October 2020..... Chicago...
My search for the 11-95 killer seems to be getting closer. I've managed to get close enough to his communication media, so I get details about his targets. I've come to figure out that he's just a gun for hire. Which clears up the issue of trying to find a link between the victims. It's as random as the random number of people who hire him. But what I'm yet to figure out is through which medium he gets his information out. Is there an assassin for hire portfolio out there? Do they have a bad guy advertisement board? Those were the big questions that I needed answers to.
Today, the target is a notorious drug dealer who also happens to be one of the biggest drug dealers in town. The department has never been able to get anything on him to warrant an arrest. He's never even been charged. This guy uses proxies; even his proxies have proxies. So it had always been difficult to get him linked with anything. He's been linked with over a dozen homicides, money laundering, racketeering amongst others, but none has ever been proven, plus he has the money to hire top lawyers, so he always seems to beat the system. Although part of me is glad to see his name come up and I want the 11-95 killer to get this target, it's still my job to stop it, so Paul and I went to him with the hope of trying to convince him to let us help him - which quite frankly, we knew was a long shot.
"How can I help you good officers today?" He asked with a look on his face that just portrayed arrogance.
"Good afternoon sir, we received some information that there might be a threat to your life and we're here to try to help," Paul said in his usual commanding tone.
"This is Chicago, detective, there's always a threat to everyone's life. What makes me so special that I get a visit right from the boys in blue? Isn't my guardian angel supposed to be picking up the slack?" He said, trying to appear comical with his goons behind him chuckling at his idea of comic relief.
Not wanting to waste any more time, I cut in: "I know in your line of work, you expect people to always be after you, so you prepare for anything, but this is someone you can't prepare for. He's one of the best at doing what he does, so if you want to live, I'd suggest you come with us to make our job and your life easier."
Listen sweetheart, normally I would gladly follow you anywhere because you look like the kind of broad that I would love protecting me all day and all night long. But as you can see, I'm quite busy so I can't go anywhere with you." He said, looking at me from head to toe in a creepy way that I think only he could. "But you can come with me inside, I have a wonderful couch that's very good for your kind of protection."
With that very crude comment, I lunged at him in fury only for Paul to hold me back as if he expected it from me.
"Get your partner in order, detective. Wouldn't want her to do something she might regret." He said with a smirk on his face.
"Is that a threat?" Paul asked.
"No sir. It's simply an advice. Now, if you would excuse me, as I said, I'm a busy man and I would love to get back to it. Goodbye Detectives, thank you for your concern." He says as he walks away.
I just stood there, fuming as Paul held me back trying to prevent me from losing my job.
"You need to get better control of your emotions. I get that you're a woman and men can be insensitive and rude to women, but your constant outbursts doesn't make it better for you or all the women trying to prove that they are not being led by their emotions. You need to tone it down or go for counselling or some shit." He says in an attempt to calm me down and although his words hold truth to it, I still just couldn't calm myself down fast enough. I guess it's easy for him to say, he's a man; how would he know how to handle himself if put in my shoes? He doesnt constantly have to prove himself over incompetent fools daily simply because they have a penis.
As the internal battle waged on, I got temporarily distracted when I saw the drug dealer's goons exit the building but without their boss and that seemed to me like a stupid move considering we had just told him that there was someone coming after him and he decided to send his guards away, so I turned to Paul.
"I think the big boss has so much confidence in himself. So much that he allows his guards to leave him after we just told him there's someone after him." I say jokingly
"He must think we're joking about him or he considers himself a warrior enough to fight off whatever threat he faces. Either way, he made it clear that he didn't need our help, so we should go."
"Not yet. I want to get up close and see vantage points an assassin could operate from." I said, going towards the building.
"But we don't have a warrant. We could get thrown off the case." He protested.
"Don't worry, it's just a peek. We're not hurting anyone." I say as I enter the building and just as we enter the building, we hear glass shatter, a loud groan with a lot of commotion. We rush to the scene to meet the drug dealer lying on the floor with blood trailing. Seems like he tried to escape and almost made it out the door before he was shot. Just as I proceeded to call it in on my radio, I heard him groan, so I got closer and noticed he was alive.....
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