Love Undefined
By Manogyna
Date: June 2, 2024
Ch. 129Chapter 26

Setting everything ready, I dial a number and when I get a green signal to move on, with the help of Stella I catch the earliest bus to arrive at my destination because going by flight involves a lot of complications like identity, security, etc. Within four hours I arrive at the Bus station I was supposed to get down and my brother greets me with wide arms.

He took me to his quarter as he now works as an army doctor. I told him everything that happened between me and Ulrick. He was agonized and advised me to go back to my husband but when I told him that I was pregnant and wanted to bring up my child away from the clique he had to seal his lips and accept me in his house. He took great care of me and ensured that I always ate healthy. He brought me to timely visits to the hospital including my medication as he is a doctor himself and knows the importance of gestation.

As the days passed by I was getting bored sitting at home without any work. So I applied for a few jobs online. The next day they called me for an interview and I was fortunate enough to grab one within a few days. Vance told me about everything starting from our dad's mafia connection to the reason he had to leave the house. While I start to connect the dots, everything begins to form a clear picture in my mind. On the day of Dad's death, Ulrick arrived at the house late with blood marks on his shirt. It is now a nude truth open to me. He killed Robert.

I am in shock. I still don't know how many piercing candours I will learn about my husband. But ironically I am not angry with him. He saved my life by killing the killer of my father. Recalling this fact brings me the memories I spent happily with him.  Robert was a threat to my life as I am the only heir of my father with the fact that my brother left the house years back.

As I perceive the gestalt, I discern the truth that my husband loved me much before our relationship started. All of us grew up in the same house but I seldom knew he had romantic side in him. He was a silent guy very reserved but always stood up for me protecting me from my mischievous self. I thought it was brotherly love but no. It was something more.

He risked his life in several situations for me to be safe. While on one side I was grateful to my husband for saving my life, on the other side I promised my unborn child that I would protect him or her for a better future and gift him a life away from complications of mafia. Holding my belly I look down with tears dripping down my eyes. Your father is the hero of my life but I will keep you away from him till my last breath.

I am sorry Ulrick. I love you but cannot return for the sake of our baby.

Chapter 26

Ulrick Pov

It is 12'0 o'clock at night. I am riding my car like a desolate around every street in Miami trying to trace her. My heart aches in pain of losing her? Why did she leave for the hospital when she told me she was going to Stella's house? Unfortunately Stella had no information about Ana and it brought me to the end of the last hope I had.

However I find the girl's language rather enciphered. She accompanied Ana to the hospital yet has no idea on where she went. With various scenarios crossing my mind, I dial my detective Sam.

He picked up my call on the tenth ring. Hell had he not connected it, I would have fired him the next moment. I fill my staff's pockets generously and I expect equally efficient work from them. For the present Sam saved his job because within two hours I came to know Ana is out of the city.

Ana please come back. I cannot breathe without you.

My mind begins to go insane with uncanny thoughts. Is she kidnapped or suffering from a deadly disease? She had rashes all over her body and when I touched her she scampered away from me. "Fuck Ana! I prefer to die with you than live alone in this world."

I called the hospital she went several times but the reception didn't have any appointment registered under the name 'Anastasia Hazelwood'. Getting no clue on where she went I scream in frustration gripping my hair.

I was never a social person and was very reserved, I never expressed my feelings to anybody. The 'love for Ana' was the only emotion that kept me stable all my life and now when she is gone, my heart is left to bits. And it becomes once again lonely. Ana, please don't give me this big a punishment. My soul shrieks in derangement.

I reach my house demented. My suit was gone, my tie was unfixed hanging loose around my neck, the first few buttons of my white dress shirt were undone and my hair was disheveled as though I had just woken up from sleep. I reach the bed like a zombie and smell her scent everywhere on the bed. My heart cramps and I yell at the top of my lungs to find myself running away from the bedroom.

After a few seconds, I reach the foyer of the house and hear the jingling of her bangles all over. I wobble around the mansion like a moron to get a glimpse of her but find her nowhere. Life without her is like a rope tied to my neck. Please come back, Ana. I yelp in isolation.

Days roll to weeks and weeks to months and then months to more than a year.

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