Wight In Cardinal
By Arthemice
Date: February 3, 2024
Ch. 12Deceptive Returns

I jolted awake due to someone's touches on my face.

"Fiamiolle! Thank God, you're now awake!" I heard a familiar voice shaking my whole body.
Who the hell is this?! Is he trying to make me dizzy? Can't he stop? Tsk.

I slowly opened my eyes, realizing who the crazy person shaking me was.
I narrowed my eyes into slits, trying to adjust my sight. "Carl?" I asked in disbelief to the man in front of me.

Why is he here? Did he also manage to come to this world, which is why he's in front of me now?

"How did you get in here?" I questioned him with furrowed brows. He looked at me with a puzzled expression when I asked that.

"What are you talking about? You haven't been waking up since noon, Fiamiolle! I saw you in the garden, and I thought you were already dead!" Carl muttered. He worriedly held my face. "Thank God, I immediately brought you here to the hospital," he added.

I stared at him in awe. What does he mean? Have I returned to my world? Will I no longer see the immortals I met there?

Slowly, I let my eyes wander around. I am truly in the mortal realm now, finding myself in the luxurious hospital owned by Carl's family.
I came back. So, it means I won't venture there again to return here! My face lit up with realization. Yes! I truly thought I was going to die there.

"You will never believe what I've just discovered!" I excitedly said while looking at Carl. He was sitting on the edge of my bed, still wearing a concerned expression.

"Save your story; your parents will be here soon." I couldn't believe my ears when he said that.

He's not interested in what I've just discovered now? That's odd. He used to be very eager to listen to the things I discovered, but why not now? What's even more surprising is that my parents will visit me here. If I'm not mistaken, they would never do that because they are busy with their own businesses. How come they set aside their time just to visit their seemingly useless daughter?

"They'll come?" I asked in amazement. He just nodded and pretended to sit casually. Weird. He's talkative when no one's around. Is he upset that I didn't invite him to the garden? Or is he upset because I didn't join him for lunch?

Argh! This is so stressful, right? Instead of being happy that I've returned home, why does it feel like something's not right?

Minutes passed, and still, he's not making any sounds. I'm so bored observing the surroundings; I want to stand up and walk around, but this annoying guy won't let me. He's acting weird and annoying. I want to pull his hair until he becomes bald. Tsk.

I just sighed in my thoughts. Usually, I am not this pissed. I don't know, but ever since I entered that world, it seemed to alter my speech and demeanor. I've become irritable for some reason. Maybe it's because of that annoying Caspian, who does nothing but ruin my day. Tsk.

I immediately looked at the door when the doorknob moved. I sat up straight because I knew who would visit me now. Even within the confines of the hospital, I must maintain a dignified appearance. Perhaps, even in the event of my demise, I am compelled to uphold the etiquette they imparted because, if not, I'm sure they'll find a shaman to lecture me in the afterlife.

The door swung open. I closed my eyes when I heard footsteps hastily coming toward me. I was expecting a tender slap on my cheeks, but to my surprise, a warm hand gently held it.

I slowly looked to see who was holding me, and there I saw my mother, worried sick about my current situation.

"I was so worried, Fiamiolle! I thought I would lose you!" my mother fretted as tears started welling up on her cheeks. Normally, a daughter would hug and cry when she sees her mother like this, however, I am not that daughter.

It's strange because I know she will scold me for being disobedient again. She's not like this, and my dad will not act like this either.

"I'm so sorry we are late, Fiamiolle. But, don't worry, me, together with your mother and sister, will stay here for an hour or two just to make sure you're okay, hmm?" my father also said with a worried face.

Okay, okay! This is getting out of hand! What's happening to them that they're this concerned about me? This isn't like them! Why have they started treating me like this?!

"Are you alright, Fia?" my sister Fiona asked me. Tears were forming in her eyes as she looked at me.

I could believe that my sister would worry, as she's always by my side when I'm scolded or mistreated by my parents. She's always there to comfort me, and my parents are always there to ruin my confidence. Ironic, right? I feel like vomiting because of their current actions.

"Ate Fiona, am I dreaming right?" I asked my sister, and she just smiled sweetly at me.

So, I'm not dreaming? They are genuinely worried about me? Then... I can hug them tightly, just like I always wanted to do since I was young?

I gazed tenderly at my parents. I tried to stand up from my hospital bed, which alarmed them all, but I just laughed softly and immediately embraced my mom and dad.

It's blissful. I haven't felt this since forever, the lightness in my heart while hugging my parents. I thought this day would never come, but it did. Tears suddenly streamed down my face from sheer joy.

"I love you, mom, dad," I softly uttered as I hugged them both. I felt Ate Fiona hugging me too, making me cry even more.

