He took Freya's sweater and novel she was reading on one hand, slippers on the other and told her to walk but as soon as she put her feet to the floor dizziness swamped her stance like a shoot of a projectile.
Justin was instantaneously beside her with his hand around her waist shielding her firm from the fall. His face was stoical as good as a robot with no emotions but his actions proved love and care at every step.
Continuing to hold Freya he called the driver who was in front of him the next minute. He handed him the articles in his hand and lifted Freya bridal style to carry her to the car.
"Put me down I can walk." Freya shrieked pointing to the floor. "Yeah I saw that a few moments ago on how you were doing gymnastics on the floor." He told her in sarcasm turning a deaf ear about her plead.
"There is no necessity for you to cancel your meets in taking care of me." Freya told him in a disfavour. Justin did not respond to her, his features stayed unresponsive. Securing her in the back seat with a seat belt he slides beside her. "I can look after myself." Freya reproached as soon as he sat. Justin ground his teeth staring at her with his steel Grays that had the competence to reduce her to ashes.
"I do not require your damn suggestions on what I do. Do you understand?" He browbeats and allows her head on his chest. Closing his eyes he relaxes on the car seat leaning back and within a couple of minutes Freya could hear his soft snores.
His tiresome countenance told her all, to the extent he had exerted his body and how much he liked her. There were black circles under his eyes giving a hint of sleepless nights he suffers for months together.
A deal with love leads to inevitable pain. Nevertheless fools hide it in eyes and brilliants hide it in their fortitude.
Little did Freya Stiller know she was Justin Cooper's medicine to heal and also the poison to swallow.
Freya observes his features for the first time. His lips were thin and soft shaped in a cupid's bow. High cheek bones and a chiseled jaw line were highlights of his machismo. There was a slight stubble grown on his cheek which escalated his manliness under the dark shades. It was then Freya observed there was a huge scar on either side of his cheek in the same place.
The scars were encapsulated in his slightly grown stubble which could hardly be noticed until observed very careful. The fact of the scars on his face at the same place was the highlight of bizzareness with the certitude of no less mystification. However was he going to disclose to her anything of his past was a million dollar question. In the most probable case he would tell her to shut up.
"Sir we are here." The driver woke up Justin as soon as they reached the house. He rubbed his eyes and looked at Freya who was still staring at him like he was a museum piece. "What?" He shouted at her irritated and lifted her back in the same fashion he carried her to the car from the hospital.
After tucking her to bed Justin placed her medicines in the night stand. Freya was still gawking at him with curiosity. Justin narrowed his eyes gazing down at her in irritation. "Haven't you ever seen a male in your life?"
"Those scars on your cheek...." As soon as Freya said the words there was an oasis of emotions reflecting his ashen grays. Justin wrapped his lips in a thin line and bit the words. "That is none of your business. How would you feel if I ask you about your late husband Eden?"
Freya was immediately bombed with temper. "I do not lead a sibylline life like you. I loved my husband and still love him who died in an accident. There is nothing I am hiding here." There was an uncontrollable jealousy racing on Justin's nerves for the man even when he is dead and buried six feet under. The next moment he was in front of Freya like a predator and held her neck so tight that it blocked the oxygen to her body. "I am not interested in knowing about your lurky love affairs and your murky marriage with the goat, you wretched woman." He tossed his words on her in rage.
Freya coughed vigorously turning blue. It was then Justin came back to senses. He released her with a jerk making her fall back on the bed. "Bloody man eater, you would have attempted to steal the old woman's little kittens and they have pawned their revenge on you by clawing both your cheeks." Freya yelled behind him as Justin walked out of the room.
The Dream
She was moving through the woods enjoying the scenic beauty around her. The nightingale sitting on the tree was singing beautiful and butterflies were dancing on the flowers drinking the honey.
Freya was humming a song along with the cuckoo sitting under the tree. Her eyes sparkled in joy and stance celebrated the happiness as she looked at the small pond of blue waters situated in front of her.
Fishes jumped in and out of it making merry. When everything around was going natural a tall handsome man in gold eyes emerged from the water body out of the blue. "Eden?" Freya asked and ran to him running her hands on his muscled hairy chest. He was the Venus of virility. Pink lips, pointed nose, strong and wide chest with heavy muscles that ended to a slim waist and not to forget those sexy abs.
He hugged her tight and whispered something to her. Freya was not able to catch his words. Suddenly he left her. Freya was calling him to come back with tears welling her eyes but ..
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