Several days had passed, and Ivy had not returned. The only news of her had reached the eastern region. Race continued to wait for his wife's safe return while managing various matters related to the disease outbreak. Even some high-ranking officials in the kingdom had fallen ill due to the disease. King Michel himself wanted to summon Ivy back, but Lord Milano kept discouraging it, convinced that Ivy was needed more in the war.
Winter and Race had just returned to Winter's pavilion. They both slumped into chairs simultaneously, exhaling tiredly after participating in distributing essential food supplies to the affected communities. Race looked at Winter, who appeared quite weary.
"Winter, are you tired? Is there something you need to drink or something to prevent you from falling ill?" Race asked with concern.
Winter opened his eyes and looked at Race. He then gave a faint smile and shook his head slowly. "I don't need anything, Race. It's exhausting, but I can handle it," Winter replied.
Race stared at Winter and didn't respond to his cousin's words. Instead, he sighed deeply and looked in another direction.
"It turns out it's not just me who needs Ivy," Race murmured.
Winter furrowed his brow in confusion upon hearing Race's words. He then sat up straight and gazed intently at Race.
"What do you mean, Race?" Winter asked, curious.
Race didn't answer immediately and looked back at Winter. He sighed deeply and gently took Winter's hand, holding it and closing his eyes.
"Just pretend I'm Ivy giving you healing magic, Winter," Race said.
Winter widened his eyes, finding Race's words unbelievable. While Race's actions were similar to Ivy's, Winter found it absurd. He withdrew his hand, looking at Race, and chuckled softly.
"Hey! That's not funny, but it did make me laugh," Winter said.
"Then you're even weirder than me, Winter," Race retorted, joining in the laughter.
Today, the rain continued to fall, and Race, still in the pavilion, looked out of the house and sighed irritably.
"Why is it raining so early in the morning?" Race grumbled.
Race, Winter, and several soldiers planned to go to the border today. They had received orders from King Michel to assess the situation at the border. The latest news they had received was that Ivy and her troops had successfully occupied the northern territory. However, there had been no envoy from the north coming to surrender.
Race was quite agitated by the persistent rain. He not only had plans to go to the border but also wanted to head north to check on Ivy's condition in person. Even though he knew it would likely cause trouble for him, Race was determined to go.
The tall, white-skinned man with a cold and stoic face chose to re-enter the pavilion. He had taken a few steps inside when he stopped again upon hearing the sound of a horse-drawn carriage entering the pavilion area. Race raised his eyebrows in surprise; the carriage just arrived was a typical Southern carriage. After the person inside alighted and hurried to escape the rain, Race grew even more perplexed.
"What brings you here, Tesla? Didn't I call you to treat Ivy?" Race inquired, not concealing his curiosity.
"Good morning, Young Master Race. I apologize for coming here without prior notice," Tesla said, bowing respectfully to Race.
"It's fine. So, why are you here, Tesla?" Race asked again.
Tesla straightened himself and then smiled at Race. "I came here at Ivy's request, Young Master Race," Tesla said.
"Ivy? For what? How is that even possible? She's in the north now, Tesla."
Race couldn't believe what he was hearing. Tesla smiled knowingly, as he had anticipated this reaction.
"Yes, Ivy asked me to come here, Young Master Race. She communicated with me telepathically and informed me that there was an outbreak of disease there. If not promptly addressed, everyone will be affected, including King Michel. Ivy asked me to purify the river water that flows from the west and passes through this area," Tesla explained in detail to Race. Race was left in awe; he hadn't expected his wife, who was in danger herself, to still think about the wicked people who had sent her to the battlefield.
"Young Master Race, we shouldn't waste any time. Can we go to the river now?" Tesla asked, jolting Race from his surprise.
Race looked at Tesla and then nodded slowly. "Alright, let's take my horse-drawn carriage," Race suggested.
"Very well," Race agreed shortly.
Winter continued to observe Race, who had been lost in thought ever since he reported everything he knew from Tesla to King Michel. Winter knew that Race must be deeply shaken because his wife continued to care for everyone Ivy could protect. Winter gently tapped Race's shoulder.
"Race, let's go back to the pavilion, shall we? We're supposed to head to the border tomorrow since our plans for today have been canceled," Winter suggested.
Race didn't respond and just looked in Winter's direction.
"Winter," Race called.
"Yes, what is it?"
"Do you know how I'm feeling right now?"
"I don't know. I'm not Ivy, I can't predict things, Race," Winter grumbled in response to Race's question.
"You know..."
"I don't know! So just tell me how you're feeling now, Race! Don't speak in fragments like someone who has trouble talking," Winter cut in, frustrated.
Race chuckled at Winter's outburst and then sighed deeply at his hands.
"Ivy is not only worried about the people in the east, Winter. She's even busy worrying about me, who always suffers from digestive issues," Race said.
"Digestive issues? What do you mean, Race?" Winter asked, needing help understanding.
"Until now, I still can't believe Ivy asked Tesla for help to resolve the outbreak issue in this area. After I escorted Tesla to purify the water that had been intentionally contaminated with magic to cause the outbreak here, Tesla performed a healing spell on me, also at Ivy's request. He said I always have digestive problems and cold hands. Oh, I almost forgot," Race said, reaching into his pants pocket.
Race pulled something out of his pocket and handed it to Winter. Winter furrowed his brow in confusion as he looked at the candy wrapper Race had given him.
"Candies? What are these for?" Winter asked.
"These are candies that Ivy sent to you. She has given them a charm to reseal your soul. Isn't this what you need to keep your strength up?" Race said with a smile.
Winter was utterly surprised now; Ivy was indeed that thoughtful. He smiled sadly and then turned his face away. Race raised an eyebrow, puzzled.
"What's wrong, Winter?" Race asked.
"It's nothing, Race."
Winter's voice quivered as he tried to hold back tears.
"Hey! Are you crying?" Race asked, making Winter turn to face him.
Winter lowered his head, not wanting Race to see him crying.
"I'm not crying," he lied.
Race laughed upon hearing Winter's words. He knew that Winter felt the same way he did. Race hugged his cousin tightly and gently patted Winter's back.
"You're just like me, Winter. We both need Ivy," Race said.
"Yes, I really need Ivy, Race."
Winter could no longer hold back his tears.
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