A Heart's Desire
By Tani Writes
Date: May 19, 2024
Ch. 20Mrs.Ahmed's Love For Tara

Tara was a very serious girl who couldn't hear words but felt.
She often said, "I could do whatever I wanted but my father can never be happy with me".
It was not crying her eyes but her heart when she said.
Mrs. Ahmed would always kiss her forehead hug her and say "My daughter is one in a million".
It is not the love of the only mother but the parents' love that makes a child confident.
Tara used to believe that after God, there is my mother in this world who understands me and loves me immensely, so she loved her mother very much and she never expressed her love for her mother in words.

Mrs. Ahmed also fulfilled her wish and sacrificed everything for Tara's happiness, but perhaps even Mrs. Ahmed did not feel that Tara was not getting the love of her parents but only the love of her mother, not her father. Nothing can make up for the lack of pats and encouraging love.

Tara was capable and intelligent but not confident, not strong.
So intelligence, good manners, and sincerity were part of her nature and personality, but being strong and confident depended on his upbringing.
She was the owner of the best thought but she could not express this thought in the form of words in front of people on stage.

Mrs. Ahmed would sometimes tell Tara that your father was angry about this and sometimes she would bear everything herself and would not tell Tara anything so that she would not get upset.

These things hurt her a lot that is why my mother gets punished for my mistakes, he is my father, so he has the right to correct me!

But Mr Ahmed only felt that Tara's needs in life were being fulfilled, she was getting everything, but life is incomplete without love, and Tara was living an incomplete life since childhood.
Mr Ahmed's eyes could not bear Tara, his scolding or anger was a matter of later. She could not bear it herself.

She was a modern mother and her thinking was very high. She knew that "Tara could not do anything wrong and would not take advantage of the freedom given to her and she wanted to be independent".

Mrs. Ahmed knew that "Tara was a very weak and serious type of girl and she did not tolerate her father's scolding or anger, so how would she tolerate anyone else's words tomorrow, she wanted to make Tara able to follow in her footsteps but able to stand up for oneself and never depend on anyone to fulfill one's needs and wants".

Tara knew that Mrs. Ahmed was putting up with people's talk and Mr Ahmed's taunts because of her, so she always used to say that "If fate favored her, one day I would be successful and make you proud in front of all of them, And those who taunt you will praise you for your upbringing and I will never let your head bow down".

She loved Mrs. Ahmed so much that she only wanted her mother to sit in front of her and not do anything but don't be far from her eyes.
She never got tired of talking to Mrs. Ahmed and was always sad for her.
Mrs. Ahmed used to smile at Tara's innocence and say, "You can never agree and you can never stop talking, but I have to do other things, Tara!

Tara would love her more at this and she would hug her mother and put her forehead on her mother's lips. Mrs. Ahmed would have to kiss Tara's head and she would smile and separate Tara from her and go out.
The truth is that the love-hungry girl wanted to fill Mr Ahmed's lack of love with Mrs. Ahmed's love.

Mrs. Ahmed was convinced of Tara's high thinking and that was the reason why she believed in Tara with her eyes closed and supported her in every decision of Tara. That's why she used to love her so much.

When mother and daughter were praying, Tara would rest her head on Mrs. Ahmed's lap and feel herself to be the richest and most fortunate person in the world, and the tears that flowed from her eyes in this love would wet the bosom of Christ.
Then Mrs. Ahmed would lovingly put her hand on Tara's head and Tara would start kissing her mother's hands, maybe Mrs. Ahmed could not bear all this and she would quickly get up and go out.

Mrs. Ahmed was a very positive cheerful and gentle person, but she was so strong that till now she had never been weak in front of her children and had never been forced by circumstances to bring tears to her eyes. Before Tara, she used to make herself feel like a woman made of iron so that Tara would become strong like her mother and get out of this seriousness and childishness.

Tara, even if Mrs. Ahmed was worried about many things, she would not scold Tara lest she stop taking care of me out of fear.
She would later gently and lovingly explain to Tara that this was right and that was wrong, but she had helped Tara develop the idea that with a human being someone is willing and supportive.
Her decisions become irrevocable and that was the reason why Mrs. Ahmed, by always supporting Tara, enabled Tara to make decisions.

The second year result was also out and the marks were based on the first year marks due to COVID-19 but Tara managed to score around 800 marks here and was very happy to be a grateful person.

Mrs. Ahmed as usual praised Tara a lot but Mr. Ahmed did not express any particular happiness but he was satisfied with Tara's performance.
After the completion of intermediate, there was still a long period of coronavirus and Tara used to stay with Mrs. Ahmed at home, she helped Mrs. Ahmed with everything and taught the rest of her siblings.
And that's why she was holding Mrs Ahmed's pillow as always, 24 hours a day saying the same thing, "Talk to Baba, let me move forward so that I can complete my education and fulfill my dreams".
Mrs. Ahmed spoke to Mr Ahmed and told them that "Tara wanted to do her graduation from the same college, so get her admitted".

At first, Mr Ahmed stopped her from further studies for a few days and tried to get Tara to quit her studies, but no one could stop the knowledge that was in her destiny, so Mr Ahmed allowed Tara to do B.Sc. and gave her permission and went to get admission in the college and found out that instead of B.Sc, a new program ADP has been started which will be in the semester system and thus one has to pay Fee per semester.

Again she was confused about whether it should be studied or not because she knew that the burden of studies of younger siblings is also on Mr Ahmed's head and it would be difficult for him to pay her per semester expenses but she is not able to do it yet.
She had a dream that somehow she would be able to take on the responsibility of her younger siblings' education and take some of the burdens off Mr Ahmed's shoulders, but for a good post, It is important to have a good and high education and she still did not know whether Mr Ahmed would allow her to get a job or not because she used to say that studying was only her passion.
Mr Ahmed was teaching to fulfill her passion and not to help himself by doing a job!

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