It had been five days since Ivy fought the monster. Since that day, Ivy had not regained consciousness until now. None of the guests knew Ivy had fainted due to energy depletion except for the royal family and Race's family. Since Ivy had fallen unconscious, Race had never left her room. He kept her company, sitting by her side as she remained unconscious. Race gently stroked her face, then took a deep breath. He looked at Ivy and then reached for her hand softly.
"Iv, why haven't you woken up yet? How can I heal you if I don't even know where you're injured?"
"Didn't you promise you'd be fine if I followed your lead in fighting that monster? Then why are you like this now?"
Race honestly didn't know what to do at this point. Just then, there was a knock on the door.
"Come in!" Race said, his voice terse.
Winter and Tesla entered the room. Race reflexively stood up and bowed.
"Um... how's Ivy? She hasn't woken up yet?" Winter asked, looking at Ivy.
"Still the same, she's still sleeping. Maybe she's gathering her energy," Race shared his thoughts.
Winter looked over at Tesla.
"Could you check on her now?" he then added.
Hearing that, Race and Winter both looked at Tesla.
"You're Ivy's healing mage friend?" Race guessed.
"That's correct, Master Race. I am Tesla, Ivy's friend. May I examine your wife now?" Tesla asked.
"Please do! Do anything that can wake her up, Tesla. I beg you."
Winter could see the worry on Race's face and hear the desperation in Race's voice.
"Why do I feel like Race has taken my position? Even though it's clear that Ivy is Race's wife. It would be wrong if I actually liked Ivy," Winter thought while continuing to watch Race.
Tesla nodded in agreement to Race's request. He quickly sat by the edge of the bed and held Ivy's hand. Tesla closed his eyes for a moment and then widened them in surprise. He looked at Race and then at Winter.
"Did you let Ivy exhaust all of her haras energy? She could die if her two energies aren't balanced."
Both Race and Winter were now equally surprised. They exchanged puzzled looks, utterly unaware of the energies Tesla was referring to.
Winter had just entered his room. He lay down on the bed slowly and stared at the ceiling vacantly.
"What if Ivy ends up dying? Not only will I lose her, but I'll also lose a shield and tool to further my path to becoming the crown prince," Winter mumbled, his position weighing heavily on his mind.
Winter gently rubbed his face and then chose to lie on his side.
"And what about Race? He must be devastated. It's the first time he's fallen for a woman," Winter continued.
Confused about what he should do to save Ivy, Winter let out a frustrated groan. He couldn't think right now. His emotions were all over the place.
In Ivy's pavilion, Gareta was preparing dinner while crying. She felt sorrow seeing Ivy still unconscious. Selina, who knew how close Gareta and Ivy were, sighed softly. She patted Gareta's shoulder gently.
"Enough, Gareta! Crying won't make her wake up."
"How can I not cry, Selina? Mistress is still unconscious. I feel so sorry for Mr. Race."
Gareta wiped her tears and then resumed chopping the meat.
"Crying won't help Mistress wake up. So, don't burden Mr. Race even more with your tears!"
Selina's patience ran thin as she scolded Gareta for being overly emotional.
Gareta glanced at Selina briefly, but soon she burst into tears again, her sobs louder this time. Selina sighed exasperated, lightly tapping Gareta's arm before hugging her co-worker and friend.
Race initially wanted to ask his servants to prepare a hot soup and stopped in front of the kitchen.
"It turns out that they are the ones who care deeply for Ivy," Race mumbled to himself.
Tesla continued to visit and attempt to heal Ivy every two days. Two visits had already occurred, yet Ivy still hadn't awakened. After channeling his energy to heal Ivy, Tesla slowly opened his eyes. He took a deep breath and replenished his energy. Soon after, he looked at Race, who was standing by the bedside worriedly.
"Young Master Race, today's healing session is done," Tesla said.
"Really? Then why hasn't Ivy shown any improvement? Will she wake up later?" Race asked, his gaze fixed on his pale wife.
Tesla felt a pang of sadness hearing Race's question. He understood why Race was asking such things. Ivy was indeed in critical condition at the moment. Tesla could only be patient while continuing to attempt to heal Ivy by transferring his energy to her.
"Have faith that Ivy will wake up soon, Young Master Race. She's a strong woman."
Tesla tried reassuring Race, although he wasn't entirely confident Ivy would wake up soon.
Race shifted his gaze from Ivy to Tesla now. He nodded in agreement with Tesla's words.
"Very well, then. You may leave, Tesla," Race said.
"Allow me to escort you to the front," Race offered.
"No need, you can stay here and watch over Ivy," Tesla declined, bowing slightly before leaving Ivy's room.
Race then took a deep breath and sat on the edge of the bed. He held Ivy's hand and gently stroked it.
"I should have been the one to fight that monster as usual. Why did you sacrifice yourself, Iv?"
Race looked back at his wife and tightly held Ivy's hand.
"Iv, don't be like this! I truly can't imagine losing you like this."
Race was deeply affected by Ivy's condition, something he hadn't experienced in a long time. He held Ivy's hand tightly and then softly kissed it.
"Please wake up soon, Iv!" Race pleaded amidst his tears.
He continued to cry, not noticing that the bedroom door had opened, and Tuan Milano and Nyonya Maria were raising their eyebrows in confusion at the sight of Race crying.
Hearing his name called, Race wiped his tears and looked towards the source of the voice.
"Father, Mother."
Race released his grip on Ivy's hand and bowed to greet his parents.
"What are you doing here? Why aren't you at the basecamp during work hours?" Tuan Milano asked sternly.
"That's right, and why are you crying, Race?" Nyonya Maria chimed in.
"I'm here to accompany Ivy, Father, Mother. My wife is sick because she was protecting the royal family and the two of you. How could I leave her alone in her current condition?" Race answered his parents' questions.
"Tsk... accompanying Ivy? Isn't this also a part of the risks she must accept?" Tuan Milano said with a raised voice.
"Risks? What do you mean, Father?"
"Race, Ivy agreed to become the palace oracle, which means she must accept all the consequences that come with it. Besides, don't you realize that you don't need to worry about Ivy? If she's gone, won't your position naturally improve?" Nyonya Maria interjected.
Race felt anger rising at his mother's words. He took a step back and glared at his parents.
"She's my wife, which means she's also your daughter-in-law. How can you speak like that!"
Race raised his voice, shocking both Tuan Milano and Nyonya Maria.
"Race!" someone called loudly, with a sharp slap across Race's cheek.
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