He dropped the pipe he held in his hand "we all know Alex as the middle man in our business"he paused surveying each of the hard faces staring at him critically "unfortunately,our middle man has gone berserk and we all know what is bound to happen when our middle man goes berserk". He allowed the word to sink in totally.
The man were not in a hurry to say anything, El Salvador chuckled "we heard what you did to Julian and unfortunately to Maria".
Lycans eyes widened in Surprise "I killed Julian not on personal issues but it was strictly on business terms".
"Then what happened to Maria".
"That is a question Alex should answer".
El Salvador laughed outright "you are one funny ambitious young boy Lycan,but no matter what you do remember you have to pay homage to the ones who groomed you". The others nodded in agreement. "And since you have done these and at the same time come up with these dirty scheme to turn us against each other,I have to other choice than to declare war on you".
The others nodded in agreement, Lycan stared at them through half closed eyes smiling menacingly "I can see what Alex has done but all the same we shall meet gentlemen. Remember,I will cut every business deal with whoever has made up his mind to come against me".
"Lycan!"El Salvador called trembling slightly "don't you dare do what you stand a high chance of regretting".
"Don't you dare El Salvador think of ever making it out alive when you come against me".
The chair flew to where he flunged it to as he stormed out of the room,he gritted his teeth in utter fury, clenching and unclenching his fist to maintain his shaking frame. Lycan stood watching the others exit the room right behind him.
"Things are getting out of hand"he thought as the men kept on leaving.
The door opened and the doctor with Sarah entered "we have made all preparations and should be on our way now"the doctor announced.
He looked Sarah all over "give me two sec"
She nodded and exited the room,he turned facing the window over looking the compound "I just had a discussion with the members"he began.
"Did you find out anything?".
He shook his head "I still don't know how Benjamin died but I know Alex killed Maria and has taken over her supply chain which is terrible for the business. Remember,she ran about 50percent of it"
The doctor strike a match over the stick of cigarette which danced between his lips "Alex has really gone berserk and we know what it all means when the middle man goes off track. He knows our major deals and transactions and can ruin us without batting an eye".
"That's why we need to do something,and I think we need to call the force for enforcement".
"That won't be necessary" the doctor crushed the cigarette into the trash can and looked at his time "we have to move now,the flight leaves in few minutes".
He opened the door and meet Sarah who held the substance in her hand, "I will just keep it with me when we get to the airport I will take it".
He smiled smugly"that sounds better".
The drive to the airport was rather too quiet,the doctor kept on smoking his cigeratte while Sarah busied herself with looking out of the window at the busy streets and people. Her mind worked over a couple of things,what was Ross planning to do?, definitely she would not offer her as a sacrifice. What if she did?, Agent Ross was one crazy woman who did whatever pleased her and the thought of these really scared her.
Lycan was just running illegal businesses and yeah she did agree he has killed a couple of people but then she does not think he had actually killed her son nor her father. Whatever it was she definitely will make her plan work,Lycan has to fall in love with her and willingly hand himself over to the police and these whole saga will get to an end. But it was easier said than done,she sighed sadly.
The doctor eyed her "any problem?"he asked with a worried note of concern in his voice.
She shook her head vehemently "absolutely nothing,am fine".
"You know Sarah,you have hang around with us long enough that am able to decipher your mood. Something is really bothering you".he light another cigeratte.
"You smoke heavily doc,won't you get affected?"
His laughter rang loud and clear as he threw his head back "that's ridiculous,I have been smoking since time immemorial so that should not be an issue".
She chuckled "you talk like my father".
"Oh really?,tell me about him".
"He is death"she looked out of the window blinking hard to keep the tears back "a long time ago".
"So sorry about that".
Sarah looked at him,he was a middle age man, should be in his early fifties or even late fifties. He was hard brown with fair head and a sharp commanding tone which he hardly used but rather suppress it. He looked confidential and extremely nice.
She cleared her throat "doc,do you enjoy these job?".
He nodded, "I do but then again I don't have much choice".he shrugged "one must do something to survive anyhow".
She chuckled "what if you were given a choice,will you leave?".
"Later in the year I would have done so,but unfortunately these people have become family and I don't abandon or betray family"he stared hard at her till she fidgeted,he chuckled "just saying".
She bit her lower lip "I thought as much".
The car came to a halt "here we are"he announced cheerfully.
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