As Sky mentioned back in the dorm, he "tour-guided" us transferees. He was chatting away while we walked, but I wasn't paying attention to what he was saying. I couldn't even bring myself to look at what he was pointing at because there were so many things bothering me.
Psh! Why did they even transfer me here? I'm not like my fellow "abnormal" classmates! I'm normal! Normal! Are they really that dense not to get it?
They finally stopped walking and suggested heading back to the dorm, so we did.
Thank goodness! I'm exhausted! We've been walking around here since who knows when. It feels like we haven't even covered half of it yet. This school is massive, must have a huge budget.
I'm sitting in the middle of my bed right now, aiming my finger at the flower on my side table.
"Avada Kedavra!" I shouted like a lunatic, attempting to conjure the water that failed to come out earlier in our class.
I ended up face-palming when nothing happened to the flower. I thought I saw little clouds floating above it, about to rain and water the poor thing. But nope! Nothing happened!
Frustrated, I laid back on my bed and looked at the flower again. It's completely dried up, and I wanted to water it, but laziness got the better of me, and I couldn't bring myself to get up and fetch water from the kitchen.
"I wish there were tiny clouds that would rain on you to water you," I muttered weakly, but still, nothing happened.
I groaned and flopped on my bed, closing my eyes. Life's so unfair. Esh-esh's ability seems like no big deal to him, while I'm struggling here. Ugh! Life is so, well, life!
I was startled when I heard rain beside me. "Huh?!" I sat up abruptly at what I was seeing now.
There were clouds raining in front of the flower, and as if it suddenly revived, the flower bloomed. "I do have an ability!" I cheered inwardly.
"I'm not—"
"What are you doing?" I paused mid-dance as Eunice entered my room.
"Uh... What are you doing here?" Instead, I asked her, adjusting my sitting position on the bed. Gosh! You're embarrassing yourself, Beatrice!
"There's a ranking battle today for the first to fourth sections," she said seriously, causing my eyebrows to raise. What kind of nonsense is that?
"Can you state the purpose of that battle thingy that you just said?" I asked, crossing my arms.
"To see if you’re worth being on the specific section. If not, then your section will be lowered," she answered, making my brows lift even higher.
Wow! That's fancy! They told us that this is our section already, and now there's this battle thingy?! You know what, I really can't understand this school anymore! So many gimmicks? What's next? One-on-one battles with dragons? Or one-on-one battles with the other "abnormals" here?
"WHAT?!" I shouted in frustration. My suspicions were right! There really is a one-on-one battle happening here!
We're now in this huge arena! It's like an ancient-style arena. Have you ever been to Italy? The Piazza Bra in Verona, Italy, which they also call little Rome? Anyway! That's the Verona Arena! That's how big the arena is here in their school!
Wow, the budget is huge, guys! I can't handle it!
Eunice pulled me along, but I immediately protested. "Wait a minute! Slow down!" She's such a killjoy! I'm still trying to take in the whole place, you know!
She ignored me, so I just walked alongside her towards the front and sat beside my abnormal classmates.
"Perfect timing, huh? It's about to start!" Carper said without even looking at us. Rude!
"Good morning, Hiddians!" shouted a guy standing on top of... a floating platform? Wait? A floating platform?!
I rubbed my eyes to make sure if what I'm seeing is real. I might be hallucinating again! That floating platform! It's like Aeolia, the kingdom of Aeolus, the divine keeper of the winds in Greek mythology. His floating island kingdom but in a small but terrible version? Yeah!
"Today, we will be having our very own battle ranking! We always do this on the second day of school to test the students if they really belong to their sections!" the guy on the floating platform said.
"I hope I'm in Section Himitsu!" I heard one of the girls say from above.
"Yeah! So we can be with Prince Calvin!" another one added, and they both squealed.
"That transferee guy in Himitsu is handsome too!" another one chimed in, making me roll my eyes.
Ugh! They're so flirtatious! I thought only our school had that! Turns out, they have it here too.
"You all know the four sections, right?" the guy continued.
A deafening "yes!" echoed from all the students here, especially from my neighbor, Sky.
"And since we have transferees, I'll announce the four out of the five sections of this school!" the guy concluded.
"Selenite: this section is about peace and calm, mental clarity, and well-being. However, it's fragile, so some opponents can easily break them. The students here don't have the highest strength to fully demonstrate their powers." So, I should be in this section? Well, I'll accept it easily, except for the peace and calm part because I'm not like that.
"Section Hematite: this section encourages you to stand strong and gives you more courage and willpower! But if their bodies build up excessive energy, it might be breakable, causing the students to not be able to use their abilities properly." Uh-huh? So, when they release their power and go overboard, it's like that?
"Section Garnet: this section represents perseverance and strength. The students here are quite in control of their powers, but not entirely. They still struggle against some strong opponents."
"Section Sapphire: this section is associated with royalty. They are bestowed with abundance, blessings, and gifts. They are one of the strongest and most unbreakable sections out of the five. This section is famous for its mystery, hence the current name, Himitsu."
Wow, royalty! And I am not even a royalty! Why am I in this section? Strongest and unbreakable? Huh! I can't even properly manifest my ability! Oh well! Maybe there's some trickery going on here.
"And, oh! The seniors will not be participating in this battle because they're currently on their mission!" the guy added, surprising me. I thought there were only four sections? Oh, right. Four out of five sections!
"The only golden rule in this game is you can't exit the barrier until you defeat your enemy," he said, playing with the floating platform cheerfully. Barrier? So, there's a shield? "So, let's begin! The first—"
I didn't listen anymore. Instead, I watched the battles unfold.
Ugh! Their opponents are also students here. Student vs. student. After the fight, they'll announce which section you belong to, while those knocked down will be informed when they wake up in the clinic.
It's already afternoon and none of us have been called yet. Almost all the students here have fought.
"Stephen Sky Slayer vs. Lady Antonnette Kennieshin," the guy announced, so I looked at Anto, who was under the spotlight on the other side of the arena. I could see her surprised face, with Kris beside her.
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