Today's challenge is over and I won it. Hurrah! And tomorrow, I am going to prepare a meal and feast him with dainty dishes.
*Jannat is the name of the mansion in which Ajit lives, mentioned in the initial chapters.
Chapter 31
It is just ten days for our marriage now. Adaah finished her graduation in flying colours. Finally all my dreams are coming true after years of wait. She is the princess of my life and queen of all my fantasies. Her bright grey eyes, beautiful smile, and those cute pink lips take my breath away every time I look at her. She is charming, gentle and innocent just like I want her to be, a crystal who stayed unaffected from the filth of this cruel world.
Tomorrow I am going to California. My new branch is going to be opened there after a week. Also as a 'soon to be' bride and groom we are not supposed to live together before marriage. So I felt this trip to abroad have proven handy to me. But the changed behaviour of Adaah is wrecking my nerves pensive. She is unusually quite. The lacking fun and mischief of my bubbly girl was raising pressure inside me.
I pack my suit case in haste, just by dumping my things in it. An unknown anxiety was lurking inside me for reasons incomprehensible. Fuck! I curse myself unable to withstand the stress. My mind went crazy with each passing moment and I wait patiently as usual for her to open up. I was about to finish my work, when she enters the bedroom to my relief.
I look at her with a smile relieved of the tension I was suffering a while ago but unfortunately it was short lived. I was disheartened the moment my orbs capture her features. Her eyes were almost into a cry. She hugs me tight reaching the sleeves of my white dress shirt which were folded just below my elbows. Her hands were around my waist and her face buried inside my chest. Sometimes silence speaks much louder than words, and I patiently wait for her eruption. The soft sound of the tick-tock clock hung on one of the beige coloured walls of our bedroom was the only sound we could hear.
The pleasant breeze drawn through the window curtains with the gentle moonlight restored the serenity in the atmosphere. It was almost half past nine and I have yet not changed from my work clothes except for my coat resting on one of the comforters of our bedroom. I stayed put in my place holding her. She is going to be my wife, my life companion within a few days. My happiness reaches no bounds when thinking about the blissful instant we are about to share together. I pull her more inside me if it was possible resting a hand on her back and the other was slowly caressing her hair. She sniffs in between her silent sobs and I wait to endure for her revelation.
"Ajit" she whispers softly. Thank God I could now hear her which felt like eternity. "I feel somebody is stalking me." I stop stunned on my actions and slightly part to look at her strained features. She continues with her trembling lips. "I had this feeling since the time our engagement hay wired the net. But I did not find any clue of possible suspects."
Her arrant revelation brought me to a fit of agitation. "Why didn't you inform me about this earlier?" My voice went galled. "I..I thought it was just my imagination." She stuttered fearing my rage but somehow pursues with her words. "Nonetheless putting the irking thought aside, I continued with my routine but today I saw my stalker."
My physique turned choleric at her conclusion. However I let her continue to retract more information. "He was dressed in a grey hood. I couldn't see his face clearly as he was putting on dark glasses and half of his face was covered with the hood. But I could clearly make out, he was everywhere I was present."
Her denouement drove me to nuts. She looks at me filled with fright. I couldn't speak anymore because of trespassing ferocity. I recollect on my senses and confront her. "You are telling all this to me now Baby Girl? Why didn't you inform me about this once when you had the doubts? She trembles in her words "I am sorry. I was stupid to perceive things, the positive way" and rests her head back on my chest with her hands around me.
I bring out the phone from my sweat pants and dial her chief security. After a few minutes of giving instructions to men under different heads I wipe her tears and just like that all my anger vanishes into thin air looking at her glistened eyes. "Do not stay in the house alone. I will book the tickets for you to visit my parent's house and you can rest..." She doesn't let me complete. "I will stay with you. My holidays are about to start." I contemplate for a while on how safe it is to bring her with me at the moment and end up to a conclusion that it is the safest option available.
Few minutes after we board into my private jet, she falls asleep, resting her head on my shoulder. I think of the ways and means to handle this new problem arising in our lives and dial the most warranted number at the juncture.
Playing with her lose tendrils I brief everything to John, the private detective of my company. After a few minutes of speaking to him I carry my little girl to the bedroom. Working on the laptop for some time my brain often kept drifting away. I couldn't work any long with a disturbing mind.
Closing the laptop, I slide beside my sleeping beauty and pull her nearer to me.
She is my peace.
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