Sarah stared at the smart airport attendant,she smiled pleasantly at her "sorry ma,you missed your flight but I can book another one for you if you want?".
She sighed "no,don't worry about it I will just go and come back next time".
"There's no problem then and thank you for choosing us".
She turned sadly when her eyes caught the screen,it was a crash from an air plane.
"Was that not supposed to be my flight?,the one heading to Los Angeles?".
The attendant had a huge shocked expression on her face as it was totally drained of blood and looking so pale,her hand flew to her face as a surpressed "OMG"escaped her lips. Suddenly being concious of Sarah eyes on her,she strengthen her uniform and effortlessly brought back the pleasant smile "everything will be under control".
Sarah nodded and walked out of the airport,she roamed the city till dusk and moved over to a rented hotel which she had checked in during the day.
Lycan was surprised yet his hard face portrayed no visible emotion,he bit his lip "has she been confirmed death?".
"That's what we don't know but we are still checking on it".
"Find out if she was ever on that flight".
"Okay boss".
Lycan light his pipe while giving his back to the doctor who sat quietly smoking his cigeratte "you look sad,are you okay?".
"Am fine,just angry at the recent events unfolding itself. If she was ever on that flight then that's a big loss to us because she is like the best transporter we have had so far".
"We will find another one,we always do".
"Yeah doc and we definitely need to do so on time,ever since Maria's death,our supply chain has been cut off because Alex now has the book containing all addresses of supplies. We need to get to all our clients before he does else he might turn them against us the same way he did with members of the harem".
"Whenever a middle man goes berserk these always happens,we need to cut off Alex on time before more damages is done. Why don't you focus more on Alex and let me handle the supplies"?
Lycan narrowed his brow "is that a subtle way of turning me out of the business?, because I definitely remember when you made it clear that you don't want to have any hand in the business nor the deal".
He chuckled "don't be so worked up my boy,that was then and these is now,I allowed you to be the one in front and now I want to take my place."
"Is these a betrayal?"
"No,it's nothing like that.just take it that I want to start running my business in case you cannot make it out of these mess you created alive".
Lycan grabbed his coat pulling him up with the impact,his eyes blazing with fury "you won't dare to kick me out,I worked hard for these".
He laughed "you work for me remember that,and don't even have it in your head to go against me because it won't work".
"Son of a bitch,these people don't know you so they won't recognize you".
"Let me worry about that."
Lycan shoved him as he fell with a thud to be floor as he angrily made to storm out of the office.
He stood up dusting and strengthening his shirt, "just one thing, unfortunately your transporter is death by now because I actually sort it out from the start".
"Son of a bitch"he landed a punch across his face.
The door opened and Sarah stood there staring at the two men "boss?"she called.
Sarah could not believe her ears,what exactly did she just hear?. All these while,the dreaded underground mafia boss was also taking orders from no other person but his doctor, maybe now,a doctor in disguise. Her lips twitched in a pitiful manner while she blinked tears into her eyes, Lycan gently let go of the other man's collar and he subtly excuse himself.
"What happened?"an undisputed note of concern in his voice.
"I…."she began but she was cut short with a passionate kiss.
Sarah blinked her eyes consistently before slowly closing them,relaxing and allowing herself bask in the euphoric feeling of being kissed.
It seemed time stood still for a moment and she really did not know how long it was before her released her searching frantically over her body for bruise or injuries. His hard cold eyes had melted replaced with a warm one.
"I…i…am actually fine"she stammered.
"The flight did not make it".
"Yeah I know and gladly I did not get in.i was stopped by airport securities and had barely escaped".
He nodded as his face slowly returned to it's normal stature,his hard eyes on her "return the substance".
Her face was all confusion and surprise,how could he kiss her and yet act like it never happened,what exactly was wrong with him.for a moment there she almost allowed herself to believe that he loved her and now he was acting like she never existed.
"You don't have the substance?"his stern hard voice cut her short.
"Yeah,I do have it,just that".
"Give it to me"he ordered.
Sarah bit her lip,her head bent as she twirled the white packaged substance between her finger "just now you kissed me".
"Yeah,some sort of reflex".
"Maybe I should remind you these is the second time and we were intimate before".
"That does not count for anything,you are mine. I bought you so I own you".
The tears filled her eyes unwillingly "so that's what these was all about".
He chuckled "don't tell me you had some silly idea going on in your mind".
"If loving you is counted as being silly then there's no problem".
His eyes wide with surprise as he stared down at her absolutely speechless "that's…".
"Yeah,is out of the question and am willing to apologise; because my heart loves I will apologize, because I want you I will apologize,I will apologize for allowing my heart to beat for you,I will definitely apologize for overstepping my boundaries"she sniffed and blinked back the tears that were already running down her cheeks.
"These is all what you care for right?"her voice was laced with mockery while her eyes regarded him sarcastically "these is all that matters to you"she threw it at him as he caught it.
"Am sorry boss,I was wrong please forgive me".
She was out of the office with speed not looking back.
What have I done?,she thought wearily as she lay on her bed hugging her pillow closely to her chest. These was supposed to be a strategy yet why was her heart running fast,why did she feel every word she uttered.
The door creaked as it opened,she could make out the silhouetted figure dancing on the wall above her head.
"Sarah"his hard voice now had a warmth in it as his blue eyes danced over her body. She could feel the bed creak as it took his weight were he sat.
"I know I have been a complete jerk and a total bastard allowing my past to swallow my present and unwittingly hurting the people who genuinely cared. You know,after Maria death,I realized she was one among the thousands of people I had surrounded myself with who had an ounce of care for me. And after her death,I realized I had actually liked her, and I definitely miss her that was why my heart stopped beating when the thought of your death assailed me,that was why I kissed you when you showed up whole.am sorry I allowed my pride hurt us".
Sarah raised her face gently looking at the beautiful head and that manly jaw line,he turned on impulse and came face to face with her. "Am sorry"he muttered.
Agent Ross sat sipping her coffee as the winter wind wheezed pass her ear,she craddled the cup between her fingers basking in the warmth and comfort the warm liquid gave her. Her binoculars were beside her as she stared at cars speed pass her.
Her phone rang "hello,agent Ross on the line".
"Yeah,mission successful. Now can I speak with the director?"Sarah's familiar voice boomed from the other side.
"You are still nursing these childish hope of speaking with the director, remember you were meant to take orders from me. I am the one in charge of these case".
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