"Who gave that drink to Ivy? Quickly, speak up!"
Race continued to criticize all the servants in Ivy's pavilion, including Miranda, who was also present. Then he looked towards Gareta.
"Who was the last person in my and Ivy's room?" Race asked.
"I-I was, but I was only helping Young Mistress Ivy get ready. Young Mistress Ivy also mentioned she'd have breakfast at the palace, so we intentionally didn't prepare anything here," Gareta explained truthfully.
Race gave Gareta a sharp look; he knew well that his wife's favorite servant wasn't lying. Shortly after, he groaned in frustration and knocked over whatever was on the table near Ivy's room hallway.
"Who dares to poison my wife, even within her own pavilion?" Race exclaimed in anger.
Miranda, who had remained silent until now, raised her head and walked closer to Race.
"Young Master Race, don't get so angry like this. No matter how furious you are, Young Mistress Ivy won't come back to life," Miranda said.
Miranda's words took aback race. The handsome man then looked at Miranda, brushing off her hand on his arm.
"She won't come back to life, you say? Do you think my wife is dead? Who told you Ivy is dead? And why would you think that, Miranda?"
Race started to suspect Miranda. He might never have doubted her if she hadn't spoken like that. Gareta also looked toward Miranda now.
Tesla had just attempted to remove all the toxins from Ivy's body. Ivy had vomited fresh blood several times, but her eyes remained closed, unconscious. When Tesla deemed it sufficient, he stopped his healing magic. Shortly after, Tesla looked towards Doha and nodded as if giving a signal. Understanding Tesla's nod, Doha then rechecked Ivy's pulse. Doha appeared pleased when she could feel Ivy's heartbeat.
"It worked," Doha said with a happy tone.
Tesla let out a relieved sigh upon hearing Doha's words. He then looked back at Ivy.
"Thank goodness you're back, Iv," Tesla said.
Doha proceeded to help clean the blood from Ivy's lips. Once done, Doha stood up and brought a small bowl containing Ivy's vomited blood.
"I'll dispose of this first, and I'll also explain Young Mistress Ivy's condition to Young Master Race," Doha said.
"Don't! Leave it here! I need to determine what kind of poison entered Ivy's body," Tesla intervened.
Doha looked puzzled, furrowing her brow.
"I want to find out who did this, Doha."
Doha fell silent upon hearing Tesla's words. She felt the same as Tesla. Doha was also eager to know who had harmed Ivy to the point of endangering her life. However, Tesla was more audacious than Doha.
After everything was cleaned and no trace of blood remained in Ivy's room, Race entered hurriedly. His face was messy, with swollen eyes. Race had been crying a lot since earlier. He walked quickly towards Ivy's bed, where Tesla and Doha stood across from each other. Race sat on the edge of the bed and tightly held Ivy's hand.
"Why hasn't she woken up, Doha, Tesla?" Race asked, his voice starting to quiver again.
"I'm sorry, Young Master Race, for the time being, Mistress..."
"I don't want to hear anything bad about Ivy! Just say she'll wake up now, Doha! I can't breathe properly when I see her like this."
Race cut off Doha's words while continuing to gaze at Ivy.
Doha and Tesla exchanged glances with each other. Tesla let out a deep sigh and looked towards Race with compassion.
"He truly loves Ivy," Tesla thought to himself.
"Young Mistress Ivy is fine, Young Master Race. She just needs rest, and I've successfully removed the poison from her body. Doha, the health expert, has also confirmed that Young Mistress Ivy is alright," Tesla explained.
"Is that true? I won't lose Ivy, right, Tesla?" Race asked again, his tone filled with desperation.
Tesla genuinely sympathized with the desperation in Race's tone. He glanced briefly at Doha and then looked back at Race, who was now looking at him.
"Answer me and don't lie, Tesla!" Race pressed on.
Tesla stared at Race for a moment, then he smiled and nodded, affirming Race's question.
"Young Mistress Ivy will be fine and won't leave you, Young Master Race."
"Let me go! This is all untrue! Baseless accusations!"
Miranda continued to shout in the underground chamber. Race, who had grown suspicious of Miranda, didn't hesitate to confine her. Race needed to know why Miranda would dare to harm Ivy. Especially since Miranda seemed to have changed and grown closer to Ivy.
Because Miranda kept shouting and causing a commotion in the underground chamber, a guard arrived with a bucket of water. The guard proceeded to douse Miranda with the water.
"Can you please shut up?"
Startled by the water splashing on her, Miranda appeared flustered. She quickly wiped her face and then angrily yelled at the servant.
"Hey! How dare you do this to me! Do you even know who I am?" Miranda shouted.
"Hahahaha, what are you doing, Miranda? I know you well. You're just a servant here. How could I not know you?"
"Hey! Lowly guard! I'm a trusted servant of Young Master Race. Everything I do is directly ordered by Lady Maria herself. You'll face consequences if Lady Maria finds out you confined me here."
Miranda continued to shout angrily at the servant, while the servant laughed upon hearing her words.
"Don't dream too far, Miranda! If you truly were trusted by Young Master Race, then why would he confine you here? Lady Maria wouldn't be upset if only a lowly servant like you were punished. Wake up from your delusion, Miranda!"
The guard then left the place of Miranda's confinement. Meanwhile, Miranda glared at the guard with intense hatred. She resumed shouting in frustration and roughly ruffled her hair.
"Calm down, Miranda! Lady Maria will help you get out of this confinement!"
Miranda tried to reassure herself.
Race had just started to doze off while keeping Ivy company. Ivy had yet to regain consciousness, so Race had canceled all his plans for the day. Ivy slowly opened her eyes and scanned her room. She remembered everything—the poisoned wine she drank, the poisoned glasses, and how she saw Race drink from one of them. She had chosen to finish all the poisoned wine. Ivy took a deep breath and held her chest, which still felt heavy.
She felt her other hand being held by Race, who was sleeping. Ivy looked towards Race, sleeping in a chair with his head resting on the bed.
"You must be uncomfortable sleeping like that, Race," Ivy whispered.
Ivy gently pulled her hand away; she didn't want to disturb Race's sleep. Unexpectedly, Race woke up slightly startled.
Ivy gave a faint smile and reached out for Race's hand.
"Yes, I'm awake, Race."
Race didn't say anything more. He looked at the hand that Ivy was holding now. Shortly after, he looked at Ivy again.
"Why did you drink all that wine? Did you want to die alone? " Race asked with a cold and flat tone.
"Race, are you angry?" Ivy asked, noticing the disappointment in Race's expression towards her.
"Yes, I'm very angry. You always want to sacrifice your life for me. You let yourself get hurt and nearly die multiple times because of me. What do you think I am, Iv? Why don't you consider my feelings even a little?"
Even though he understood her motivations, Race was genuinely disappointed with everything Ivy had done. Everything Ivy did was undoubtedly because she loved him.
Ivy wasn't surprised by Race's reaction. Instead, she smiled and tried to sit up. However, due to Race's anger, he didn't help Ivy to sit up.
After sitting up, Ivy smiled again at Race and embraced him warmly.
"I'm sorry, you know I can die for you anytime, Race," Ivy said.
Race didn't move, and he didn't even respond to Ivy's hug.
"Sorry, this time I'm willing to die for you. Especially since your parents also want my death, Race."
Ivy's words successfully made Race forcefully release the hug. They both gazed at each other intensely.
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