August 2020.... Chicago....
Another day had gone by, uneventful as the rest. This is the hard part of being me. Growing up the way I did really made me suited for my kind of job, it probably made me an expert at it. But it also made me the kind of person I am now. -A secluded, private, awkward introvert because, besides the job, I have nothing else to do in my life. No friends, no family, no acquaintances.
Today is a Friday, the day went as it always goes..... Breakfast, beer and TV. But I thought I'd mix it up tonight by going to a club or a bar, so I got dressed at about 9pm, put on a hoodie and went out to the nearest club as suggested by my phone. It was quite a walk getting there so that I almost went back a few times.
I got there and, unlike what I see in movies, there wasn't a line at the door, so I assumed it must be my luck, so I went in and I saw why. The speakers seemed to be screeching a high pitched noise and the song choices of the DJ didn't seem to be helping matters. Not wanting to walk around any further, I decided to at least have a drink before I went back home, so I sat at the bar and ordered a bottle of scotch. After sitting for what seemed like eternity and watching the club start to come to life and get packed, that didn't seem to make me want to stay, I just wanted to go back to the solitude of my apartment, so after drinking halfway through the bottle, I decided to call it a night.
The way back home seemed to be longer as I gently strutted feeling slightly tipsy.. After a few minutes of walking, I saw a religious group having a sermon in an intersection in front and, not wanting to have to walk through their midst, I decided to take an alley in front to cut through to the next street. After walking for a while in an alleyway that didn't seem to want to end, I bumped into a group of guys trying to harass a woman. I saw them and then kept on walking.. It's not my concern ....I think.
"Hold it right there...." One of the men commanded.
I stopped and looked at them, not showing any fear, as they were a bunch of amateurs compared to what I'd had to deal with. I looked at the woman they were harassing and I recognised her as the waitress from the diner opposite my building.
"Who are you and what are you doing on our turf?" He asked.
I looked at the man and he was not much of a threat. Although tall, his arms looked like he hadn't lifted a set of weights in his life and he looked like he was one doughnut away from being fat dressed in a flannel shirt. Unlike his three other accomplices, who seem much more athletically built.
"I asked you a question" he restated.
"I don't want any trouble, I'm just passing through and as regards to what you were doing, I didn't see anything." I said and proceeded to walk away, but the flannel shirt guy stepped in front of me.
"I bet you didn't... What do you think is happening here?" He asked.
"Either she owes you money or you were robbing her, neither of which concerns me. I'm just trying to get home. Now get out of my way." I replied, getting agitated.
"See, we weren't going to do any of that.. We just wanted to have a little fun... I've been watching her work for a while and I just had to get a piece of her and it seems like the boys here had the same idea."
"I really don't need to know that... Why would you tell me that?" I asked furiously.
"Isn't it obvious? You saw quite a bit and I'm afraid we can't just let you leave.." He said, reaching for a knife inside his shirt.
I watched him as he reached into his shirt and took out the knife and tried to make a jab at me.... Silly fool, that's leaving yourself exposed.
I lean to the side to avoid his jab and, with a quick reaction, give him a punch on the face that sends him sprawling to the ground and, with one quick stomp, I sever his spine at the back of his neck.
I look at the guys with him and I see fear in their eyes as they get ready to come at me. I noticed one of them reaching for the gun in his belt and I knew I'd have to take him out first. So I dash towards him and hold his hand to his gun, then I punch him in the throat with my other hand and he instinctively lets go of the gun to hold his throat and falls to his knees. I had already pulled out the gun and with that, I shot him in the head and his brain matter splattered everywhere. I look at the remaining two guys as they try to escape.... Too late.... I instantly gunned them down. Then it was just me and the girl standing. I looked at her and I could tell she felt a mixture of fear, relief and amazement because she immediately started yapping.hero.
"That was so amazing.... Where did you learn to do that?? You were like some sort of ninja and you took them out without breaking a sweat. Thank you for saving m......."
A gunshot stops her mid+sentence and the look on her face turned sour and I turned to see the first guy pulling out a gun but she was in the way and instinctively, I fired back at him till I, empty out the clip.
I watched sadly as she bled out and then tried to clean up any evidence that I was there....
What a shame. Guess I wasn't meant to be a hero.
.....I have to get out of here......
Next day.......
Another morning, another nightmare.. This is starting to get out of hand. I walked over to the window and saw a crowd gathered and I saw cop cars and cops all over and I know it was as regards to the events of last night. I was about to close my curtains when I saw her.... The girl from the bar in Berkeley... She had just come out of the diner the dead waitress worked in and she looked gorgeous with the morning sun glistening on her hair and her gentle strutting that made me decide I had to go down there. Even when I see the legions of cops there and I know I'm the reason they're there.
So I quickly rushed to my closet, put on a pair of jeans and a tightly fitted shirt to give an impression, then I ran out with the aim of at least getting her name and number.
I hurried down the stairs and rushed to meet her and the moment she looked at me, I forgot my opening line and I just walked up to her...
"Are you stalking me??" She asks
"I should be asking you that. I live around here."
"Then what were you doing in Berkeley?
"Business.. Like I said. Were you so charmed that you don't remember all we said?" I said with a smug smile and the look on her face gave me the impression that it was a wrong move .... Stupid!....
"What's going on over there?" I asked, attempting to change the subject.
"Some kind of robbery gone wrong. I'm not sure the entire story, but three men and one lady are dead. Looks like they were killed by someone who wasn't here but the murder weapon belongs to one of the dead guys."
"Wait... Three guys dead? I thought they were four?"
"One of them survived. He was severely beaten though, with a severed spine. The ambulance took him to the hospital. They said he might live."
"That is a big relief for the police. They might get to catch the culprit." I said, trying to cover up my disappointment.
"I have to go now... Work calls."
....shit! Her number....
"How do I get to see you again? I can't hope we'll run into each other again. I hate to rely on hope." I asked.
"I know where you live.... I'll find you."
It seemed she was just trying to bait me, so I put more effort
"I have a better idea.. How about you give me your number?"
She looked at me with a bit of surprise and I could tell that she was impressed..
" Give me your phone." She says with a smile
"Oh no!' I exclaimed. In my haste, I left my phone in the apartment..
"I think I left it upstairs. Can I go get it??
She smiled and then took out her pen and notepad and she wrote her number on it..
"Call me."
I look at the number and smile... Mission accomplished. But then I remembered.....
"You didn't tell me your name!"
She giggled and then said....
....well, it's nice to meet you Sarah, very nice......
I quickly dashed home to get changed so I could tie up the loose ends from last night. I called my hacker to help me find out the details of the guy who survived, the hospital he was sent to, the room number and the building plan of the hospital. As soon as I got the information, the plan of attack seemed quite obvious. His room was on the third floor and it had a window which faced the outside of the building, making it an easy shot. I get together my sniper and head over. using google maps, I see a building a few blocks away with a clear line of sight to his window. When I got there, I positioned my scope and saw he'd already started talking to the police. I guess there's no street rule against snitches anymore. I position my rifle accordingly, take a deep breath and take the shot.
......Easy peasy......
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