You were watching me? Sounds creepy. You were supposed to be focused on your husband and not me, you know" he said staring at me. "And um, were you jealous by any chance?"
I scoffed. "Jealous? Of what exactly?"
"The girls around me? You sound pained right now."
"Me? Pained?" I pointed to myself. "I've got your brother, you just said so."
"Exactly. So I don't see any reason why you should care about what I do." He answered calmly.
"You know what? I think the alcohol is clearly messing my head up. I need to stop talking." I rose to my feet.
"She kissed me. I didn't kiss her, just so you know." I informed her.
"I don't care who initiated it," she waved her hand. "Just as long as there was a kiss involved. Your lips touched hers. Probably some tongue too."
What? This girl was really something. I bit my lip to hide my amused smile. She was definitely affected. It was clearly written all over her. But why though?
"Kara.." I called.
"Just stop," she cut in. "Don't think I'm bothered or anything. I'm just concerned because I am a woman too and I definitely wouldn't be very happy to know while I was in some place, working and busting my ass off, my fiance was busy flirting and having his tongue down some girl's throat."
"Talk about women supporting women eh?" I smiled a little, folding my arms.
"I'm just saying," she shrugged. "Its really wrong. You're not just dating, you're engaged.You should respect her in her absence and presence."
And just then, Joey walked over to us draping his arm over Kara's shoulders.
That's right, Joey, take your annoying wife away. Why was she giving me a damn lecture? What was her deal anyways?
It wasn't my fault the girls couldn't stop coming around me.I was too hot not to notice. Besides, I was engaged not in bondage. She made it sound like I was cheating. The girl kissed me and I didn't even kiss her back!
She was sexy and all and..
Wait, it wasn't cheating was it?
Flirting and not kissing a girl back who took you by surprise and kissed you wasn't cheating, right?
Ah. Fuck it.
I sure had a swell time and I wasn't going to have it spoilt by little miss cute face. Maybe I should have allowed her get drunk so she could end up puking on herself.
Joey and I got straight to cleaning after the last guest had left. Kara was up in her room, resting. Thankfully, the place wasn't trashed as I thought it would be.
I had indeed made some new friends and was going out to meet with them. As I was about leaving,I heard Kara's voice stop me.
"Where are you going?" She asked.
"Going over to see a friend. I guess you'd be all alone by yourself today." I said.
"Makes my working environment more conducive. Please shut the door after you,"
"Like you don't enjoy having me in the house," I told her and then walked out.
I had already hailed a taxi, got in, and we were five minutes into the drive when I discovered I had left my phone at home.
I had to tell the car to turn around so I could go grab it.
I got back to the house and could hear loud music blasting from the speakers. It was coming from Joey's room.
What the heck?
The living room was unlocked as well.
I forgot about the phone I was to go collect and found my way to the room. I knocked a few times and was met with no response. Instead, I was welcomed with 'All Eyes On You by Meek Mill featuring Nicki Minaj and Chris Brown'
Don't ask me how the fuck I got it so accurately. I was a lover of music, you know.
Knowing that I was gonna be wasting my precious time knocking, I just flung the door open. And nothing prepared me for what I saw next.
There Kara was, in a lacy white bra and matching panties, twerking in front of the mirror.
The hell! Was she recording?
Okay my eyes were definitely looking now. She was my brother's girlfriend, sorry wife.. And I knew I had to look away.
But fuck!
I couldn't bring myself to. My eyes weren't fucking cooperating with me. Fucking hell!
Seeing her ass bare like that---- not totally bare though, coupled with the way she moved her waist. Dear Lord, save me. It wasn't all too big but just the perfect size. Those types you would wanna reach out and grab and...
Okay, Julian if you don't shut the fuck up!
She noticed me and jumped up immediately letting out a shriek as she hurriedly pulled out the covers from the bed, placing them on herself.
It was actually funny the way she did that and I really wanted to laugh. But I didn't.
With a horrified look on her face, she quickly turned off the music and asked, "What in the world are you doing here?"
"I erm.. Well um.." I stuttered and then cleared my throat and started again. "What were you thinking playing music so loud like that? A serial killer could have come into the house and until a knife is sticking at the back of your neck, you wouldn't even realize it."
"What a horrible example, Julian. Thank you very much. And also, I thought I had locked the door. Now why would you come into my room without knocking! Did you lose your limbs or something?"
"I didn't lose my limbs," I gave an eye roll. " I actually knocked a few times and guess the only thing I heard back?" I paused. "He was the realest, I was the baddest, we was the illest"
It was a line from the song she had been playing.
She face palmed. "Oh my God, Julian. I can't believe you saw me naked!"
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