A Heart's Desire
By Tani Writes
Date: May 12, 2024
Ch. 13Mr Ahmed's Life

Mr Ahmed belonged to a middle and old-class family, his native village was in another country and his father left his family and settled in this area with his wife and children in search of livelihood.
It was said that their relationship was fixed upon the birth of the children. Mr Ahmed's grandfather fixed his relationship with Mr. Ahmed's cousin sister.
Similarly, Mr. Ahmed's sister's marriage was also decided with his cousin brother.
With time, the children grew up and became busy with their studies. Mr Ahmed was a very pampered, emotional, and high-spirited person from his childhood.
These people, who are very fond of cricket, prefer sports over studies, but due to their intelligence and ability, they always stand first in the class and spend the rest of their time in sports.

Similarly, his fiancee had just passed middle and Mr Ahmed had entered college after clearing his matriculation when the family started insisting on the marriage. In contrast, Mr. Ahmed's cousin had completed his graduation, Mr Ahmed's sister was uneducated.
That's why the cousin of Mr Ahmed refused to marry his fiancee, but the family forced the couple to marry once.

Mr and Mrs. Ahmed started living a very happy life together while the other couple did not accept each other and there was a fight in their house.
She would go to her home after fighting, and Mrs. Ahmed would be sent to her home too.

This continued for a long time, but no improvement was made. Mr. and Mrs. Ahmed liked each other very much, but Mr Ahmed did not behave well with Mrs. Ahmed after seeing the misbehavior of his sister. His sister came to his parent's home he also used to send his wife to her parent's home.

In this regard, after three years of marriage, a daughter was born to Mr Ahmed. When this girl was born, Mrs. Ahmed was still present at her father's house and Mr Ahmed was not present with his wife at the time of the birth of this child.
Due to the ignorance of the time, the daughter was not considered good, so the family of Mr Ahmed did not have any special joy at the birth of this child.

Mr Ahmed was driving a tractor in the fields and he had been away from home for many days when he saw his parents in the fields because of sadness, he started crying on seeing his parents but his mother stopped him from crying.
His mother explained why and said, "Be brave, Ahmed, son! God will grant you a son too". Hearing this, Mr Ahmed was shocked and now he knew that "my daughter has been born".

Mrs. Ahmed wanted the name of our first child to be suggested by Mr. Ahmed himself, but Mr. Ahmed, who was sitting far away, did not even know that the girl was 20 days old, but she had not been named yet.
After waiting for so many days, Mrs. Ahmed's younger brother named the girl "Tara". This name has not been given to any girl in her family yet.

One day after two or four months, Mr Ahmed went to visit his in-laws with his mother, so he sent a message to see the girl outside the house.
She resembled Mr Ahmed and like her name, she looked like a star. Mr Ahmed was very happy to see this baby girl, but due to quarrels, he did not bring his wife and daughter home with him, but left them there and came back.

Finally, Mr Ahmed's sister got divorced and Mr Ahmed's relationship with his wife was on the verge of destruction.
Fed up with pressure talks, they will separate from Mrs. Ahmed.

Tara went to her father's house for the first time when she was eight months old, but Mrs. Ahmed soon returned to her home and raised the girl there.
Mr Ahmed had not yet decided on his wife. After thinking about it, Mr Ahmed decided not to leave his wife and went to his in-laws to pick her up.
Mr Ahmed took her on the canal and said "Whatever happened to my sister was written in her destiny but now we have no fault, in all this, the decision is in your hands whether you should separate from me or stay with me but I don't want to leave you and I promise to support you every step of the way".

Mrs. Ahmed was feeling very helpless as she knew that Mr Ahmed's family would not accept her happily and take revenge for her daughter's divorce. Therefore, it was better that she divorced Mr Ahmed and freed herself from this confusion.
But when Mrs. Ahmed thought of Tara, she was lost in the thought that "this child does not have the love of her father, Wherever my marriage takes place, this child will be considered as a previous child and if Tara is taken away by her father, their old-thinking family will not raise this child well and it will be deprived of the mother's love".
Both the husband and wife were confused about the future of Tara, sitting on the bank of this canal for a long time and then only for the sake of this Tara's happiness they decided to stay together forever. The thread strengthened.
With this decision, while Tara was to receive the love of her parents, the joy of meeting each other again was evident in her parent's eyes.

At home, Mrs. Ahmed told her family "I want to go to my house with Mr Ahmed".
Thus, her family members tried their best to stop her because they knew that Mrs. Ahmed was not allowed to stay with her in-laws and said "You will have to face extreme problems".

Mrs. Ahmed, trusting in God, held Mr Ahmed's hand again and her family members expressed their displeasure and said, "You will be responsible for what will happen now. Don't cry".

Mrs. Ahmed had dared to face every problem for the sake of this girl and after God, Mr Ahmed was now her only support.
Tara had been in her grandparents' home since childhood, so when Mr Ahmed started taking her with him, she was crying profusely. People were asking "Are you stealing someone's child? So, Mrs. Ahmed would smile with moist eyes and say, This is my daughter! She used to live with her grandmother, that's why she is crying more".

Mr Ahmed's family members were not happy when he brought his wife and baby girl home, but there was nothing they could do.
Seeing Tara's innocence, he would try to love her, but Tara would think of her as a stranger and start to fear him and start crying.
Mr Ahmed didn't like this very much, so he would forcefully pick her up and she would cry. It would upset the whole house.

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