Lycan stared blindly at the plate kept before him,it was already a week and get Sarah had blatantly refused to leave her room.on a normal,he wouldn't have condon such non chalant behavior yet he found himself succumbing to her many wishes very unlike him.
He picked the fork beside his plate and started moving it round the food uninterestedly. The maid stood watching her boss in Surprise,it was never heard of that Lycan could be in such a mood she couldn't help but admire the innocence on his face as the sun rays shone slantingly on the side bringing his scanty brown beards into view.
His phone rang and brought her out from her riverie "hello"he spoke into the phone.
"Hello dear,are you busy?".
"Yeah"he picked a slice of beacon with his fork and shoved it into his mouth "any problem?".
"No, nothing at all,I just needed your help"Maria bit her lip nervously.
"What is it Maria?".
"Alex has suddenly been on my neck…"she thought for some minutes "why don't we talk over dinner tonight if you are not so busy please".she added.
Lycan rolled his eyes,it was never in Maria to ask for help in such a polite manner,she was a strong woman and whatever it was that bothered her needed urgent attention. "No problem, Beakers restaurant by 10pm".
"Thank you".
He dropped the phone and continued with his past time,that dangerous nostalgic feeling still clung to his throat. He looked at the maid who now stood beside him.
"Tell John to get my car ready by 10pm and get Sarah something to eat wether she likes it or not".
"Yes sir"she curtsied slightly and hurried off.
He dropped the cutlery with a clang and shifted his chair backward to give more room to his leg.
Maria sat looking anxiously over her shoulder,her heart beat increased with each passing second and her nerves stretched to breaking point. What could be worst, Lycan was taking long to come and her fear was taking the best part of her. Her eyes moved frantically around the cool restaurant,she watched with increased anxiety and fear at anybody or couple making their way into the restaurant,her knuckles were totally drained of blood as she clasped them tightly only releasing them occasionally to drain the glass of wine her assistant filled consecutively.
Finally after what seemed like eternity,the door opened and Lycan walked in. He had his hand fitted into his pocket while his eyes darted round the restaurant and finally resting on her. Her eyes glistened with tears of relief by just seeing him. Without thinking,she flew into his arms hugging him tightly to her body as she finally sobbed.
The whole situation became awkward as Lycan just stood there totally lost not knowing what to do,she finally disengaged,wiped her tears and led him to the seat she had booked.
"Am sorry,I just had it rough".
He nodded still having his gaze fixed on her "what is the problem Maria".
She sniffed and blew into the handkerchief which her assistant handed over to her "am scared Lycan,they will kill me".
He scoffed "is it your dream or reality"?.
"That's the truth Lycan,that's why have called you here to help me,they will kill me".
"Who are they"?he frowned.
"I don't know"she sobbed again and continued "it all started a few days back when I lost about 50kg of the product" he raised his brow "...I would have let it go and counted as loss but it was way too much so I decided to investigate and know if my product was really lost. Then I found it,the transporter whom I thought was death was still alive somewhere. I brought him in for questioning and that was when it started. I get notes promising my death,I can't sleep,there's a shadow lurking around me".she blew into the handkerchief she still held.
He sighed "it must be your assumption and nothing serious, probably you are overthinking".
"Am not!,please believe me Lycan,am not overthinking anything".
He eyed her suspiciously "I will send more guards to you,that should be enough because I don't think anybody is planning to kill you,make sure to send the profits to me".
"Can't you stay with me Lycan? Only for a few days until these feeling blow over".
He shook his head vehemently "I have work to do,sort yourself out and I will do the best I can for you".
"You are a selfish being!!"she yelled making everybody's attention in the restaurant fixed on them. Lycan stood up without uttering another word and walked out of the restaurant.
She sighed sadly staring at the bright lights,she knew he was selfish but never thought it would apply to her too,she remembered he had come through for her once and had hoped it would happen again, probably it was just a mistake.
Thunder clap loudly outside making her shiver,the odour of antiseptic got to her even before she became concious of her surroundings. She heard the soft voices of two people discussing.
"She just needs adequate rest,she will be fine".
"What about the wound on her shoulder".
"It's been taken care of,but it will leave a large scar,I guess that was the aim of it afterall".
"Thanks so much doc".
"You are welcome".she heard the door open and shut quietly,the other man must have gone out.she could hear feet shuffling on the floor.
"Open your eyes".
He must have known she was no longer asleep,she blinked her eyes hesitantly and finally opened them. He sat a few feet away from her bed,he crossed his leg and Drew from his pipe while staring at her.