My heart glowed with warmth and joy. I cherish my parents, even though they may not boast about having me as their daughter. I adore them, despite the times they embarrassed me in front of their colleagues and business partners or the lectures they delivered over my less-than-stellar grades. Through it all, they noticed me. However, this newfound feeling... I love them, embracing me as their own daughter. They never made me feel this way before, but now, I fear I might perish bathed in the warmth of their love.

"Please, don't go away," I pleaded, but for some unknown reason, my chest suddenly tightened.

"Ugh!" I grunted in pain, clutching my chest tightly. I can't breathe. What is happening to me?

I lifted my gaze to my parents. I burst into tears seeing their expressions. Their faces transformed, laughing like demons before me. The surroundings crumbled, seemingly spinning around until darkness swallowed me whole.

I clutched my chest, still unable to breathe. I tried to inhale in the dark environment, but I couldn't.

I heard a sharp laughter from a woman. "Pity you, young lady. Willing to die for that illusion?" The beautiful woman I saw moments ago reappeared, laughing while looking at me sitting on the floor.

Illusion. I believed in that beautiful moment. That was my dream. To be happy, free from belittlement in the embrace of my family. But why even in this illusion is it taken away?

I'm blinded to my own reflection, but I sense its disarray. My forehead wears worry, brows knit in distress, and my eyes overflow with a torrent of tears.

The oppression is suffocating. My chest is confined, gripped by an unbearable tightness. Though the desire to return home lingers, I recognize their joy in my absence. I long for them to see me as their child, if only for a fleeting moment, but that hope wanes. Death may seize me now, for in a few seconds, I won't withstand the compulsion to let my eyes shut. Breathing falters, my lungs yield to the burden of shattered hopes.

I was about to shut my eyes when a weird light strangled on the black surrounding. It forced its way in, while the beautiful woman in front of me seemed restless.

I saw how her mouth widened, rushing towards me.

"I won't let you take my delicious snack! Full of rage and sorrow planted in her heart, a delightful dish," she screamed uncontrollably, angrily running towards my direction.

My heart wanted to stand and escape, but my body refuses, a disobedient vessel to the commands of my mind. The strength to run away from her has deserted me. I am left with no choice but to surrender to the acceptance that this is my final journey.

"Aahh!" the woman shouted as she jumped over me, smiling like a mad being, opening her mouth more widely. I squeezed my eyes shut, waiting for the woman to land and devour me.

I waited for it, but instead of feeling sharp teeth, I felt an arm wrap around me, and I was lifted away from the woman who was supposed to devour me.

"Didn't I tell you not to stray too far from me?" I opened my eyes and saw Caspian, drenched in sweat and panting.

"Good thing Aiden found a way to enter this dimension, or else you would have been this woman's snack," he added. He still carried me while glaring at the enraged woman.

"And you, why can't you pick someone that can fight you back?!" Caspian angrily shouted at her.

Without waiting for the woman to speak, she jumped into a large hole that they seemingly created to save me.

When we emerged, I saw Engrid, Rhenouis, and Aideniel waiting for us outside.

Caspian gently lowered me to the ground. "Are you okay?" I wondered if he was genuinely concerned or just acting. I just shook my head, dismissing the thought.

"I'm asking you, are you really okay?" he asked again. I looked at him and nodded in response.

I was ready to assert my independence, yet, surprisingly, Caspian cupped my face with both of his hands, his thumbs tenderly brushing away the traces of tears beneath my eyes. I stared at him, captivated by his unexpected gesture.

What the heck is he doing?

"You look ugly when you frown," he said with a laugh, so I rolled my eyes and lightly slapped his hand. He laughed even more at my reaction, annoying me further.

He's truly crazy, tsk.

"Are you two not done yet?" Engrid's irritated tone was evident, and I witnessed Caspian smirking in response.

"Don't worry, my sweet and loving Engrid, you always have an enormous space in my heart," Caspian bragged, clicking his tongue three times. He resembled Johnny Bravo, exuding confidence and thinking he's handsome.

Lines appeared between Engrid's brows after hearing Caspian's clichéd words.

"Let's get to our business," Aideniel said impatiently from behind, glaring at us.

"That lady is a fortune—" Rhenouis didn't finish what he was about to say because a black hole suddenly appeared behind him.

"Argh!" The woman who grabbed me emerged from there, now desperately trying to pull Rhenouis out.

I stared blankly at all of them while they struggled to retrieve Rhenouis's hand.

"Fiamiolle, don't just stare there and help us!" Engrid shouted.

Huh? I-I don't have any powers to help them for goodness' sake!

In a panic, I looked around to find something to assist them, but I found nothing.

They needed my help because they were busy pulling Rhenouis out of the hole, and I was the only one not pulling him. I needed to find a way to make that hideous woman fade away!

Left, right, back, front—there it was! I saw a bow and arrow. I immediately grabbed it and positioned myself, trying to aim at the woman's hands.

"Fiamiolle!" they all yelled at me, so I quickly focused on what I was about to do.

"Now!" I shouted at the top of my lungs and released the arrow in the direction of the woman.


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