Sarah walked on her feet for the first time in months as she was literally dragged to her boss car,they threw her into the back seat. He cast a quick side glass at her before the car engine spurred and got into motion.
"You came for me"she whispered.
"You are mine,you belong to me".
She chuckled "as a property right?"
"What more?"he looked at her from the rear view window.
She sighed gently and lowered herself on the seat "I had a dream,I will tell you if you want to listen".
"Keep your dream to yourself"he sounded angry,his hand slipped into his pocket and came out with a stick of cigarette with one hand on the steering wheel he proceeded to light the cigarette.
"You won't close my mouth,"she laughed "even if you wanted to".
Heavy silence loomed between them,these made the car so tensed that this effect could be weighed. They passed tall buildings and busy casino's street lights casted Ray's over their car as they passed,she sighed again being the only sound that pierced the silence between them "I saw you in my dream"she began drowsily "not as a rich business tycoon but as a happy boy"she chuckled.
He looked at her again seeming quiet amused his lips moved in a bid to say a word but it seems he changed his mind as he shut it in a tramp only opening it to draw from the cigarette which was gently ebbing away.
"I saw you dancing in the meadows without a care in the world,you gave me a bouquet of flowers"she laughed and coughed badly.
"Only if you will shut your tramp till you see a doctor,you must be hallucinating"he said in-between his teeth.
"I want to keep quiet but I can't,I really want to tell you about my dream".
The car came to an abrupt stop,he gritted his teeth angrily "another word from you and I won't think twice before throwing you over that bridge".he threw out the cigarette and turned on the ignition bringing the engine back to life.
The journey continued but then Sarah was totally quiet,his brow creased in a worried frown as he continued to cast numerous worried glances at the rear view mirror. He cleared his throat "are you death?".
"Thank you but am not,atleast not anytime soon"she answered sarcastically.
An embarrassed frown creased his brow again "you can keep on talking all you want,atleast to keep track with time".
"Are you willing to listen to my dream?"she sounded a bit excited.
"Talk all you want"he replied disinterestedly.
Her voice was now coated with disappointment "how often do I forget things easily,I have forgotten about what I saw but if you don't mind,I will tell you something else".
He put his tongue in his cheek "as you wish".
She laughed "you sulk badly like a naughty boy that I wish to smack your butt".
He glared but she could not see as she layed in the car so she continued blabbing on " so I saw a boy dancing in the shadows without a care in the world with his beloved in his arms but then she slipped away.the boy thought some ill had befallen her but then she had gone away to be with another boy leaving him alone in the shadows…"her voice trailed off as a soft snore filled the back seat.
His cold eyes glistened and his hand on the steering wheel shook a little,he bit his lips keeping his eyes fixed on the road yet he was oblivious of the whole scenario around him. The world closed in slowly on him and his mind unwillingly went down memory lane.
"...what are you saying Chelsea,we love each other and that should be enough"
"Love is not enough and it can never be enough,you are a loser,once a loser always a loser"her hands were folded across her breast as she stared at him disgustingly.
"But you promised to love me regardless".
"That was before I met Brian,and I did love you regardless but now things have changed".
His eyes glistened and he fought hard blinking back those tears that threatened to tear through,his hand flew to his head and he groaned in inner turmoil "what did I do wrong Chels".
She chuckled"you did everything wrong Lycan"her hand flew to her hand frustratingly "how can I make you understand that I cannot continue to go out with a loser,not just a loser but a terrible one at that, listen"her eyes regarded him with disdain "...you have this disgusting scars all over your body,you are too quiet and not breath takingly handsome and above all you are poor".
"Stop!!!"he yelled
"I can continue counting if you wish"she rolled her eyes "but you see Brian?he is too perfect"her eyes were shut in a dreaming state "his perfect lips,his beautiful large hazel eyes,his smooth skin and above all his magnificent way of taking care of me"her eyes flew open in rage "which you can never afford!!!".
The door creaked open and the duo turned to look at the intruder,a tall lively average height boy bounced into the room.his broad shoulders stood square in his immaculate white shirt and his hand stuck into his trouser pocket.his very dark hair lay low on his nicely shaped head,his jaw line was strong and when he laughed his voice was clear and loud.
