Chapter one
There was a beep,then a click.footsteps were heard he sighed deeply, dropped the cigarette in the ash tray then he crossed his long slim legs.
"Helloooo"a cheerful male voice boomed from the other end.
"What is it Alex?"he picked another cigerrate and held it between his lips,a man light a match stick on it.
"How are you doing buddy".
He drew a deep breath and exhaled sending smokes with it "you know I don't have patience".
The man chuckled heartily "calm down bro,I just have news for you".
"What is it?".
"It might interest you to know that there is a good up for sale in the black market tonight,an exquisite auction",he was getting quiet excited and dramatic now "...a precious jewel,and explicit assest.."
"...cut the crab Alex,I will be there tonight just make sure whatever is up for sale is worth my time".
He gave a short laugh "I wouldn't dare mess with you boss".there was a click and the line went death.
He dropped the phone on the table,a man was on all fours before him shivering intensely.the room was darkly lit with few furnitures,few men hanged around all dressed in dark suits and with the interior,it gave off this scary Aura and silhouetted zombie figures.
"Am sorry…please…please do forgive me"the man pleaded.he was still on his pyjamas which could of course mean that he was already in bed and was probably forced out of it.whatever his offense was could have probably been great as thick sweats trickled down his brow soaking through his pyjamas and the intensive horrific expression on his face added to how gratifying his offense was.
"Nobody ever steals from me and goes Scot free,I warned you"he dropped the cigarette in the ash tray and brought out a clean handkerchief from his breast coat and wiped his hands on it.
"Am sorry boss,it was a mistake,...I swear"the man was now in panic,he crawled to his feet and clung on his magnificent shoe.
He sighed and stood up,he straightened his shirt and with a swift movement of his leg he kicked the man on his head so hard that he fell on his back yelping loudly like a dog and groaning.
"Take him away and keep him in the dungeon till I find a perfect punishment for him,lock up this place, we definjtely need another ware house sell the properties and give it out to charity." He walked off with his men right behind him.
They were beside the car now "boss,a call came in from the precinct,I think one of our man has been caught".
He opened the car door and got inside without saying a word, "you clean up whatever mess it is,I have a meeting now".
"What about the auction boss?"his driver asked
"Make arrangements for that later".
The engine warmed and the car spurred into life and gently got into motion and zoomed off.two others followed consecutively leaving a couple of men on ground.
"Get to work guys,I will call an attorney to get Jeff and Geoffrey out"the leader yelled and they got moving.
It was an underground auction room,a gathering of elites.going down a dimly lit flight of stairs brought one before a magnificent door,this door could only be opened with the members card.so a non member had no entry.
The auction room was a large hall with chairs neatly arranged,it had exquisite paintings hanging on the wall.waiters smartly dressed were present to serve the dignatries.a platform was raised this is were goods, paintings and explicit jewels were displayed for auction.on ordinary days,this gathering also hosted ordinary business men but today was no ordinary gathering and so it had extremely brutal business owners in attendance.this men appeared so innocent and transparent,but underground,they ran a chain block of businesses that is directly termed 'illegal'by the law.this men had a chain of connection that with just a flick of their finger could make or mar a person's life.
Here among this caliber of gentlemen,power was measured by how big ones connection was,wealth was measured by how deadly and brutal one could be to remain in business,among this men humanity had lost its meaning and definition.this was a gathering of the underworld business men.
Alex climbed over the podium all smiles,he surveyed the faces before him.he could see El Salvador,the beast.he had this long mark that ran diagonally from his left forehead to his right chin.he looked deadly and scary with his dark glasses on but he was more scary when he smiled as he portrayed a dirty set of missing tooth leaving a dark gap like a passage to hell,well it was hell to those who actually stepped on his tail.
Alex shivered slightly and shifted his gaze and coincidentally he met with Julian the savage,he smiled sweetly at him and blew a kiss for him.
"Gosh"Alex muttered shifting on one foot.
Julian was outright disgusting to Alex,this was a man who would gladly,with a smile on his face cut you into beautiful bits and gladly feed on you.he was one of the deadliest with a wide range of connection that he was never caught no matter his offence.
Alex cleared his throat gently and forced a smile "so gentle men,we have this amazing assest up for auction and I bet you will love it".
There was no response from the men as they sat stoic sipping gently from their glass,this got him so nervous that the trembled slightly.he organized this gathering and not being able to satisfy this men spelt trouble for him.
