April 2020... Chicago field office...
It's my first day at the precinct.. Got transferred from Burbank. So far it has been a good day.. The precinct seems a little busier than my former precinct,
I hope that's a good thing...
"Hey rookie"....
I looked up and saw this officer looking at me with a smug look on his face..
"I'm Paul.... Welcome to hell"
I looked at him with a grin.
"I'm not a rookie... I have 6 years on the force."
"Not here you don't... This is the big leagues and you're still a rookie."
I resisted the urge to punch him in the face and give a fake smile.
"Why is everyone so busy?" I asked.
"This is Chicago baby... This, right here, is a slow day."
I swallow hard and my head races through some thoughts but I brush them off and keep organising my table..
"Captain wants to see you", Paul suddenly added, and walked away.
I wonder what he wants to see me for.....
My palms suddenly become sweaty and my heart races... It feels like being called to the principal's office. I took a deep breath and walked towards the captain's office..
"Cap... You wanted to see me?"
"yeah, sit down...... How are you enjoying your first day?"
"It's good, going to take some time to warm up to the system though, but its really good"
"That's good to hear."
An awkward silence looms for a while till the captain breaks it...
"I heard about you and how you were at your former precinct.. I won't bullshit you, that sort of thing isn't acceptable here. Here, you have to be a team player."
"I understand sir... So, what team would I be playing for? Because I'm on the side of the law."
"Don't be a smartass on your first day.... It's unbecoming"...
"I'm sorry cap, but that's my default setting.. I don't take crap from anyone...."
I noticed a stern look on the captain's face and I smirked to myself... It seemed like he noticed it and I could tell he was getting infuriated, but he just smiled and handed me a bunch of files....
"These are notes on the 11-95 killer.... He's your first case".
I kinda expected more.....
With a puzzled mind, I collected the case files and walked out of the office.
I get to my desk and unpack the files on my desk. I saw Paul walking towards my desk....
"11-95.... Ouch! You must have really pissed him off". Paul commented, looking at the files on my desk..
"You know the case?" I asked.
"Yea.... He's some hit man for hire. No one knows him, no one has seen his face, there's no actual proof that he exists except for the numbers 8-95 carved on all the bullets he's used in his jobs.. The guy's a total ghost..... Now what did you say to get on the captain's bad side?"
"I may have made some comments that implied he's in my way"
"Ooh.... You're in for a rough one. Have fun, rookie". Paul says and leaves....
I guess that explains that devilish smile the captain gave me..
... Oh what have I done?......
July 2020.... Streets of Berkeley...
After months of nothing, I finally got my first clue on my first case.... The 11-95 killer. Over 80 confirmed kills and the case file isn't more than a pamphlet.
Don't know what it is though.... All the IT guys got was a name. Ralph Collins...
After days of sorting through different people named Ralph Collins, I finally narrowed the list down to three... Today I'm questioning an insurance banker in Berkeley.... I got to the reception and the receptionist was holding me back saying he's on a business call and he asked not to be disturbed... I feel the urge to pistol whip her in her face. But as usual, I suppress it and try to reason with her. Before I could get a few sentences out, we heard glass shattering from the office... I pushed the secretary out of the way and rushed into the office. And what I saw next almost made me sick. Brain matter was splattered all over the white wallpaper and blood was spilled all over the desk, Mr. Collins is on the floor with a hole in his skull, I am pulled out of my thinking frenzy by the sound of the receptionist throwing up.
"Call the police" I said to her.
She rushes out of the office and I just stand there watching the scene like an unreal movie.
Hours later....
Later in the evening, I walked around the town just roaming aimlessly, feeling disappointed that I had come so close... Seems Mr. Collins was just another victim of the 8-95 killer after all. He was shot by a sniper rifle with the killer's trademark bullet...
Guess the IT guys only had the victim's names.
I walk into a bar hoping I'll at least drown my disappointment in a glass of scotch, or a bottle... As soon as I start getting my buzz on, the news comes on, with the story of Mr. Collins, reminding me of my earlier failure, so I screamed at the bartender to turn it off..
Suddenly, I hear a voice
"You're not a fan of the news?"
I looked up to see this very handsome guy looking at me. I spend some time admiring his perfectly chiseled jaw line and his well-shaved beard in pretty much the most handsome, what I'd call caramel-coloured face I've seen in a while, and my mind drifts in to how amazing his lips are really pink... Something about him seemed familiar... then I remember he asked me a question, so I hastily replied
"Not really, I just can't deal with news about death... Not today". Obviously referring to the death on the news.
"Did you lose someone?" He asks
Who does this guy think he is, prying into my business as a first impression... Although he's cute, I don't feel like sharing anything with this total stranger....... Besides a bed.
I smile fiendishly at the thoughts running through my head and continue talking with the guy, in the hopes that talking to him would distract me from my failure of the day while intentionally avoiding telling him any details about me.
.........Not even my name.......
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