep.
Tara's success was not about passing the test, but Mr Ahmed's happiness and his pride. She wanted Mr Ahmed to be extremely proud of her and never have a chance to complain, and she was feeling that way!

Tara was busy with the household chores with a slight smile on her face when Mr Ahmed said "Earlier you should not have left the house for work and now if you have left, you should not just stay here but think ahead. There is one step, the destination will be very big".
Tara smiled and said in her heart, it will be like that!

Mrs. Ahmed told Tara that Mr Ahmed said "Tara is not our daughter but our son, she has not let us bow down till now and now she is making us feel proud with her hard work and success".
She was very happy and couldn't express her happiness in words and now she was constantly preparing for the interview.

All the people were saying that the interview would be cleared easily. When Mr Ahmed came home, he would check Tara's name from the list and talk with joyfully.

The date of the interview came and they reached for the interview. Tara's file was accidentally left at home due to which she faced a lot of trouble, but Mr Ahmed took time to get the file and did not let Tara have any trouble.

Everyone, there was saying to Mr Ahmed that your daughter was successful because she was in the second position, but Tara was not asked any specific questions and answers in the interview and was only asked to focus on typing speed.
She returned and sat silently in the car on her return.

After the interview, the final merit list was going to be out and everyone was very excited.
Mr Ahmed was calling repeatedly and asking but still, the list was not coming out. Tara's condition was very anxious and bad. She was very nervous and prayed, "She was praying to God to give her patience and to be firm in her every decision".

In the evening, the list was out but Tara's name was not on the list. She told me at home that her name was not on the list, and everyone got worried. Soni was crying continuously but Tara was patiently encouraging her and making her silent.
Mr Ahmed also got very sad when he found out his blooming face withered, and he was not talking to anyone in the house.

Tara kept her composure and did not let a single tear fall from her eyes.
What is not written in destiny is not achieved no matter how hard one tries. It should be taken and maybe something better was written in Tara's destiny, it was just an experience.

People were saying all kinds of things that Mr Ahmed didn't recommend, and that's why it happened, but Tara was satisfied that she got what was written in her destiny.
Tara was very patient and started looking for something better.

She always wanted to do CSS or PMS so now after completing her studies she started thinking about doing it Mr Ahmed isn't interested in a Job, but the relationship between father and daughter has improved to a great extent and they used to respect each other and joke and talk a lot while staying within limits.
There is no need to express love when one starts to feel more than words.

She started writing again with an online business going on and Tara was also covering her 6th semester syllabus.
As an experience, she had also applied to PMS as the academy is preparing for it. And Tara had to prepare all by herself so her thought was that this time she should apply for PMS and experience what kind of paper it is. She will succeed.

She had got a contract in content writing and she was working hard to fulfill it. Because of this, her health was not very good.

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