"So,I present to you one of nature's amazing gift"a spread his arm in a grand style with a slight bow.
The clinging sounds of chains could be heard afar off,the muffled screams of a person filled the quiet hall.there were sounds of shuffling feet and endless struggle.finally,the person was seen.
She was bounded in chains and her mouth was covered with a little house and padlocked behind her head,she was outright dirty and what was supposed to be a gown was turn into shreds exposing a good portion of her arm,laps and cleavages.
Her beautiful eyes darted pleadingly from one face to the other,her skin was covered in bruises and her finger still bled.her blond hair was dirty to the point that it lost its original colour.she was forced to the podium and she stood quietly still allowing her eyes to beg around hoping for help.
The men chuckled and they now looked interested, though they had been to auctions similar to this but never in their life time had they witnessed something like this.a woman bounded in chains was supposed to be a pathetic sight to behold,but it was not.instead,it brought this unquenchable desire in the men to own her and tame her.this was no ordinary lioness.
"Interesting"Julian muttered as he drew in air and smirked those tiny lips of his.
"A rare sight,this should be made into some sort of painting.those fire in her eyes makes me want to quench them" El Salvador whispered and Drew from his pipe sending thick smoke into the air.
Seeing how pleased they were,Alex grinned from ear to ear extremely glad that he would make some profits from the sale of this little angel.he had thought to keep her for himself but he had a bad feeling and could tell she had some hard luck following her and hard luck was something he would not risk in his line of business.so sad he would have to let her go.
"...okay,we will start the bidding at a thousand dollars".he announced with so much excitement "let the fun begin"he mused.
"Fifty thousand"Julian raised his board.
"Fifty thousand,who else..,who else"Alex announced.
"Hundred thousand"El Salvador raised his board and winked mischievously at Julian
"A hundred thousand gentlemen,who else" Alex was getting quiet excited.
"Five hundred thousand"Mrs Johnson raised her board.this was another dangerous person,it is not often that women should be seen in this kind of business,but when this happens it meant she was extremely brutal and that was exactly who Mrs Johnson was.
"...five hundred thousand,that's quite alot for my little bunny who else has something higher".
She looked at the people who were offering money to get her,what could be worst than a person being put up for sale like a sheep in a trade fair.hot tears burned her lid and for a moment she envisioned the things she would do to this people to get her revenge the very thought of it gave her immense pleasure that she found herself smiling pleasantly.
"...and so,since there's no other higher bidder we now declare…"
"...one million".
Eyes darted around in all directions trying to locate the owner of the voice,it had so much insolence and arrogance richly coated.Alex held unto the mic in uttmost surprise,who would think that this little bunny will bring him so much happiness at the last minute.
She found him,he sat farther away from the crowd.his face was hidden by the dark corner where he sat but she could make out his physique.spending days in dimly lit dungeons had trained her eyes to get used to darkness and she could very well see as much as a cat could.
The hands that held unto that board were definitely strong hands hidden behind the suit fabric,his long slim bony fingers wrapped round the handle were really beautiful she hated to admit.
"...a million dollars,.. anybody else who have something higher?".Alex was saying.
Who would dare stand up against him?he had more than they could ever imagine,wide range of connection that everybody wondered were it started and we're it would ever end.it was no longer uncommon that he owned alot of assets he needs to just say a word and most of this people would fall out of business or end up behind bars.this was the rough life of Lycan jr.
Lycan had lived like every other child with dreams,but tragedy struck and took everything away from him.at the age of five he lost his father,this wouldn't have been quite a big deal but then his mother decided to remarry which was the beginning of Lycans nightmare.
His stepfather turned out to be a total waste and a terrible drunk,he took pleasure in victimising and abusing the poor boy and his mother.he would drink himself to stupor only to get back home and batter his wife and step son.he believed it was the way to keep his family under control and in constant fear of him.each nights,Lycans screams could be heard afar off with his endless pleas begging for mercy.all this fell on deaf ears as the abuser was busy delving in immense pleasure.
This continued for the eighteen years that Lycan lived with his stepfather,he became used to the constant abuse and no longer resisted.his skin had become used to it and so was his heart.he hardly knew any other feelings except to demonstrate anger not until he met and fell in love with Jess.
This affair kicked off at the early days of his stay in college,it started on a low level and gently matured just like flowers would spring forth during summer.finally,Lycan had known and experienced what it felt like to be loved and cared for by someone.it was a feeling mixed with so much surprise and passion and for this,he was willing to overcome the terrible scars the abuse had left in his heart.
