"What on earth are you doing, Iv? Do you want to foolishly die?"
Race yelled at Ivy, who once again saved his and Winter's lives. Even though Ivy's condition wasn't suitable for performing such potent magic. Now Ivy was sitting on the floor, clutching her chest that felt hot.
Ivy looked up and gazed at her husband with a somber expression.
"Foolishly die? What do you mean, Race? I was helping my husband. Can you say it like that?" Ivy asked with a slightly labored voice.
Realizing his ill-chosen words, Race fell silent and simply stared at his wife. Race then clicked his tongue in frustration due to the immense guilt he felt towards Ivy.
"Race, take Ivy to my room. Let the guards clean up this mess."
Winter's words made Race and Ivy both turn to look at him.
Ivy shook her head slowly and then attempted to stand up. Race quickly assisted his wife to her feet. Ivy, unintentionally, swiftly brushed Race's hand away.
"I'm fine, Winter. Oh, yes, just a moment."
Ivy took something from the pocket of her dress. She handed Winter a red cloth-wrapped object.
"Use this as a shield emblem in your room, Winter. Sprinkle the powder inside it in front of your room door. No monster will be able to penetrate this shield," Ivy explained.
Race widened his eyes in disbelief. How could Ivy still manage to make something like that for Winter? "Iv, how can you still make this for me? Your condition isn't even stable yet," Winter said, bewildered by Ivy's thought process.
Ivy smiled and then shook her head slightly.
"I'm alright now, Winter. If you're not confident, you can sleep here tonight. Otherwise, go back to the palace. Excuse me, I'm going back to my pavilion," Ivy bid farewell and then bowed her head.
Race was taken aback by Ivy's behavior. He could sense that Ivy was currently angry with him. Without looking at Race again, Ivy left the room, leaving Race and Winter still both stunned.
Upon arriving in her pavilion, Ivy sat on the bed and held her painful chest. She winced and then tried to take a slow breath.
"Why does it keep hurting more?" she muttered to herself.
"Didn't I say it? You're not fully recovered yet and you used such powerful magic to help me and Winter. What's really going through your mind, Iv?"
Race's voice suddenly appeared, causing Ivy to look towards the door. Seeing her husband walking into her room, Ivy took a deep breath and then looked away.
"Why are you here? If you just want to scold me, you should leave. I don't have the energy to argue with you right now, Race," Ivy said without looking at Race.
Ivy didn't realize that her husband was now sitting next to her. Race gently turned Ivy's body to face him. They were now staring at each other.
"Can't you just ignore the prophecy you saw? Wouldn't that be better?" Race asked.
"If you were in my shoes, could you ignore what you saw? I don't want to see my husband and the person my husband protects getting hurt. I can't bear to see you bleeding in front of me, Race."
Ivy's voice began to tremble as she held back tears. She looked at Race with eyes that were becoming glassy. Race took a deep breath and then embraced Ivy tightly.
"I can't bear to see you hurt either, Iv. I could die if you lose consciousness again like yesterday."
"I'm fine, Race."
"That's what you think, Iv. Your body temperature is still this cold; how can I believe your words?"
Ivy fell silent, no longer arguing with Race. Truthfully, she could sense that her energy had weakened even more after the recent events.
"Promise me, Iv! Don't sacrifice your life for me anymore! If something happens to you, I could also die, Iv," Race pleaded.
"But, this is my duty, Race. I'm both Winter's protector and yours," Ivy replied.
Race took a deep breath and released his hold on Ivy. He looked at her gently and then cupped her cheek. "What do I need to do, Iv, to make you stop being the kingdom's oracle? I truly can't bear it if someday I really lose you."
Tesla opened his eyes after performing healing magic on Ivy. He took a deep breath and then looked intently at Ivy.
"You used a large amount of magic again?" Tesla asked.
"Um." Ivy nodded, confirming it.
"Was I not clear when I told you not to use magic for a while?" Tesla asked again, trying not to be angry with Ivy.
"I'm sorry, Tesla. I had to do it because my husband was in danger."
"Tsk, Race is stronger than you think, Iv. He can take care of himself and protect Winter too. Please, don't use your magic for now!"
Ivy took a deep and heavy breath.
"How can I ignore what I saw, Tesla? He's my husband; I don't want to see him hurt. Besides, afterward, I managed to regain some energy," Ivy said with a smile.
Tesla sighed in frustration upon hearing Ivy's words.
"Not much, but enough to gather hara for you as well," Tesla said.
"Really? So that means my hara will return, and everything will balance out again?" Ivy asked, trying to reassure herself.
"Well, my healing magic only assists your mana to work. Gather more of your mana, Iv!"
"How do I do that, Tesla?" Race suddenly appeared and asked.
Both Tesla and Ivy looked toward Race.
"Race, you're back?" Ivy asked as she tried to sit up.
"Just lie down!" Race ordered.
Ivy followed Race's command and lay back down. A moment later, Race looked at Tesla, sitting in a chair beside Ivy's bed.
"How do you gather mana as you mentioned earlier, Tesla?" Race asked again.
"Tesla," Ivy grabbed Tesla's hand to prevent him from telling Race. Ivy felt embarrassed about Race finding out the method of gathering mana.
Race looked at Ivy and then sighed in disappointment.
"Once again, you want to hide important things from me, Iv?" Race's tone was disappointed.
"It's not like that, Race," Ivy explained.
"Then, why can't Tesla tell me about the method of gathering mana?" Race said again.
Ivy fell silent, unable to answer. On the other hand, Tesla smiled faintly and then slowly let go of Ivy's hand. He looked at Race and then stood up slowly.
"The method is very simple, Mr. Race."
Tesla smiled and took a step forward, whispering something to Race. Suddenly, Ivy's husband blushed. Ivy herself tapped her forehead, feeling embarrassed now.
The night had grown quite late, but Ivy still couldn't sleep. She was currently in Race's embrace, and he knew the method to gather mana for Ivy. It's not that she didn't enjoy being held by her husband. However, staying in Race's embrace for too long made Ivy feel uncomfortable and unable to sleep. In contrast to Ivy, Race had fallen asleep deeply, unaware that his wife had been awake the whole time.
Ivy gazed at Race's face, which was very close to hers. She reached out and gently touched Race's cheek.
"This feels like a dream to me, Race," Ivy whispered to herself.
"What kind of dream?" Race asked, having heard Ivy's words. He slowly opened his eyes and locked gazes with Ivy.
"Why are you awake?" Ivy asked.
"Why are you awake yourself? Is something wrong?" Race inquired.
"I just can't fall asleep," Ivy sighed.
Race furrowed his brows in confusion.
"Why? Is something uncomfortable or causing you pain?" Race asked, relaxing his hold on Ivy.
"It's not that."
"Then what is it?"
Ivy didn't immediately answer and continued to look at Race closely. Her eyes trembled, and she drew herself closer to him. Ivy gently wrapped her arms around Race's body.
"I feel nervous being in your embrace, Race," Ivy admitted shyly.
Race was surprised by Ivy's words, and then he smiled and held Ivy even tighter.
"I'm your husband, why would you be nervous? I can do much more than this, Iv," Race whispered with a mischievous tone.
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