Chapter 20
John raised his head and narrowed his eyes "I don't trust him,he is a cunny wicked bastard".
She clicked her tongue "neither do I trust him,but as it is now we have no other choice".
"Maybe we should just tell Lycan,he won't just kill us".
She raised her brow "I don't want to seem incompetent and vulnerable, everybody believes I still run my husband business but if they find out Lycan owns it now I will be vulnerable and that will not spell well for me".
"Well then as you wish,but I really have a sickening feeling in my stomach about that guy".
"He is my only option,the others might demand a percentage from every cut and believe me I won't be able to pay Lycan and still pay them".
John grimmaced "okay then,I will get the car ready".
The drive to Alex house was quiet uneventful, suddenly Maria realized how much mess she had created for herself by just a few months of neglect. She understood that no matter how much Lycan indulge her,he had a limit to his patience and when they boundary is crossed it definitely will not end well for her.
The smoke from her cigeratte whirled round the car while she smoke quietly,she had tried times without number to get Lycan between her legs;She loved his touch,his caress,and above all when he gave her head but above all she longed to have him between her legs and inside her body. If she succeed she might have a child for him and perhaps if it did not work out she will make sure it does,afterall how many men are taking care of kids who are not really theirs.
As her thought circled on numerous things she caught sight of John staring at her from the rear view mirror.
"Eyes on the road"she said sternly.
"Sorry"he muttered and quickly took his eyes away.
John,the ever loyal and faithful John whom she had found among the gabbage and had been so faithful to her,but then will be always be so faithful?. From the looks in his eyes she knew the answer,he loved her and would allow his emotions get the best of him. She loved the flaming desire in his eyes,the burning urge he tried to conceal but still presents itself in his voice and she loved it. Yes,she loved the fact that she could toture him yet he could not do anything about it,she loved the fact that she could make him hot and craving for her only to end up miserable in his bed groaning, envisioning her body on him and cumming desperately. Nonetheless she had to dispose him sooner or later,he knew too much knowing too much was not good for her.
"We are here"he announced.
"Stay in the car".
"Don't you think it's pertinent I come with you incase he tries something silly".his voice was worried and full with concern
"Stay in the car"she controlled the urge to scream and walked off as gracefully as she could.
Alex stood cleaning his most favourite antique,the molded image of the holy mother Mary. He cleaned it with so much care as though he was handling a new born baby when the guard opened the door.
"You have a visitor sir".
With a click of his finger he dismissed the guard "to what do I owe these honour"his voice was cheerful and the huge smile on his face made her relax a bit.
"I just thought of coming around since I had a few business to take care of around here".
"Have a seat"he gestured making his way to the bar which stood just over where the antique was placed.
Soft embers crackled from the hearth helping to keep the room warm on a cold winter morning.
"You came to see me or you just had some business around"he poured a red wine into the glass,it was an expensive one as it soft fragrance filled the room making Maria unconsciously inhale softly.
"I will just go straight to the point,I came to make you an offer"she was surprised at the boldness of her voice.
He chuckled as he walked over to the couch and sat down handing the glass of wine to her and holding the other one,he sipped gently from his glass while regarding her allowing his eyes to roam over her body conciously making her uncomfortable. These morning Maria had slipped into her satin sleeveless dress leaving her cleavage open,her blond hair layed in thick wavy curls across her shoulder,she had on a red lipstick and lip gloss to keep her lips moisturized,she put on a little powder on her cheeks which helped to add a sort of faint soft colour to her pale face. To keep off the cold,she had on a white fur jacket.
Alex could not resist beautiful girls and indeed these young widow was beautiful,he loved the discomfort in her blue eyes and the way to switched from being cold to warm at the same time. He smirked his lips and muttered seductively "why the rush?,we could talk gently over some glass of wine and reach a conclusion that will definitely favour both of us".
He watched as she bit her lower lip "well then".she mumbled a bit reluctantly.
He walked over to the bar and grabbed the bottle of wine,he allowed himself sink heavily onto the couch "so to what do I owe these visit".
Maria sipped from her glass to mask the desperation which was trying to make itself evident in her voice "well,due to some unforeseen circumstances,I have been a little down in business so I was hoping maybe you could lend me some money or probably some product to get myself back. I promise to refund as early as possible"she added quickly.
He nodded "you know what your request carries and times are hard as you can see but who am I to refuse to lend a helping hand to a beautiful widow as you"a sinister smile flashed across his face.
Maria raised her brow suspiciously "whatever indecent thought dancing in your head right now I don't care but it should interest you to know that I won't condescend so low as to have anything with you".
He laughed and leaned leisurely on the couch,his eyes half shut as he stared at her beneath his lashes "I won't force you neither will I beg you,walk through that door and risk the whole harem hearing about your predicament. You know very well what that entails. People who very well knows how to run the business will surely come for it and definitely take it out of your hands,the choice is yours."
Silence descended between them, Maria was definitely mad with fury as she watched him behave as though it was nothing. She couldn't possibly blame him,luck was always against her and maybe that was what women in these part of the world had to suffer. Her phone beeped,it was John.
"Are you okay or should I come in and get you"his message read.
"Is that your super hero?"Alec asked with a soft chuckle.
"None of your darn business!" She retorted bluntly trying to curb the rising anger.
"Cool down sweetheart,I never invited you here"he cooed.
Her long beautifully manicured finger worked frantically on the keypad "hang around of grab some drink but give me thirty more minutes"she pressed the send button allowing a heavy sigh to escape her lips.
Hot tears burned behind her lashes but she blinked back determinedly,she saw Johnson in him,his dominance,possessive nature and it repulsed her but she swallowed and mumbled instead "am ready".
"You took so long to decide honey,but anyways let's get down to business".his hands worked on his shirt button and the desire he tried to mask made itself evident through the large bulge down his trousers "you will love these honey and definitely come for more".
Maria could not make up her mind at first if she loved it or not,but after some time in as much as she hated to admit she had actually liked it and unconsciously looked forward to it. She loved Lycan but then Lycan would not go down on her,he had carefully avoided to fuck her and rather gave her head. In as much as she had liked it but nothing pleased her more than having Alex huge cock deep in her,his desperate groan and heavy moans thrilled her making her body excited and quiet responsive and they had climaxed together reaching orgasm. His seed flew through her body and she could feel it splutter inside,her legs shook badly but her body loved the feeling and longed for more.
She had succeeded in her quest and at the same time got something more in compensation,a fuck buddy.
"Move the car"she mumbled immediately she let herself in.
John gave her a weird look through the mirror,she choosed to ignore it and let her cigeratte.
Alex stared at her "you know what Maria,I keep my eyes on you and watch your every move and in no time I found out you lied to me".
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