Just when he thought everything was okay, his world came crashing at his feet. Jess would be getting married to a rich boy from an influential family,this was too much to bear and Lycan subconsciously fell into drinking threading the paths of his step dad and with that he agreed with him that women were supposed to be put under control and immensely dominated.
Typical of an abused victim,Lycan grew up to be the one inflicting the pain on others rather than taking the pains himself and he derived intense joy.after his failed college affair,he had locked away every other feeling and had just decided to live.he hardly smiled and when he actually does,is when he is busy with his victim.this was a smile of satisfaction as the sound of his victims voice resounded in his head.
He grew up a dangerous, brutal and unfeeling mafia Lord and an underground business owner.everybody trembled before him and he enjoyed the power he wielded.
Though he was well pleased at how she was being handled,but he detested the way those eyes actually burned with visible anger,he hated the way she smiled when she was supposed to be on all fours begging to be free and he actually winced like a man poked with a needle when he saw how she stared back defiantly at their faces.this had sparked a massive desire in him to own her and tame her or he might just be tempted to pull of those pair of eyes and feed it to the fowls of the air.
"...since there is no other bidder,ladies and gentlemen she now belongs to Mr Lycan jr Alex announced and a round of applause rented the air.
She was again dragged of and she struggled desperately "be careful guys,she might bite you"Alex called out after her.
The disdainful laughter of the men behind her back actually drove her crazy and she was even more mad; kicking, yelling and struggling.she was brought before her new owner and she stared hard trying to make out his features from the little light in the car but she could not.
"Unlock her and get her ready for me"he said.
"Son of a bitch"she cursed but her voice was muffled by the lock still on her mouth.
As a form of protest,she kicked so hard and struggled refusing to be bundled into the car.he sighed angrily "I still have work to be done,if she refuse to cooperate you can throw her into the dungeon till I decide what to do with her.
She was shoved roughly and she fell with a loud thud on the floor with her chains right behind her clinging noisily.she used her hand to groop around the tiny cell and finally sat down leaning her back on the wall awaiting the Masters call in the morning.
"Sarah,we understand that this might actually be hard for you,but we need to do everything within our power to get this people.they are too powerful and too clean".
She swallowed hard and surveyed the faces looking at her with those pleading eyes,how can they possibly know how it feels like when they were not her.one of this people killed her father yet this government could not do anything about it,how could she forget,when she was obviously not having dementia.tears clouded her vision but she blinked hard to hold them in,this was her fate.
She swallowed the heavy lump that had found its way to her throat "why do you actually choose me for this mission".
The other lady whom she had not met before sighed "according to reports,you have a clean record and the only female in this district who has been recommended by quiet a lot of people and with your hatred for this set of people we know this mission will be a success".
She chuckled and sucked in air "I can't believe you are using my feelings against me"she looked pained.
The lady shrugged"we are just offering you a chance to vent your anger at the same time fulfill your duties.take this as a chance to revenge your father,who knows,you might get lucky and even meet with the culprit".
She nodded her head,her commander came round the table and patted her shoulder gently"you can refuse if you want,your safety is not guaranteed in this operation,if you are found out to be an undercover,they won't spare you"he looked worried.
She sniffed"when do I leave"the happiness on their faces was evident but her commander sighed disappointedly.
"Tomorrow,we will arrange everything and present you with the plan scheme"the lady said.
"Sarah"her commander called.she looked at him with a smile as those stubborn tears gathered again in her eyes "...don't let emotions blind you and the quest for revenge consume you"he said
She nodded and salut him before walking away.
Bright lights penetrated deep into her eyes,with her arm she shielded her eyes from this lights as she blinked consistently to get them used to it.a tall figure filled the door of the dungeon,with long strides he was beside her as he grabbed her roughly in her hair and dragged her out of the dungeon.
She was pushed and shoved and finally landed at the feet of a man,still bounded in chains.
He picked the serviette on the table and mopped his lips gently before looking at her, Sarah shivered,she had not seen such cold eyes before.they seem to be shooting daggers deep into her soul such unfeeling eyes.
"Hand her over to Julia,she knows what to do with her"he said without casting a second glance at her again.
She was again dragged and dumped in another chamber at the feet of an older lady,not really old in a sense but probably in her early forties and judging from how her uniform was different from other ladies around,she assumed she was the head maid which of course turned out to be true.
"Let's get you out of those chains"she mumbled and proceeded to unlock the chains.
