Ivy ran even faster when she heard the sound of a horse-drawn carriage in the distance. She continued to focus on seeing what caused Race's carriage to overturn. Eventually, Ivy saw a demon-like creature from the forest alongside the road leading to her pavilion, aiming for Race's carriage.
"What's that? Why are they targeting Race?" Ivy muttered as she increased her speed.
As she got closer to Race's carriage, Ivy could also see a strange being on top of it. Ivy chanted a spell and suddenly found herself on top of Race's carriage. Inside the carriage, Race could hear and sense that someone was on top.
"Stop!" Race yelled at the coachman.
Upon hearing this, the coachman tried to stop the carriage, but Ivy used her magic to hide from Race's view. The carriage refused to stop.
"Stop, I said, coachman!" Race raised his voice a bit.
"I'm sorry, Tuan muda Race, the horses are a bit difficult to control. I'll try to stop the carriage as soon as possible," the coachman said, sounding panicked.
Race furrowed his brows in confusion while Ivy gripped the creature's arm and grinned at it.
"Don't bother my husband, or you'll vanish in an instant," Ivy threatened.
The creature roared while tossing Ivy aside. Both of them fell to the edge of the forest. At that moment, the carriage finally stopped. Race quickly got out and looked up at the roof of his carriage.
"There's nothing," Race said, not seeing anything unusual.
"Is there anything wrong, Tuan muda Race? Do you want to stop?" the coachman asked.
Race glanced at the coachman and shook his head slightly. "No, let's continue our journey!" Race invited then returned to the carriage.
Meanwhile, Ivy was engaged in a battle with the creature that had threatened Race. Ivy was using all her strength to fight off the beast.
"Is that your job here? Can't you manage to take care of just one person? How can Ivy go out alone without anyone knowing?"
Race was furious when he discovered his wife was missing from her room. All the servants present, and a few guards who were stationed to watch over Ivy's pavilion were now mobilized to search for her. They had combed the pavilion area, but Ivy still needed to be found.
"Gareta, weren't you always with Ivy?" Race demanded in a high tone, directing his anger at all the attendants.
"Yes, Tuan muda Race. But it's nighttime, and Selina and I went to our rooms to sleep," Gareta replied, lowering his head in fear.
"You shouldn't sleep when Ivy hasn't gone to bed!" scolded Race, his frustration escalating.
Race groaned in frustration and then knocked over the items on the table. All the attendants were startled and on edge. Race clenched his hands, appearing extremely worried as Ivy suddenly disappeared.
"Both of you, come with me to search for Ivy in the nearby woods," Race instructed the two guards in the room.
"Alright," they both responded simultaneously.
Race left the pavilion, determined to search for Ivy in the woods. He felt anxious that Ivy might want to escape from his pavilion.
"What's wrong with me? Why am I so worried when Ivy isn't here? Why am I so afraid she might vanish without saying goodbye?" Race's thoughts raced as he hurried towards the forest.
"What's this fear I'm feeling? Why do I feel like this in my heart right now?"
Race kept talking to himself internally until a voice he recognized made him stop in his tracks.
"Race! Where are you going?" Ivy's voice called out as she ran towards him.
Race, almost reflexively, halted and turned to see Ivy approaching. He didn't immediately answer her question but merely stared at her fixedly. Ivy had extended her hand, wanting to reach for Race, but she refrained from doing so, recalling that Race didn't like her touching him.
"Where have you been? What are you doing out so late at night?" Race asked, suppressing the worry in his tone.
"I was just taking a walk because I couldn't sleep," Ivy replied nervously.
"A walk? Late at night like this? Are you crazy? Why do you have to drive me crazy too, Ivy?"
Race raised his voice out of anger, frustration, and worry. Ivy flinched and stepped back, and her head lowered in embarrassment.
"I'm sorry, Race," she mumbled.
Race huffed in exasperation before turning around and walking away from Ivy. The two guards following Race exchanged puzzled glances, shrugging their shoulders in unison. Ivy let out a heavy sigh, watching Race's retreating.
"Most importantly, you're safe now, Race," Ivy told herself in a monologue.
Ivy rubbed her hands together, attempting to heal and restore her energy. Since last night, she had been feeling a bit weak, possibly due to not fully recovering and having to exert her magical abilities excessively.
"My positive energy is still in disarray," Ivy mumbled to herself in monologue, then let out a deep and heavy sigh.
Leaning back in her chair, Ivy suddenly jolted as she heard her bedroom door open forcefully. Her heart raced, and she looked bewildered towards the entrance, where Race was walking towards her.
"What did I do wrong this time?" Ivy murmured.
Upon reaching Ivy, Race roughly grabbed her hand and embraced her tightly. "Why do you keep doing dangerous things for me?" Race's voice trembled as he spoke.
"What do you mean, Race?" Ivy asked, confused.
Race released the hug and stared intently at Ivy, his eyes welling up with tears before he hugged her again. "I know you saved me last night. I know you sacrificed yourself again for me."
Now Ivy was even more surprised. She pulled away from Race's embrace and gazed at her husband, her expression of shock. "Race, how did you know? I'm sorry, Race, I used my magic again. I didn't want you to get hurt," Ivy said, fearing that Race might be angry and push her away.
Race didn't respond to Ivy's apology; he looked at her painedly. He could see how frightened Ivy was at the moment. "I didn't hesitate when I saw the vision of you being in danger. I used my magic again. I'm sorry, Race."
Ivy apologized once more as Race remained unresponsive. She looked at him fearfully, unsure of his reaction. Race then let out a deep sigh and embraced Ivy again. "Don't apologize again! I'm not angry," Race said.
"Then, why did you yell at me last night? I'll try not to use my magic again, Race," Ivy pleaded.
"It's because I worry about you, Ivy. Somehow, you've been occupying my thoughts and heart."
Race's recent statement took aback Ivy.
Race released Ivy from the hug and looked at her, extending his hand to touch her cheek gently. Surprised, He widened his eyes as he felt Ivy's cheek icy. Race didn't just touch Ivy's cheek; he also touched her hand and the rest of her body.
"Why is your body this cold, Ivy? What happened? Did you fight against a high-level magical creature last night?" Race asked, his worry evident.
Ivy waited to respond. She simply gazed at Race and then shook her head softly. "No! Don't let my dream become a reality! I don't want that!"
Race raised his voice again and hugged Ivy tightly. Ivy needed clarification on the meaning behind Race's words.
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