Sitting in the S.U.V outside of a medical clinic, I look to Allisara who stares outside curiously.
“Uncle Juden, why are we here?” She asks, turning her gaze to me. My hand moves to the pistol at my waist and I think about how quick it would be to kill her, but that would leave a trail back to me.
“You’ve been gone for three months. I want to take you to a doctor so that he can give you a check up.” Pulling my hand back and placing it on my lap, I give this annoying brat a gentle smile. I remind myself over and over again that after today I will become King. All I need to do is wait for the Doctor’s job to be done and I will finally be rid of this brat.
Opening the door, I climb out of the S.U.V and help Allisara to exit it as well. She holds tightly to my hand and I allow it. The clinic is empty as we walk inside, the Doctor being given notice earlier today that I will be arriving with Allisara to get rid of her for good.
“Hi there, you must be Allisara.” Walking out from the back room, Doctor Tomas greets Allisara. She timidly hides behind me, furthering my annoyance with her.
“Allisara, this is the Doctor I want to take a look at you.” I coo to the little girl, watching as Doctor lance holds a hand out to her. Silence passes between us but finally she steps out from behind me, letting go of my hand and taking his.
“As your Uncle stated, I am Doctor Lance. I hear you need a bit of a check up?” He is friendly to her; his soft gentle smile the perfect act I need to deal with the last of the Nimair blood line.
“Rory, take Allisara to the back while I talk with Duke Trilavantas. Allisara, Rory is a great helper. He has to leave soon so can you keep him company while he waits for his mom to pick him up?” After calling for the first of his many assistant, Doctor Lance bends down to talk with Allisara. Her timidness is gone as she gives the Doctor a wide grin before agreeing to his request. Disappearing into the back with Rory, Doctor Lance walks towards me, his friendly façade gone as he gives me a deep bow.
“What do you need me to do, your Majesty?” Happy for his change in demeanor, I help the aging doctor to stand.
"I want her dead, make it look like she was killed by the rebels." Giving him the order, Doctor Lance nods. For years this man has been on my family’s payroll, always helping my father and then me to get rid of those that stand in our way.
“Give me three hours. I need to make sure that it looks like she has been tortured then have someone drag her dead body somewhere to make it look believable.” Happy with his answer, I hand him an envelope of the agreed upon payment. I know with his help nothing will go wrong, but his Assistants worry me. I heard he brought in a new man to help during the night and I hope that nothing goes wrong.
Returning to the Clinic at the agreed upon time, I walk into the waiting area with my men trailing behind me.
“You did what you fucking incompetent idiot!” The sound of Doctor Lance screaming at someone draws my attention, making me want to learn what has happened. Walking into the back room with Ronan taking the lead, we round the corner to find Doctor Lance beating a man I have never seen before. This man does not try to fight back or defend himself, his eyes dazed as he giggles.
“What is going on?” Shocked by the scene, I shout my demand. Doctor Lance stops his beating, his face pale but the rage still simmering deep inside his hazel eyes.
“This fucking drug addict I hired fucked up.” He shouts back, throwing the metal pole he was beating the man with earlier to the side.
“Instead of taking her body to the Slums like I told him to, He decided to sneak some Opium and put her body into the cremation oven.” The man sits up as he lets out a giggle, blood dripping down his face from the beating. Disgusted by him, I order my Guard Clark to check the oven.
“There is a body in there, but its nearly Ash.” His reply comes within minutes, my own rage simmering. Because of this Opium addict I have lost my chance at becoming King. Now I will need to wait for twenty years.
“Doctor Lance, you have disappointed me this time. But your skills are still need.” I watch the fear in the Doctor’s eyes disappear as I address him. His only fault is hiring a drug addict. Looking to the man on the floor, disgust joins my fury and I look to my men.
“Put him into the oven with Allisara. Leave him alive.” Not bothering to watch what is to unfold, I make my way out of the clinic with Ronan behind me. This little hiccup has cost me twenty years of waiting, but as Regent I still have control of the Kingdom. After twenty years I can be crowned King and when Demitrias marries and has his first child, I will pass the throne to him.