Sarah clenched her fist "but you promised,if I went ahead with your nasty plan,I stand a chance of having a word with the director.
"Yeah,I did but then it's not get time till the mission is complete."
"I just want to ask if there is anyway to abort these mission".
"There is none".
"I will find another way to communicate with the office rather than with you".
"Do what suits you,it doesn't change anything".
Sarah dropped the phone in frustration,she knew agent Ross was a difficult woman and knowing very well the consequences of abandoning her mission she needed to contact the head quarters to ask for an abortion of the mission only these way will she be free but then what she felt for Lycan was real.
The door opened as he stepped in dressed in an immaculate white suit,his cologne filled the room and his smile added colour to it.
"Am going to pull off a deal".
She nodded while staring at him,her eyes filled with tears and her face quiet worried.
"Is anything the matter?"he asked with a note of concern in his voice.
"Everything is fine".
"Is anybody bothering you?".
"No,am perfectly fine"she shook her head vehemently.
He shrugged, "if you say so,I have to leave now".
"Can I make a request?".
He sat beside her now "what is it?".
"Can I go home?,I really want to go"she finally broke down in tears.
He shook his head "no,that's impossible".
"You don't trust me?"she asked amidst sobs.
"Is not that I don't trust you,but it's not safe for you. You might get arrested or something.and you know I really care for you".
"But you can get me out if perhaps I get arrested right?".
He shook his head again "not necessarily by the police but by a rival gang like Alex".
"No problem,I will stay here quietly".
He kissed her forehead "hang in there a bit,if everything is okay I will definitely get you out".
Sarah looked at him enter the car and zoom off through the window,she hurried to her wardrobe and grab a jacket with a cap. She threw these over her body and quickly slipped her feet into her shoe hurrying out. She bumped into the doctor.
"Where are you going to miss?".
She chuckled nervously "just going out to get some fresh air,feels like am suffocating in here".
He eyed her suspiciously "just that?".
"Yeah"she shrugged "nothing else".
He nodded and she hurried pass "that's weird"he muttered.
Sarah stood outside staring at the fast moving vehicles,winter was quickly coming to an end yet she was stuck in here getting more and more entangled with these people and a mess.she could not control how her heart beat neither what it decides to do so she definitely could not stop her heart from loving Lycan.
There was an uproar in the house,she turned and stared but took her mind off it reminding herself that the men might be playing some sort of card or game,she had thought about sneaking out to the headquarters but had decided against it since she had been seen by the doc,the man seemed to her quiet suspicious these days but that was not her business.
She saw the guards running off with full ammunition, she could not contain her curiosity any longer has she hurried into the house. Everybody seemed to be in a haste as nobody even spared a thought to her. She grabbed one of the men.
"What is going on?".
"The boss is death,there was an explosion".
Her head seemed to be a bit light, everything seemed to be out of place as her legs could not carry her weight any longer.she leaned against the wall struggling to breath and at the same time digest the information,when she finally got herself she found herself running to the only place she could think of.
Chapter 24
Sarah grabbed her bag and threw most of the stuffs she found important into them, without thinking her hand grabbed her stuffs and shoved them into the bag.she found her gun beneath the bed,fed some bullet into it and cocked it then shoved it behind her pants. She slung the bag behind her and bounded out.
The whole base were bereft of people as everyone rushed out,Sarah jumped into one of the vehicles,slot in the key before she sighted the doctor.
"Stop,hey stop over there!!".
She quickly ignited the engine and zoomed off,she could hear distant yelling and gunshots but she did not stop as she continued driving at top speed.
"Agent Ross,you are now officially called back to duty.after considering you meritorious years of service to these agency the committee deemed it fit to restore back your office". He handed back her badge to her as she beamed with smiles and joy.
"Thank you so much sir,thank you i appreciate".she shook the hands outstretched to her.
Sarah pulled the car to a halt in front of the building,she opened the door and hurried out into the building and came upon the party who were now clapping intensely. Without thinking,she marched up to the group,held Ross by the shoulder and turned her round sharply before slapping her.
"Bitch!"she spat.
"Sarah"the director called looking from a face to the other totally surprised.
"We thought you were death,what happened?".
"Ask her".
"Oh shut up Sarah,you were on a mission"Ross yelled.
"But these mission was meant to be aborted"the director asked totally confused.
"That only happens if the agent is death".
"But we thought she had died and you were sent on suspension,how did she survive without further orders".
"Well,I have been communicating with her and receiving orders from her".
"That is absolutely unbelievable,well everybody calm down we are going to sort these out".
"Yeah,we should".
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