Notice to readers: This chapter contains depictions of intense violence and rape. This does not in any way promote violence against women and it is only contrary to the story.
November 1995.... Unknown location
It's been almost 3 months since the death of everyone I love and everyday begins like it always does. Wake up, go through the torture of training. The seven days of the week carry their different training stress, today was a series of foot races, endurance training. This week I was drafted to go watch over the prisoners.
At first it puzzled me as to why I was asked to because I was just a child, but I got to find out painfully that it was part of the initiation.
In the prison was a little girl about my age and her mother and they looked worn out, her clothes torn, the girl had blood all over her clothes, her eyes were bloodshot, she looked pale; looking at them almost made me sick. I told myself that I would be strong. And not show any signs of weakness. But little did I know that today was the day I got branded as weak.
Friday evenings were one of those days we had to relax and blow off steam. Tonight, the big boys in camp called me and another little boy to come join them; the boy I only knew as Tejiri (whom they all called TJ). At first, I was surprised because they don't usually call us over; me in particular. I usually spend Friday evenings sleeping right after dinner. But tonight was different.
Being with them was fun at first. We wrestled, played cards, they gave us alcohol and I was really starting to smile for the first time in three months until it all turned sour. A few hours in, some of the older boys started talking about initiation. The conversation went on for a while till I asked what it was. I was met with stern looks and then I heard someone say
"They can't do it. They are too weak and scared"
I pressed on further, saying I could; wanting to impress the big boys and seem to belong till they agreed and they led us into the dungeon.
They took us into the cell where the mother and daughter were and in there I saw the most frightening thing I had ever seen since the incident at my home.
One of the bigger boys undressed the mother and he asked TJ and I to do the same to the little girl. The woman and her daughter pleaded with us not to. They cried and begged but their pleas were only met with violence as the boys kept on hitting them. After they were undressed, the bigger boys started taking turns sleeping with the woman and they asked me and TJ to do the same to the girl. At first, I was confused as to why they seemed to enjoy the activity, but I was drawn back into the present when the little girl started screaming.
I turned and saw TJ on top of her, and he seemed to be laughing at her expense. At that moment, my stomach felt sick, my knees felt weak, my legs started shaking, my palms were all sweaty. And after a while, TJ stood up and they beckoned to me to continue from where he left off. But I looked down at the girl and my heart broke. In me, I wanted to act tough, but I didn't expect my mouth to open up and say what made my night and probably the rest of my life hell.
........."I can't do it.. No, I won't"....
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