A Heart's Desire
By Tani Writes
Date: May 22, 2024
Ch. 24End of College's Life

The result of the second semester came and now there was chosen a special subject in the third semester.
Tara wanted to do a bachelor's degree in mathematics, while there was no fellow in the class to study mathematics.
The college people also said that "there is no staff for mathematics, Take computer science like everyone else".
Tara was adamant that "I want to study maths only"
Only one fellow supported Tara and there were only two maths students in the whole area.

There were many reasons why she liked maths more. People used to say that "maths is a very difficult subject and reading it is a perverse pudding" whereas Tara always challenged herself.
Maths was a very simple and tough subject and she felt like her father.
Mr Ahmed also has a simple nature but is a very strict person to Tara.
If someone understood mathematics, he would get full marks for solving the questions. Likewise, mathematics seemed to be a sincere subject.
If anyone met with Mr Ahmed, his sincerity would become special for that person. Mathematics was available to everyone but there was someone who could read mathematics like Mr Ahmed, who was sincere to all of but very few people were sincere to him.
Tara found the simplicity, rigor, and sincerity of mathematics exactly like Mr Ahmed's, and therefore she loved Mr Ahmed and mathematics both.

Also, Mr Ahmed stopped her from studying mathematics, but when Tara gave the result of 100 percent in mathematics, Tara became more respected in front of Mr Ahmed, and because of this, Mr Ahmed believed in Tara's ability.

Mr Ahmed had taken the car only to take Tara's exams so it would be difficult to go on a bike if the papers were far away.
Tara was very happy to see this love.
When they went to give the papers, the rest of the fellows would also come along in the car and Tara had to sit on the front seat with Mr. Ahmed. Tara sat with her father for the first time. She was scared and nervous all the way. Fellows used to talk with him, but Tara would answer very little and would only smile. Mr Ahmed would bring many things to eat from this road, but Tara would sit still silent.
Fellowes was very surprised, they used to say to Tara "Your father is a very good person and treats everyone with love, so Tara, why are you afraid?"
At this, Tara would silently lower her eyes and not answer.

During this journey, Mr Ahmed noticed how different her daughter was from the other girls.
So the car would be used only to take Tara's papers or to take her somewhere else, otherwise, it would stand free.
When the result came, Tara's numbers were more than those of the other girls. Mr Ahmed used to raise his head proudly in front of Tara's colleagues and thus Mr Ahmed was getting very close to Tara, but the fear that dominated Tara's heart and mind never came out.

In the fourth semester, all the subjects were in mathematics and there was only one maths teacher in the college. She could not teach six subjects.
Tara told Mr Ahmed at home about the situation, so he reached the college and asked the principal to hire two more math teachers.
On which the principal who already hated Tara got very angry that "we couldn't bring a teacher just for Tara", then Mr Ahmed fought with him and ordered him to give migration and came home.
Tara also had to bear the scolding by Mr Ahmed, when the college was understaffed, mathematics would have been abandoned, but nothing could be done now.

Mr Ahmed did not leave any mathematics teacher in the whole area to teach Tara at the academy, but the few teachers who were there did not have enough time, so nothing could be done, then the college people sent a school teacher to teach the college. Whose teaching style was not being understood at all, so Tara complained again, on which the principal's anger went to the sky that "they had humiliated me so much that when the teacher came to teach, she did not understand them and started complaining".

In the last days of the semester, a big accident happened in Tara's family, in which everyone's lives were disturbed, also pointed fingers at Mr Ahmed's daughters. Mr Ahmed realized at that time how his daughters are different from other people and the love for her daughters increased in his heart.
He felt proud that "my daughters Until today, didn't let my head bow down".
They used to cry and say, "Daughters are so cute, this is true" Hearing this, Tara's control would break and she would cry uncontrollably. It had a profound effect and now he was getting old.
He was a very sincere person and trusted people very quickly, that's why he cheated many times and lost a lot of himself.
It was the last stage of Tara's four semesters and there was a lot of trouble at home. She didn't go to college for a long time and even if she did, she didn't come out of the classroom all day. One and a half sheets had also come.
There was a new maths teacher in the college who was covering all the syllabus very well but Tara was not able to focus much.
Mr Ahmed only gave her time till these exams and after that, she stopped going to college.
Mr Ahmed used to go by himself to conduct the semester's exams and Tara would sit in the front seat more scared than before, at that time Mr Ahmed would scold her and explain, "Be active and be confident, and you are not a child as your graduation is going to be complete".
His words made Tara feel less confusion and anger and more love and understanding.

Once, one of Tara's friends fell ill, Mr Ahmed was very worried and he provided her with medicine and supplies before the paper, on which Tara liked her father's love for humanity and duty. Her friends and friend's family also praised Mr Ahmed and thanked him.

The exams were over and on the last day, everyone wanted to eat ice cream. While going to the point, when Tara was sending paper in the group with his mobile, Mr Ahmed said in a bitter tone "It is not good to sit on the front seat and fall on your mobile in the city for some time, Sit straight and put this mobile down".
She felt insulted in front of the fellows and she quietly put the mobile and sat quietly.

After eating ice cream, everyone sat in the car and left for their homes. Tala kept looking out of the window silently all the way and didn't even touch her father's mobile.
Mr Ahmed was feeling everything. After completing the journey, Mr Ahmed said, "Are you angry with me and have you been insulted?
To this, Tara smiled and said, No, not at all!"

Then Mr. Ahmed laughed uncontrollably and the rest of the girls began to see Tara's innocence. She was also smiling with surprise seeing the father and daughter saying such things and getting angry.

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