Chelsea face broke into a pleasant smile as she moved briskly into his arms,the boys eyes met with the latter who winced in visible anger and looked away "what are you doing here"he asked searching her face as he cupped it in his palms "and…him".
"Don't worry Brian,I have finished the mess,let's go".
"You can't do this to me"he was in despair yet not desperate.
"But am doing it"she retorted glaring at him.
Brian scoff in satisfaction obviously enjoying himself,she grabbed her backpack on the desk where she now stood with Brian but Lycan was quick enough to hold her wrist.
"Hey buddy,you better let go"Brian was now holding her hand between the bag.the trio were in a fix as the two guys glared angrily at each other while Chelsea stared in confusion "let go!!"she yelled finally, wrinkling her wrist in a futile attempt to free herself from his clutch "let go of me these instant,you are hurting me!!"her voice was now breaking as she continued in her attempt but he had tightened his grip while molding a fist with the other hand "I will call the cops and charge you with rape Lycan,let me go!!!".
He released her and she finally succeeded to yank her hand off from his grip,he landed a punch on Brian's face while she resounded it with a slap "stay away from me loser and get it into your thick brain that whatever happened between us has end,let's go Brian"she grabbed his hand and stormed off in anger.
Lycan stared amused at the retreating duo,his hand massaged the area were the slap stinked. His feet felt heavy as he dragged them to where his back pack layed,he picked it and slung it over his shoulder dragging himself home.
"...get your drunk ass home"an angry driver yelled at Lycan as he drew the car to a halt breathing heavily,he had totally forgotten he was driving and allowed his mind to trail off. His eyes darted around and he turned instinctively to the backseat,Sarah lay deep in her slumber,not death neither breathing normally. He ingnited the car again and zoomed off.
"Get her to the doctor"he commanded immediately he stepped out of the car,he stood staring absentmindedly at Ben pulling out her weak body from the passengers seat of the car.
"Her pulse is getting weak".
"Get the doctor"he was getting angry
Without further questioning, Ben took the body to a neatly arranged room and dropped her gently on the bed,Lycan had followed behind them still retaining that Faraway look in his cold eyes,the doctor sat beside her taking her temperature and her pulse.
"She needs adequate rest and time to heal,her temperature is dangerously high so I will prescribe some drugs".
"She will be fine right?".
His voice had taken them unawares "did you say something Mr Lycan?".
"Nothing,take care of her"he walked out without casting a glance back.
He threw his jacket on the bed as he walked to the bar and poured himself a glass of whiskey,his phone beeped and he glanced wearily at it "remember our deal"the text message read. He sighed and gulped down the liquor.
He walked over to the window which overlooked the streets and he stared absentmindedly allowing his mind to wander again.
He ran all the way home only stopping abruptly at a back street shop to grab a stick of cigarette and a full bottle of whiskey,he got to the back yard and sat on the steep steps drinking the liquor directly from the bottle and drawing occasionally from his cigarette.
The loud creaking of the front door announced the entrance of a person but he was too busy to look back,he could feel the presence behind him and the soft steps which had stopped right behind him. On impulse,he turned to the astonished look on the face of his step dad.
"Pa?"he called just staring blankly at the man who had aged with time and stood trembling from the effect of too much alcohol consumption that he could barely stand on his feet,he shook from head to toe with a bottle of liquor in his hand.
He made his way and sat next to the boy he had abused all his life "you are here"he said while his quivering lips found their way to the bottle in his hand as he gulped down the contents.
Lycan regarded him with utmost disgust "I will be moving out"he announced.
"Yeah,it's high time you do that,am tired of housing and feeding you and your…"his voice trailed off in a fitful cough.
Lycan nodded and gulped from his own bottle"good riddance I bet".
He nodded "remember son,women is the worst thing that can ever happen to a man".
His heart bled as his mind brought back the event with Chelsea,he bit his lips "atleast,you are right about one thing ever in your life"he spat between his teeth.
The old man cackled"I have always been right but you never care to listen".
He stood up and kicked the bottle of liquor, smashing it on the ground and spilling the content "I will never be like you".
The old man laughed again "but you are me,I made you exactly the way I want,you can't run away from your shadow".
Lycan walked away banging the door behind him but the old man's laughter rang loud and clear in his head and seemed to be stuck there.
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