“Will that be all ma’am?” Lily handed the plater different food to a woman who was eyeing the food like it was the only good thing around her.
She hummed and walked away, still salivating over the food. Lily smiled at her reaction then looked to her right to see Joshua having little chit-chats with a young lady as he serves her food.
Since the community center was opened, Lily and Joshua often come here to assist the volunteers with caring for the homeless in any best possible way they can. Sarah wanted to come along with them but Lily had to threaten not to come see her again if she doesn’t stay back and rest enough.
Lily understood Sarah’s passion but you need your strength to fuel your passion for anything. And that’s what Sarah would be getting. Her strength.
There wasn’t anyone lined up in front of her so, she decided to take a little break at a corner in the room. She wanted to call Sarah to check on her but her phone kept going to voicemail.
Lily sighed and decided to leave a voicemail then call after she’s done here before heading there to check in on her.
“Call me when you receive this voicemail, I really am worried that you aren’t picking up. There’s still so much to do here but I will try to come by later today.” She took in deep breaths and sighed. “Please, take care and ill see you later” she disconnected it and closed her eyes to stop the tears from falling down her cheeks.
“She’ll be okay Lily, just keep your Faith strong” she whispered to herself, her voice shook. “Sarah would be fine. GOD will never leave her” she comforted herself.
Lily sighed again and turned to leave that place but jumped when she saw three ladies from church standing and observing her. She offered them a smile but they didn’t return it. They had something like contempt playing on their faces.
“So, how’s Sarah?” asked the blonde lady by the right.
“Is she out of the hospital yet?” the red-haired in the middle asked.
“Or is she dead?” the brunette asked.
Lily immediately rejected her statement.
“I reject it. My friend would not die” a frown settled on Lily’s face and she put her hands on her hips. “For your information, Sarah is well and okay. GOD has been so good to us. To her and she is strong by his grace and power” she replied them and took a step to leave their midst but they stopped her.
“Oh, I guess she’s okay then” the red-haired lady shrugged.
“Since you say your friend is okay, there’s no need to pray for her then” the blonde one stated and looked at her friends for support and the agreed with a nod.
Lily was confused with what they were saying but she didn’t want to dwell on it, so she excused herself but they stopped her again.
“Guys, I have some work to get to. Thank you for your concern for my friend but the work wouldn’t do itself.” She tried to get past them again but they didn’t allow her.
“We don’t want to trouble you or anything” brunette said.
“We just want to throw a piece of advice to you” red hair said.
Blondie looked at Lily from her head to her toe and back to her face. “Hopefully you’ll listen to the words of wisdom”
“What do you want to tell me?” Lily asked, curious as to what they wanted to say to her.
“It’s your friend Sarah. We understand that people go through bad things, even Christian but I think Sarah’s attack is intense because she might be a terrible sinner and GOD is probably punishing her for her sins” the blonde said.
“We see that GOD hates sin and he would also punish those that refuse to repent of their sin and come to him.” Brunette said.
Lily frowned at their statement. She opened her mouth to say something but the red-haired lady raised her hand for Lily not to talk.
“Let’s finish what we want to say”
The brunette turned to her friends and asked. “Perhaps, she’s paying for her parent’s sins, huh?”
“What?” astonished, Lily looked between the three ladies with wide opened eyes.
The blonde turned to Lily. “You’re aware her parents drink lots of wine and you know its sinful to drink. GOD hates sins and most of the time punishes children for the sins of their parents” she shrugged.
“That could be what’s happening to your home girl. Poor thing” red-hair shook her head.
Lily grunted in annoyance. “No, no, no whatever you girls are saying, no. why would you think like that? Where’s your faith?” her voice rose a bit, annoyance laced in them.
“This isn’t about faith but about facts. What is really happening. We are opening your eyes to it, so you know what you should pray about” brunette said.
Lily wouldn’t lie, she almost believed them, especially when they talked about Sarah’s parents taking so much wine. It was true but she knew the wine is alcohol free. ‘Is it?’
“I don’t care what you say, I know GOD would never put us through pain. Yes, I know he could punish his children if they misbehave after so many warnings but he doesn’t bring pain on people”
“Then who brings the pain?”
“The devil. He’s the manipulator here, don’t put the devil’s work on GOD.” Lily defends. She wanted these girls to see her conviction to the truth she’s telling them. “GOD only permit certain things to happen but would never let his people go down the dark path”
“Well, GOD is permitting the devil to kill your friend slowly” blondie said then gestures to the interiors of the building. “Look at what you and your friends are doing. This community center, helping those who didn’t ask for it and just spreading good, yet, your friend is in a state that’s discouraging” she shook her head.
Lily wanted to say something but the words were caught in her throat. So many emotions went through her and her eyes were slowly gathering tears threatening to fall. She took in deep breaths and let it out slowly to stop herself from feeling bad.
“Bad things happen to people and Christians are people”
“Yes, we are but we should be excluded from the trials of life and not have to go through what other people go through. We are different from them because of JESUS we accepted in our heart. We should have a special treatment instead” red-hair rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.
Lily couldn’t take it anymore. It felt like she didn’t know who she is or where she stands as a Christian. Like whatever belief she had, these girls took from her in under five minutes.
“I—I have to go” she whispered and walked out their midst.
“You guys are doing good to people, I think you should pray to GOD to take that sickness from your friend”
Lily stopped when one of them said that.
“It would be a shame if she dies even after all these great things you’re doing for GOD. People wouldn’t want to listen when that happens because if truly GOD is behind you all, she wouldn’t be suffering this much”
A sob left Lily’s lips and she ran out of the center, not minding who saw her or how she looked like. She just wanted to go somewhere she can let out this burning pain in her heart out. She didn’t want to believe any of the words they said to her but it kept slicing to her very being, slowly and painfully.
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