Love Undefined
By Manogyna
Date: May 2, 2024
Ch. 116Chapter 15

She walks down the aisle and my lips go sealed bewitched by her luminary. Could it be called a feeling of blissful exultance?

She came and stood beside me with a soft shy smile. "She is looking like a pristine angel who stepped on this earth to make your life flummoxed in enrapture." My brother Elfin said standing beside me who was best man.

I turned and looked at her admiring her innocuousness. Her fingers brushed mine bringing in me instant electric tingles. There appeared no words in the dictionary to describe her comeliness. She was a mesmerizing and seductive princess born and made by God only for me.

Elfin nudged my shoulder slightly to get me out of the spellbind revere and sign on the marriage register. I took my pen and signed the paper in one go and slid the ring carving her mine solely and completely. Ana followed me. Now that the formality was over to make her mine, least minding about the crowd I swept her out of the feet lifted her in my arms and kissed her unprecedented.

The crowd cheered for us with claps and whistles. As I put Ana down on her feet I met the eyes of my parents who looked proud. The judge presented an understanding smile congratulating us as both my parents signed as witnesses. I thanked everybody shaking hands for being a part of our celebration. My heart was running a thousand meters per second in jubilance as I welcomed everyone to join our carousal in the evening for our marriage reception.

These are the moments I waited for years and dreamt of since I attained my maturity.

Ana's Pov

Tomorrow is my marriage to one of the top billionaires in this country. I am excited at the same time a little sad. I could not meet Ulrick all this month. It was a custom that the bride and the groom should not meet each other before marriage. He dropped me at his parent's house and immediately flew back to Miami as he had an urgent business meeting.

I miss my parents. My mom continues to stay in the hospital. She still could not regain her health completely. But is out of coma now.  She was beaming brightly for my wedding with Ulrick but sniveled for not being able to stay with me on the most precious day of my life. Though shattered by heart I consoled her with the truth that she would always be a part of my life and the first person to approach in case of a rainy day.

I brush my tears away and recollect the sweet moments I spent with my brother. I miss him so much. Tomorrow is my marriage with Ulrick and I do not have a single member of my family to attend the ceremony. Tears seem to never stop from my eyes when I recall my catastrophic truth.

After my brother Vance left the house two years ago, we had secretly been contacting each other on Skype and sometimes on the phone. I am the only person he keeps in contact with. On the day he left the house, I cried my eyes out and he was very sad leaving me in such a condition. I sigh and recollect the incidents which took place that brought me to this situation.

Remembering the calamitous day my brother left our house.... I came home from college and there was chaos in the family. I recall Dad shouting at my brother in the most ruinous language I never thought I would hear in my life. The deadly dream haunts my sleep even today.

Dad and Vance had a strong argument about some business deal that Dad made with one of his business associates. I wasn't able to connect on why my brother confronted Dad on something he never involved. Dad's business was never Vance's concern despite Dad's insistence to have a look into it.

I requested mom to answer me and she would only say that I was too young to understand things. Later I asked Ulrick and even Alex Uncle, but everybody would repeat the same words my mom told me a few days ago.

Why am I kept away from family details? What is the gargantuan secret that my family holds and I am least aware of?

Two days later I got a call from an unknown number. It was my brother. He promised me to continue to call but on one condition. I will not inform his whereabouts to anybody in the family. Nobody from my family and even Ulrick knows about my talks with my brother. Vance will be completing his MBBS within a few months from now. My brother is a bright student and always on a scholarship. After completion of MBBS, he plans to do his master's. He stays in a hostel at Perth and is completing his education. I am glad that he made it through his studies with flying colors despite the hardships he faced after leaving our house. I tried to ask Vance several times about the argument he and Dad had on the fateful day but he only evaded the topic till today.

Will there arise a day when I will be able to know the mysterious truth my family hides from me?

Dear Friends
Ana is brought up protected, innocent and unblemished. She is protected from the sins of the world and the dangerous truths of their families.

Her parents shielded her and only showed the greenishness of the house and Ulrick indulges in the same thought. Alejandro was involved with mafia and killed by them. Yet Ana is clueless about any of these things.

Do you think her family and Ulrick are doing the right thing by hiding the reality from her? Or they are foolishly over protecting her? Do you think despite the family and Ulrick's efforts Ana will come to know the reality or she will be happy to stay in the shell she is brought up?

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