Ivy continued to try to wake up the unconscious Race. She tried to stay focused and gathered all her energy to revive Race. Seeing Ivy pushing herself, Winter held Ivy's hand as she performed healing magic on Race.
"Iv, don't push yourself!" Winter said.
Ivy opened her eyes and looked at Winter, her eyes teary. Winter knew that Ivy must be sorrowful and worried now.
"Why are you stopping me from healing Race? He needs me, Winter," Ivy said with a trembling voice.
Winter sighed deeply and then gently took Ivy's hand. Winter then looked towards the unconscious Race.
"Let's go home! We'll treat Race in your pavilion; you need rest too. You've used up a lot of your energy, Iv," Winter said.
Ivy shook her head quickly. "No, I have to do it now, and it has to be here."
Ivy ignored Winter's request and continued to use healing magic on Race. Ivy herself was aware that her energy was almost depleted.
"My energy is unbalanced again, but I must save Race first," Ivy thought.
Ivy continued to give her all until Race finally coughed a few times and slowly opened his eyes. Ivy opened her eyes and smiled in relief. Ivy looked at Race with teary eyes while Winter breathed a sigh of relief seeing Race finally awake.
"Ivy, are you okay? Winter?" Race asked weakly, then looked at Ivy and Winter alternately.
"We're fine, how are you feeling, Race?" Winter asked.
"I feel okay."
"Thank goodness, you woke up quickly," Ivy whispered, running out of energy.
Ivy held her throbbing chest. She tried to regulate her breath, but Winter and Race didn't notice. Winter then helped Race to stand up.
"Let's go back to the kingdom," Winter suggested.
Race looked at Ivy. "Come on, Iv!" he urged.
Ivy just nodded slowly, forcing herself to smile. Winter supported Race while Ivy, staggering, stood up and followed the two men who loved her with faltering steps.
Ivy looked at Race and Winter with blurred vision.
"Sorry, I couldn't keep my promise to be okay, Race," Ivy whispered before not seeing anything and collapsing.
Queen Nami continued to cry upon hearing Winter's story of the monster attack at the border. Meanwhile, Winter kept comforting his mother. King Michel himself looked troubled because the monster terror was still ongoing. King Michel then turned his gaze back to Winter.
"And where is Ivy now? Shouldn't she report to me about everything happening in the north?" King Michel asked, not just wanting information.
Winter looked at his father and took a deep breath.
"Ivy ran out of energy and has now passed out again."
Everyone present was shocked; Lord Milano stood up and looked at Winter in disbelief.
"What about Race? Is he okay?" Lady Maria asked worriedly.
Winter looked at his aunt and nodded slowly.
"Race is okay, although he passed out for a while due to the forest monster attack. He's fine now, thanks to Ivy's healing magic."
Winter explained openly without hiding anything.
"And what about Ivy? Is she just going to die like that? We still need her here," King Michel said, expressing concern about the potential return of forest monsters.
"Dad, why talk like that? She will be fine," Winter said, slightly displeased with his father's words, while Lord Milano, observing the father and son with different expressions, smiled wryly.
"Good, I don't have to bother getting rid of that girl. With this, she will disappear on her own," Lord Milano thought to himself.
In Ivy's pavilion, Race was being treated by Doha. His hand was injured, and Race couldn't sit still despite the injury. He kept looking towards Ivy lying on the bed, receiving treatment from Tesla.
"Young Master Race, please be quiet for a moment," Doha requested.
Race looked at Doha and then took a deep breath.
"Sorry, I'm very worried about my wife. How is she? Is her condition serious?" Race asked Doha.
Doha didn't answer immediately and looked toward Tesla and Ivy. Doha didn't understand Tesla's earlier statement, but Ivy's condition seemed severe this time.
"Doha, why stay silent? Answer me!" Race pleaded.
Doha looked back at Race and then gave a faint smile.
"Let's finish this first, and then we can ask Tesla for an explanation. How about that?" Doha tried to convince Race to stay calm.
Even though he wanted to know Ivy's condition immediately, Race nodded slowly. He looked back at his wife lying there with a sad expression.
Winter and the royal family, including Lord Milano and Lady Maria, came to Ivy and Race's pavilion. They wanted to see the condition of Race and Ivy. With bandages on his hand, race greeted his parents and the King and Queen of the eastern region.
"Sorry to trouble you all," Race said, feeling shy.
"Trouble? You're my nephew. How are you, Race? Are you getting better?" King Michel asked.
"I'm fine, King Michel," Race replied politely.
Race then looked at his parents. Lady Maria walked quickly towards Race and hugged her only son.
"Thank goodness you're okay, Race," Lady Maria said tremblingly.
Race knew how much his mother cared for him. However, it was precisely because of that love that his parents always imposed their will on him. Hearing his mother's trembling voice, Race felt pity and returned his mother's hug.
"Calm down! I'm fine, Mom," Race reassured Lady Maria.
"Um, I'll try to calm down," Lady Maria said, still hugging Race.
"How about Ivy?" Lord Milano asked, joining the conversation between Race and his mother.
Race then looked at his father and gently released himself from Lady Maria's embrace. Race took a deep breath and looked at Winter.
"Ivy is still unconscious; her magic and life energy are unbalanced. For days, Ivy has been using her energy excessively. Tesla says it has resulted in a depletion of Ivy's energy now," Race explained.
"Even so, Ivy will wake up again, right, Race?" Winter asked, worried about Ivy.
Race looked at Winter and smiled sadly.
"Hopefully Ivy will still wake up. Ivy's soul is different from ours, ordinary humans. The two energies in Ivy's body must remain balanced. Otherwise, she could lose her life, or at the very least, Ivy will permanently lose her knowledge of magic."
Race's words surprised everyone in the pavilion's living room. King Michel tapped the chair lightly and then looked at Race.
"So, what responsibility will Ivy give to the kingdom? She was accepted in the eastern region because she could heal Winter with her magic, and she was useful because of that. Then, if she loses her magical knowledge, what's the point of her being here? If she's not useful, why should we keep her here?" King Michel questioned.
Race widened his eyes in disbelief, hearing King Michel's words. Winter stood up, and both of them looked at King Michel now.
"Ivy is in this state because she faced the northern forces with her magic, Father. We should reward her for contributing to our victory," Winter said.
"If only Ivy wasn't sent to fight, she wouldn't be like this, King Michel. Besides, whether she has magical knowledge or not, Ivy is still my wife. She has the right to stay in the eastern region with me."
Race also spoke to King Michel. Race said with emphasis and determination. Lord Milano and Lady Maria looked at Race with wide eyes.
"Why are you opposing me, Race? I am the King here."
King Michel didn't accept Race's words.
"That's why you should make wise decisions, King Michel. If my wife can no longer heal Winter and fight monsters to protect us all, what is your responsibility to me and Ivy?"
Race stared sharply at King Michel, angry at his uncle's arbitrary actions.
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