"You brought me here"her voice was small and quiet, obviously tired.
"Yeah,I did"he sent puff of smokes into the atmosphere "I found the body".
"What body?"she was surprised
He chuckled softly"you look and act so innocent,I should have known".
"I don't understand what you are talking about"her brain ran quickly over the past incident,she could remember the beating as his belt went down on her flesh mercilessly,she remembered how he choked her and she struggled with her last strength ebbing out of her to breath then inevitably she remembered how in her desperation she had picked the lampstand.
"No…,no..no"she yelled and held her head feeling so dizzy,tired and hysterical she went unconscious again.
Maria stared hard at the ceiling unable to believe she had actually killed Johnson,what would happen to her now was all left in the hands of her saviour. At first,she had lost all will to live,she had zeroed in on her fate but now she wished above all things to live,and she was surely going to live no matter what.
The door opened and Lycan walked in,she swallowed hard as his cold deep blue eyes ran over her fragile body laying on the bed. He took his favorite seat still staring at her,he light his pipe,took a deep breath and exhaled.
"Are you going to start talking?".
"I have a deal for you"she blurted out not thinking twice and ignoring the hard thumping in her chest.
He raised his brow in Surprise,then he relaxed on the chair,crossed his long legs "let's hear it"he muttered.
"Though Johnson was not really perfect but he did me a favour by giving me his name and at such I have access to everything that belongs to him"she swallowed as she stared hard at him "...if you let me live,I give you 30percent of everything from his assests to business".
His laughter rang loud and clear that it sent cold shivers down her spine,she could swear there was a trail of tears from his eyes due to his laughter. As though in agreement to these,he produced a white handkerchief from his breast pocket and gently dapped his eyes and lips.
"Do you know,I can kill you without a trace and still have everything that belongs to your husband?".
Her eyes widened in shock and disbelief,he smacked his lips in satisfaction seeing the effect. "Such a naive dumb girl"he muttered.
"Then…,let me…,let me work for you"she stuttered
He chuckled softly and Drew from his pipe again "that offer is not enough,what if you stab me at my back" he leaned over and added in a whisper "...the same way you did to your husband".
Maria gasped in shock,her eyes widened in fear "what do you want!!?"she yelled.
"Nothing, because you definitely have nothing to offer"he answered simply.
The nurses rushed in hearing her loud voice,they came to a halt staring confusedly at the duo. Lycan stood up and gently walked out leaving her scared and gasping for breath as the nurses injected her more anesthesia.
Maria blew into the handkerchief staring blindly at the lights then her eyes caught the figure standing outside the restaurant dressed in a black cloak. She gasped turning round sharply,every other couple in the restaurant were oblivious of the strange person outside.
"Leo,who is that?"she asked her assistant
"Where ma'm?"he answered trying to catch a glimpse of what she was staring at but the person had disappeared into the blue.
"Somebody was just there,am sure of it"she stared in horrified shock.
"You must be tired Ma'm,let's go home".
Her eyes darted around apprehensively "am sure I really saw somebody".
"Ma'm you must be tired,let me take you home"he grabbed her arm and led her away while she follows obediently.
Maria was damn sure she had actually seen a masculine figure stalking her or maybe she was definitely hallucinating,whatever it was she felt these crazy fear clinging to her stomach and forming a tight knot down there.
Lycan stood outside Sarah door contemplating,he turned to walk away when the door suddenly opened at his face. She looked surprised as she stared blankly at him.
"Mr Lycan,do you need me?".
He flushed looking a bit embarrassed "not really,I heard you have not exited your room for quiet some time now".
She nodded "I just needed some space and since am not up for delivery these few days,I thought I could just snatch a few days for myself".
He sighed sadly "about us…,the other time…".
"...let's not talk about it,it definitely will not sit well between us".she smiled rather understandingly.
"Okay,but do well to make yourself available outside your room,I will feel really guilty to know it's actually my fault that you are stuck in here".
She laughed a short laughter "not at all,and thanks alot for being concerned".
He nodded and moved away hesitantly,was he being genuinely concerned? Or perhaps he was just worrying about the well being of his favorite transporter,the same way a car owner would be about his faulty vehicle. His lips was suddenly dry as he slammed his study door shut.
A loud uproar made him jerk up in Surprise,he had suddenly fell asleep sitting on his study chair with his legs crossed across the table. The door flung open as an horrified maid stood before him trembling from her head to foot in frightfu shock.
"What is the matter!?"he sounded quiet upset
"We…,we found …Ben"the rather shaken maid stuttered.
"What!!!?"he yelled as he sprang up on his feet.
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