Love Undefined
By Manogyna
Date: May 2, 2024
Ch. 109Chapter 10

"To do a group study." My answer was somewhat confident but my head was directed to the floor internally transfixed by his intimidating semblance.

His eyes glare daggers as he takes a step forward. "Don't you dare lie to me doll. Did you stay in Stella's house all the night?" His voice booms the walls in a baleful gargoyle and eyes stationed on me as sharp as the tip of a knife. I felt like a pusillanimous chicken shuddering under his sharp gaze. Did he know that I had gone to a fair?

"I have my ways to find out where you are." He answered my unasked question. How could he read my mind?  "I vested my trust in you but you failed to keep your promise. You sneak out of the house without informing anyone and thought I wouldn't know about it?" His statements came out formidable to my quizzing mind. Is he putting tabs on me?

His assertive voice raised chaos in my already shivering legs. My jaw dropped in agony hearing the flagrant truth get out as him like a curse. It  brought alarm bells in my mind. I knew I was in deep shit. I look at him in terror going pale in seconds. "I am not going to stand your mischief anymore. You will behave. From today forward you are not going to step your foot out except for going to college." His voice comes out established with a finger raised towards me.

Fuck! What is it about him? I ask myself getting irritated and look at him in anger twisting my lips clearly showing him my displeasure but he seems to care less about it as he talks back. "Is my point clear to you?"

I nod going solemn. He looks at me with surreal anger combined with distress and walks back to his room.

What just happened? I was not able to fathom. Why is he like this? At times he is so endearing like a warm-hearted gentleman but within a fraction of a second he can turn into a dangerous and fiery monster.

Chapter 11

Ulrick Pov

Flashback....few hours ago

After I returned to work from my parent's house settling the matters, there hasn't passed even a day when I did not think about Ana. Her winsome smile always comes before my eyes in my sleeping and waking states. Just thinking about her makes my heart flutter with joy. I do not know how I curtailed myself all these years without seeing her. Now that she is so close to me, I want to have her in my arms forever.

With the thought there came an intense urge in me to see her again. I know I am going crazy. But I can't help it. I canceled all my meetings and told my secretary that I would join work only by Monday. I booked the earliest flight and jumped into the jet like a love-sick fool who is smiling crazy.

The pilot greeted me soon after I took the seat and the air hostess looked at me suspiciously for the hysterical smile I was garlanding on my features. Well, what can I do? I am just not able to control my excitement of seeing 'my doll'. While one side of me was thrilled to see my beauty, the other side was getting jittery about the recovery of Ana after losing her dad. I wanted to stay with her during the challenging days but there were many important meetings lined up at work that required my immediate attention. As a result subsequently, I had to fly back to Miami even before saying goodbye to her.

I took anticipatory steps inside the foyer with my eyes searching for her everywhere but the bizarrely silent home got me into a tumult. I know I was behaving fatuously but my emotions are uncontrollable when I think of her. What if something happened to her and my parents have gone.... I shook my head trying to stop the rediculous thoughts.

Picking a water bottle from the fridge, I sat in the study trying to go through some work files but my mind wouldn't cooperate. I kept looking at the wall clock every minute like an inane but there was no trace of her. Where did she go staying away for so long time? I called my parents but there was no answer from both of them.

It is 8:00 pm in the night. She did not return home and it is raising my perplexity. Later mom called me back and told me that she had gone to her friend's place but the answer didn't satiate my waiting eyes that were expecting to see her. I flew all the way from Miami only to see her. Why have I become like this?

"Why does she want to do a group study?  Can't she study at home? Elfin could have helped her if she had any doubts." My voice came out a bit angry to my mother's surprise.

"I am sorry Mom," I immediately apologized to her getting myself to control. I went straight to my room and dialed her security, Mr. John. "Where is Ana greetings can be conveyed later?" I asked him hastily. "Sir Ms Anastasia is at the fair held near Violet Square along with her friends." My legs rooted to the ground in complete shock. I was worried to the threshold of Hades. How could she lie to Mom about going out? She is ignorant about the truth behind the death of her father which is why she is so carefree about her life. I can understand her but cannot ignore the situation in which she is! "Be after her," I commanded her security and cut the call.



It's already 9'o o'clock in the morning and she didn't come out of her room. Shit! What did I do? I shouldn't have scolded her being so relentless. Closing my eyes with regret I take a long breath.

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