Mate Of The Demon Werewolf
By Alysa Emerald
Date: November 26, 2023
Ch. 2Chapter 2

"I know these nightmares are difficult, Maya. But you must remember that you are strong. You are a Lycan, and you have the power to overcome this darkness. I will be here for you every step of the way."

His words gave me comfort, and I felt a glimmer of hope stir within me. Though the nightmares continued to plague me, I knew that I had someone by my side who would never give up on me.

The memory of my father still weighed heavily on my heart, even after all these years. He had been a tall, broad-shouldered man with sandy blonde hair and piercing blue eyes that reminded me of the clear, blue sky on a summer day. He had always been my rock, the one I turned to for guidance and comfort.

But his sudden death had left me feeling lost and alone, especially when my mother remarried. My new stepfather was a stark contrast to my father, with jet black hair and piercing green eyes that seemed to bore into your soul. At first, I couldn't help but feel a sense of resentment towards him, as if he were trying to replace my father.

But as time passed, I began to see that my stepfather was a good man. He treated my mother with love and respect, and he was always there for me, even when I had my darkest nightmares. He never once tried to replace my father, but instead, he became a new source of support and love in my life.

And then there were his sons, my new stepbrothers. They were triplets, all with jet black hair and the same piercing green eyes as their father. But despite their similar appearance, they each had their own unique personalities.Their mother had died when they were young, from a mysterious illness that had left my stepfather devastated.

The eldest of the triplets, named Finn, was the most outgoing of the three. He was always quick to offer a helping hand, but his sense of humor often bordered on teasing. I couldn't deny that I found him attractive, but I also sensed a certain level of arrogance within him.

The second triplet, named Aiden, was the complete opposite of Finn. He was quiet and reserved, often disappearing into his own thoughts. I often caught him staring off into the distance, lost in contemplation. I couldn't help but feel drawn to his mysterious nature.

The youngest of the triplets, named Liam, was the most impulsive and daring of the three. He was always eager for a new adventure and loved to push the boundaries. I couldn't help but feel a bit intimidated by him, as if he was always on the brink of doing something reckless.

I remember the day my mother met the Lycan King vividly. She was working at a charity event at the palace, serving food to the guests. I was standing outside when I saw her talking to a man in a black suit. He was tall and broad-shouldered with dark hair and piercing green eyes that seemed to stare right through you.
As I watched, I saw my mother smile at him, a genuine, warm smile that I hadn't seen in a long time. She introduced herself and they chatted for a few minutes before he had to leave. I didn't think much of it at the time, but looking back, I can see that something changed in my mother that day.
After that, she started attending more events at the palace, always looking her best and with a certain light in her eyes. I knew something was different, but I couldn't put my finger on it. It wasn't until a few months later when she told me she was getting married that it all clicked into place.

I was hesitant at first, of course. My father had only been gone for a few years, and I wasn't sure I was ready for a new man in our lives. But as I got to know the Lycan King, I realized that my mother had found someone who truly cared for her and for us.

The wedding was a grand affair, with guests from all over the kingdom and beyond. My mother was stunning in her white gown, and the Lycan King looked handsome in his suit. I remember feeling a sense of happiness and hope as they exchanged vows and became husband and wife.
Looking back, I know that my mother made the right decision. The Lycan King has been a wonderful stepfather to me so far. And even though my father is no longer here, I know that he would be happy to see my mother so happy and loved.

After the wedding, my mother and I moved to the Lycan Kingdom to live in the palace. It was a big change for me, not only because I was leaving my childhood home, but also because I had to attend a new school.

Living in the palace also meant that I had to adjust to a new way of life. Everything was grand and luxurious, from the sprawling gardens to the ornate furnishings. I had never lived in such opulence before, but I quickly learned to appreciate it.

Summer break was coming to an end, and I was nervous about starting at a new school where I didn't know anyone. I had always been a bit shy, and the thought of making new friends in a place where I didn't know anyone was daunting. Plus, I knew that the academic standards at this school were quite high, and I was worried that I might not be able to keep up. However, the triplets frequented the same school and there was a chance that we would end up in the same class. It gave me a glimmer of hope that I might have someone to rely on in this new environment.

The triplets had spent the entire summer break at their uncle's place. They were due to return home in just three days, as school was set to resume the following week.

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