Lily sat on one of the stools in the kitchen. A mathematics textbook opened to the current chapter that's been taught in school and a notebook beside it, where she solved the equation.
She came down to Sarah's house when she was done with school and thankfully, she met Sarah's dad who explained some things to her before leaving for work. Sarah's currently sleeping, that's why she wanted to attempt the question from the assignment given.
'Math's so difficult and boring' she sighed.
She looked away from the book and let her mind wander off to something else. Her mind was taken back to what happened at the community center two days ago. A tired sigh left her lips and she buried her face in her palm.
Lily promised herself not to think about it and just hope for the best but trying to do that is like saying you wouldn't smell smoke when there's fire. It's hard to ignore because it was there. The reality of things and it scared her so much.
"Sarah shall not die but live to declare the works of GOD as she has been doing" she muttered the bible verse Joshua gave her when she talked to him about her encounter with those ladies.
Thinking it would end there, she was met with more adversaries in school. Fendi and Matthew weren't as close as they were before Sarah's illness was known to all.
She remembered when she went to meet them about another outreach, she and Joshua would be going to later on Friday but they gave excuses that didn't make sense. But she understood and just smiled at them before leaving them.
Mark, the guy who challenged her at the beginning of her faith journey, began questioning what she believed and who she believed in. It wasn't just him, it was like a whole group of people were joined together to discourage her and question her belief in GOD.
She didn't want the negative words of others to discourage her from her faith and belief in GOD. She comforted herself with scripture from the bible where GOD came in at the right time to make things better. It was late in the human sense but not to GOD because he's always on time. No matter the situation.
"You are always on time" she muttered to herself and closed her eyes.
'You're not naïve to the reality of what's happening' a voice in her head said.
She shook her head and tried to shake the voice from her head. The voice of doubt, that has been saying all manner to discourage her.
"GOD, I am lost. Help me please" she prayed in a small voice. "You heard Hagar's son. I know you'll hear me" She opened her eyes and paused when her heart felt heavy. Her lips quivered and she felt the tears in her eyes. She tried to blink the tears away.
"GOD, please heal my friend from this sickness" She looked at the textbook again then closed the book and lay her head on the counter. "I can't deny the hurt going on in my heart and the fear within" she confessed.
She raised her head, put both palms against each other in prayer, and rested her chin between her thumbs and index fingers.
"Call upon me and I will answer, you said" she sighed "I am calling GOD, answer me please" she pleaded.
She stayed like that. Praying with a voice only GOD can hear. From the deepest part of her heart.
Then her phone rang. She rounded up the prayer and picked up her phone to see who was calling.
"Hey" her voice came out timid and unclear so she cleared her voice and spoke again "Hi Cory, what's up?"
Cory paused for a moment. "Are you okay?" she sounded worried.
Lily smiled.
"I'll be good, you?"
Cory sighed. "Remember..."
"Yeah, yeah. I do" Lily chuckled.
"I'll be here if you ever need someone to talk to or even cry. I could handle that" she shrugged.
Lily nods. "Thank you, I know"
"No problem. Are you doing anything currently?" she asked.
Lily looked at the closed textbook and shook her head. "Nah, I was praying though but I am assured GOD answered me" She took in deep breaths and let it out slowly.
"I know he will" Cory breathes out "I have to find my way to him, so I don't get lost" she chuckled lightly.
"He's always there, no matter how far away you think you are from him. Ask him" Lily shrugged "He'll draw you nearer if you don't know your way to him. You just have to ask" Lily felt swell talking to her sister about GOD.
Cory laughed. "I... it's, I don't know. I never thought my little sister could preach about GOD to me"
"I guess GOD can use anyone to talk about his goodness to others" Lily drummed her fingers on the table "I also think it's a willing thing. You have to be willing to do it before he can answer you"
"I'll consider that little sister"
"Okay, is mum at home? I didn't see her this morning when I left for school" Lily asked. She stood up to grab herself some more water and take some to Sarah in her room.
"Not yet, I came home to an empty house" Cory paused and let out a sigh but didn't say anything.
"You there?" Lily asked when she didn't say anything.
"Sure, it's just strange, I guess. This has been going on for a long time but it still feels strange"
Lily put down the bottle. "I think Mum misses Dad. It's been weeks, right? And nothing from him. It's like he doesn't exist anymore" She let out a frustrated sigh.
"I know. Mum seems to be working too much, maybe that's her way of lessening the pain she's feeling."
Lily poured the water inside the cup she was using then closed the cap and went to grab the healthy sandwich Sarah's dad told her to give Sarah when she was up.
"Maybe we could have a girl's time together one of these days" Lily suggested "I think it would help us have more fun together as a family, refill, and talk about things that bother us generally"
"That sounds great. When she comes home, I will let her know" Cory sneezed. "Thank you," she said when Lily told her 'bless you'. "How's Sarah? She looks and feels better?"
"Well, yeah" Lily sighed then looked over her shoulder. "The way the doctor is talking about her ailment, it's as if it wouldn't go and it might be extremely terminal"
"Liver cancer is terminal"
"I don't think in all cases. I am still trying to familiarize myself with the whole thing. Symptoms, care, and all things, you know"
Cory didn't say anything for a while. "You're a good friend" she commented.
"And you're a good sister," Lily says.
Cory laughed. "Don't patronize me"
Lily frowned.
"I am not. I am telling you the truth"
"We weren't that close when we were growing up," Cory said in a matter-of-fact tone.
"Still, we love each other and will always be there for each other." Lily shrugged. "It's normal for siblings to have little argument and gaps in between growing up but that doesn't mean they don't love each other. You were there for me when I needed a shoulder to cry on and I cherish that moment so much"
Cory sniffled. "You're gonna make me cry, you little one"
"I've got tissues in my room, if you need extras" they both burst out laughing.
"Seriously, I am happy Sarah has you as her friend. GOD will reward you for all you do for your friend and the good you do too"
"Amen, thank you"
"You girls stay happy and take care. If you need me to come to pick you up, let me know and I'll be there"
"You called to check on me?" Lily asked.
Cory nodded.
"Yes, I did and I am glad you are. I will try to make time to pray. Sarah's healing would be my number one" she smiled.
"I'll let her know she's in your prayers"
"Thank you, little sis. I will talk to you later"
"Bye" the line got disconnected and she took the sandwich and water to Sarah's room.
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