"How did you get the keys".she asked as the mouth prison was taken off her.
"Your old master brought it this morning".
She nodded as she allowed her eyes to scan the room,it was a plain room with grey draperies and no furnitures.
"What's this place used for"she inquired out of curiosity
The headmaid stopped and gave her a very stern look "I would advice you keep your nose out of other people's business".
She quickly lowered her gaze "my apologies"she mumbled
"Better, follow Lucy,she will show you to the bath,you need it urgently"she wrinkled her nose and stormed away with her head high.
Sarah could hear the screams coming from the adjoining room, though she was terribly tempted to go and have a look but she decided to maintain her cool and pretend not to have heard anything.her mind was temporary diverted to the dress she was squeezed into to be presented as a doll to the master.after getting used to being in her pants and jacket putting on ladies dress felt so strange and her skin itched badly.
The screams were louder and more urgent now and she could hear muffled voices of people talking,her ears pricked in curiosity and this time she could hardly restrain herself any longer.
She tiptoed to the room were the voice was coming from,then her mind registered something,she had just noticed that all the draperies in this house had gray colours giving a very dull and sad interior which could of course kill any bright spirit a person might have.
By now she was beside the door,the screams were stronger and from the little crack in the door,she could make out silhouetted figures,it was pretty obvious they were giving punishment to the man who was tied to the chair. Sarah sat on her heels peeping from the little crack in the door.
"Hellllooooo"a voice said behind her.
She jumped in surprised shock only to meet the disdainful angry face of the headmaid.
"Follow me"she ordered with her arms on her hips.
She opened another door and pushed her inside "so can you tell me what you were doing there?".
Sarah chuckled nervously"I know it's quiet dishonourable to eaves drop but the commotion was just too much".
"And you decided to satisfy your curiosity"she eyed her suspiciously.
"No ma'am".
The headmaid nodded still eyeing her "you might have to learn to curtail that curiosity,it's definitely not needed here".
The door flung open and a guard came through the door "Maria,send her up".
"Sure Lucas".the door banged shut, "let's go up".
Sarah sat before the man who had turned her happy life to this gloom, maybe not him literally but it was him in a sense,whatever,but he looked too cute to be the devil he was.spiky dark hair,perfect chiseled jaw, wonderful lips with thick eye brows except for,well,those cold unfeeling eyes that shoots dagger into it's victims very soul.
"You will start your first duty tomorrow".he announced his voice bouncing her back to reality.
"Uhhmm.."she coughed "what could it be?"
He stood up and grabbed his jacket "you will know by tomorrow,just get ready".
"We have lost four kilograms"the doctor announced as he washed his hand in the sink "she was too late and it erupted".he sighed.
Lycan nodded "...and with it we have lose yet another transporter,this is getting really bad".the doctor continued "and our clients are waiting,we have not made any deliveries in a couple of weeks now".
"We have another transporter"Lycan announced looking at Sarah,a strong arm pushed her and she stumbled forward.
The doctor surveyed her with a mixture of pity and disdain in his eyes "a little bunny,I must admit".
"She starts now"he ordered,the doctor nodded and proceeded to work.
She was now apprehensive "what the,what is happening".
"Stop struggling my cup cake,it will be easy and less painful"the doctor said with a dangerous smirk dancing at the corners of his lips.by now multiple hands had gripped her and forced her to the table,she struggled with all her strength.her screams filled the hallway until a large palm covered her mouth forcing something down her throat with it.she gagged, coughed and struggled.she could see the doctor dimly drawing something with the syringe a desperate "No"hanged in her throat but she had no chance to voice it out when she felt the sharp Pierce of the syringe.
Struggle between two world's,to stay awake or drift into the Dreamland,Sarah could make out soft whispered voices around her,maybe it was in her head or probably her imagination.she struggled to breath but yet she was still choking and gasping for hair,hot tears rolled down a corner of her eyes.she could dimly make out a dark figure moving towards her and in one desperate attempt she muttered a strangled "help me".and slowly passed out.
She opened her eyes to the same room,men moved around briskly putting things into place.she turned her head only to meet the cold glares of the boss drawing gently on his pipe.he looked at his wrist watch "you have only 30mins to get that thing out of your system".
She was totally confused "what…,what did you put into me".
Lycan walked towards her "young lady,you have a about 4kg worth of cocaine in your body and you have about 30mins to get it on the next flight,your work is to just get that substance into the plane and that's all, another person will take it from there".
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