A Heart's Desire
By Tani Writes
Date: May 8, 2024
Ch. 10Meeting in a Marriage

Aiza's sister was Tara's friend and she forced Tara to come to her wedding Tara didn't like crowds so she didn't agree to attend the wedding.

Aiza, on every social media app, had been following Danesh because she was falling in love with Danesh while Danesh had subordinated her eyes to Tara and now he had no connection with the beauties of the world.

Aiza called Danesh's home to invite Maryam and her whole family to her sister's wedding. She wanted to introduce Danesh to her family.

On the other hand, on the insistence of her friend, Tara was also ready to go to the wedding. Maryam stubbornly insists to Danesh that she has to go to the wedding with him so that he can take leave and go home. But Danesh does not want to meet Aiza or her family.
On Maryam's constant insistence, Danesh goes home and agrees to go to the wedding.

On the night of Mehndi, Tara wore a green suit and wore light make-up and a hijab. She looked very attractive even in this simple dress. She left for Aiza's house with Mr Ahmed.

Danesh was reaching Aiza's house with his mother and Maryam wearing golden kurta shalwar. The cars stopped together from both sides. But, she got out of the car and watched her father parking the car.

That scene was being reflected in Danesh's eyes. He felt completely still embedded in her eyes.
Maryam and her mother had come out of the car, but Danesh was still sitting in the car looking at the fairy-like girl who was standing with her eyes lowered.

Maryam knocked on the car's door and asked Danesh, "Do you have to stay here or will you come home?"
Danesh was shocked and said, "No, I am coming".
Maryam recognized Tara and greeted her. At that time, Tara was shocked and on seeing Maryam immediately had to think about Danesh.
Tara went forward and greeted Danesh's mother, who was very happy to see the simple and innocent look of Tara, kissed Tara's forehead and the three of them walked towards home.

Aiza was very happy to see Maryam and her mother and started waiting for Danesh.

The bride was very happy to see Tara and thanked her by hugging her and saying "My simple friend looks like a piece of the moon".
Tara smiled and sat there with the bride on the stage and the stage was decorated with bright flowers and colorful lights.

Danesh entered the house with Mr. Ahmed and Aiza's eyes were waiting for Danesh for a long time. She jumped with joy when she saw Danesh.
Immediately leaving all the work, Aiza with a long frock and open blonde hair greeted Danesh and thanked him "You have come to our house", Danesh responded to Aiza's greeting with a usual smile and went and sat next to Mr Ahmed.

Danesh's eyes were wandering around in search of Tara, but Tara was nowhere to be seen. When everyone started going to the stage one by one to apply Mehendi, Danesh looked at the stage where Tara sat with the bride looking down.
After that, Danesh's eyes did not go anywhere else from the stage and he was feeling very comfortable with Tara's soft smile and talking in a soft tone.
She stood out because of her dress and manners.

Aiza was checking Danesh's movements, she saw that Danesh was constantly attracted to the stage, she immediately went to the stage, Tara got up from the sofa and hugged Aiza and inquired about the situation, checked his eyes, and suspected that Danesh was looking at Tara but she did not believe it and ignored it.

The function was about to end and food was being served to everyone. Tara was coming down the stage looking for her father when Maryam passed by and said "Tara said mama is calling you and eat food with us".

Tara lovingly threatened Maryam's head and smiled and said "Doll! I won't eat, my father is getting worried, now we should go home".

Seeing Tara worried, Danesh was coming towards Tara and Aiza was looking at Danesh. Her pulse quickened, her color was turning yellow and her hands were trembling, she was unable to control herself, when Danesh came in front of her and greeted her, she replied and wiped her eyes.
Aiza was very surprised to see the whole scene as they both stood together looking like a pair of moon and sun.

When Tara turned back, Danesh said, "Uncle Ahmed is eating in the other hall, He will tell you when he is finished. You can eat".
Tara nodded her head and sat on a chair in the far corner. She sat down and Danesh went to the hall feeling depressed.

Aiza picked up the plate of food and went to Tara, controlling her emotions, she offered food to Tara, but Tara refused and thanked her. Aiza sat there and asked Tara why she was upset tara replied "No, I'm fine, I just don't feel well".
Aiza was about to ask Tara about Danesh when Maryam said that Tara's father was calling her.
Tara woke up quickly, thanked Aiza, and apologized to the bride for leaving without meeting them.

Aiza stood for a long time watching Tara go with Danesh's family for laughter.
By the car, Mr Ahmed was engaged in Happy Guppies with Danesh. Tara sat quietly in the car and Mr Ahmed was also walking towards the car.
Danesh was looking wistfully at Tara.

Along the way, Mr Ahmed repeatedly mentioned Danesh and praised his sincerity while Tara nodded quietly in affirmation.

Danesh's mother went home and said the same thing "A simple girl like Tara I hadn't seen until now she also looked very beautiful in a simple dress".
In the heart of Danesh, the thought of meeting Tara again in the morning was evident from her face, and he was looking at the moon again and again, imagining Tara's face.

Tara was standing in front of the dressing, taking off her hijab, but she remembered the sudden appearance of Danesh over and over again, and she did not want to forget it, Danesh came out again and was embedded in her soul and heart, she thought that she would no longer go to marriage so that she could not meet Danesh.

In the morning, Danesh was ready to go to the dining table for breakfast, said Maryam to get ready for the wedding, he was eager to meet Tara.

Mrs. Ahmed entered Tara's room, picked her up, and said, "You're still sleeping?"
Tara changed the crotch and said, "No, Mom! I'm not going to go anywhere because I'm not feeling well".

Danesh was not thinking of Tara in the world of his thoughts, but he did not know that every dream he had connected with Tara was probably going to be incomplete.

Tara was looking out the window with a cup of tea and thinking about the events of the night.
She was desperate to find Danesh's fellowship and love but did not want to have anything to do with it except marriage. She could judge Danesh's immense love and her desire from his eyes.

Danesh very happily evolved and quickly pulled out of the car so that he could arrive at Marriage Hall before Tara and wait for her.

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