In this way, Tara's four semesters had been completed, Tara's ADP was completed and Soni had also completed her matric and now she had to go to college, she said clearly that "I would not study in this college, where Tara has been studied, I want to get admission in a good college".
Mr Ahmed noticed the first difference between the two daughters, he got Soni admitted to a good college and now Tara was at home while Soni started attending college.
When she started college, the difference was obvious, she used to take things for her college and would angrily ask for her rights, Mr Ahmed would say that even before a daughter had been studying in college, this was not the case, which Mrs. Ahmed would smile and say that she was Tara, this is Soni!
Mr Ahmed was surprised at how little Tara would be before she went to school and then college, there was no such demand for her and she always gave excellent results while studying in an ordinary institution.
Soni wanted to the points in everything and was getting better results than Tara while studying in a good institution.
Mr Ahmed had gone out of the house in connection with some work when Soni's matriculation result came, Mr Ahmed started crying on call after hearing the result and Soni was also crying because the result was not as expected by the father and daughter.
Tara was surprised by Mr Ahmed's love for Soni. He was so serious about Soni that he was moved to tears while Tara was not even appreciative. She would become busy herself with this thought with something because she wanted to avoid negative thoughts.
Tara became disturbed in their free time from childhood and after completing four semesters she used to stay at home then she started online courses from Mr Ahmed's mobile phone.
People used to suddenly say "If you don't get a job after reading and writing, then what is the use of studying so much?"
Tara always prayed, "I should sit at home and do something so that my studies can be used and I can stand on my own feet". She wanted to do something for her own sake so that she could pay for the education of her younger siblings and also help Mr Ahmed and Mr Ahmed supported Tara in this idea.
It was said that if Tara wants to do something while living in the four walls of the house, then she should not be stopped, but should be supported. The success of a daughter has the biggest hand of her father, so Mr Ahmed's support was very important for her success.
The support of Mrs. Ahmed was also very important. Mrs. Ahmed always gave kind support and now Mr. Ahmed was also with Tara, so she was very happy and satisfied.
When the online courses were being completed, Tara was given a laptop for practical work. First, Mr Ahmed brought Tara a second-hand laptop, but Tara did not understand anything special about this old laptop, and she had not taken a computer course.
An experienced teacher was needed for such tasks. But Tara had no such teacher for guidance.
Then Mr Ahmed brought Tara a new laptop and fulfilled all her needs so that she could learn a skill and earn while staying at home and become a successful person.
The scope of freelancing was huge at that time, but even under the apprenticeship of a successful teacher, a freelancer had to work hard for two years before going somewhere stable Tara had put herself in a very difficult challenge, she thought she would think of selling her skills for a year, but due to the lack of a teacher, she was not able to succeed in freelancing.
Mr Ahmed could have taken the mobile phone for her, but seeing the condition and modern age, he didn't want to give Tara so much freedom that she would become a rebel. He wanted to know her friends, so if Tara had to go to a friend's wedding, happiness, sadness, or to meet a friend, then Mr Ahmed himself would take Tara there with her mother so that they could know how Tara was similar to people and her personality and what she has a taste in judging people.
He knew almost all of Tara's friends and respected them all.
Mr Ahmed's mobile was mostly used by Tara, so he used to check now and then which apps Tara uses and how she communicates with people, thus Tara would be careful and Mr Ahmed would also be satisfied.
After Tara, when Soni's exams were held, Soni and her friends would also be taken by Mr Ahmed to get the papers, then Mr Ahmed would notice that Soni was very confident and spoke a lot while Tara was sitting quietly.
Soni got angry after being scolded saying, "Don't talk too much, because too much talk makes a person lose value", then Mr Ahmed also encouraged her with love.
He used to say that "man has only come to this world to create a recognition and a talk, if that thing does not happen and after death, there is no one to remember him in good words, then what is the use of such a life?"
Tara used to feel and pay attention to Mr Ahmad's little things. She used to say from childhood that "when I have holidays I am free, I would take a diary and write small favorite things in it, but Until this part of age she could not feel free and till today she never kept a diary or written anything in it".
Yes, if she had a diary, she would have talked about Mr Ahmed the most because the most used word on her mobile was "Baba", that's how much her father was in her life, more important.
When asked Mr Ahmed about his children's education, he would proudly say, "'my elder daughter is doing BS Maths and my younger daughter is doing ICS while both the sons are doing matriculation".
Tara could feel the twinkle in his eyes and felt the luckiest person at that moment when he talked about their studies.
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