Lily watched Sarah eat the turkey sandwich she brought for her and would smile when their eyes met. When she looked closely at Sarah, she started to notice the changes in her.
She looked a bit lean and she could remember one time they went out to shop for some clothes and she passed Sarah a dress that’s her right size but when she wore it, it was really loose and she wondered how she lost so much weight in a short period.
Sarah had told her she was trying to diet and loose some weight, hence the great change in her size. Lily didn’t want to put too much mind to it because she knew Sarah as the kind of person that tries new things every time, she gets the chance to.
“It tastes great” Sarah said when she finished the half sandwich she was eating.
“Don’t have much of an appetite, huh?” Lily stood to take the remaining sandwich and put it in the box she brought. She sat on the bed and held Sarah’s hand. “Do you feel fine? Any pain?”
Sarah shook her head, a smile on her face. “No, I don’t feel any pain” she whispered.
They didn’t say anything for a moment and just looked at each other.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about my sickness”
“It’s okay Sarah. I think I understand” Lily breathes out “It’s not an easy thing to say to someone”
“Not when that person is someone you can tell anything to” Sarah sniffled and bite her bottom lip to stifle the sob wanting to escape her lips. “Not when she’s your best friend”
“Sarah” Lily whispered, already feeling like crying. “I am here for you, whenever you need me. This is hard, very challenging but we will get past this soon. All of it” she smiled.
Sarah smiled too and nod her head. “Thank you. Thank you so much, you’re a true friend”
Lily squeezed her hands comfortingly and moved closer to her. “I don’t want you to think you can’t come to me when things get bumpy. I would like to know why you decided to keep this important turn of event in your life from me but what’s important to me between us is how we can rely on each other even when we are going through the darkest days” Sarah nods.
“I know we can’t solve each other’s problems but we can talk about them and pray to GOD about it. If they feel too heavy to talk about, we can let the other know we need them to stand in pray for us because we are challenged” Sarah couldn’t hold it in anymore and burst out crying.
Lily moved close to her and held Sarah in her embrace. “I want us to be able to lean on ourselves because we know GOD bless us with each other as bestie so we are not lonely on this path we are taking together. This journey we are taking is a forever one with GOD and he made us sisters from different families for a reason”
Sarah sniffled, then nod her head and cleaned her face to stop the tears from coming.
“I am truly blessed to have you in my life”
“I am blessed too” Lily smiled at her “I want you to be okay and I pray to GOD that this would be the last time you get sick. This disease would go away. GOD will do it” Lily’s voice cracked when she spoke the last words.
She wants to comfort Sarah and doesn’t need her emotions getting in the way.
“It’s…” Sarah looked at her fingers and sniffled again “It’s hereditary. The cancer.” She looked up at Lily and managed a smile then looked down at her fingers again. She wiped the tears that clouded her vision.
“My grandmother had it before she passed away a few years back and…” she let out a breath and faced up, her eyes closed “This isn’t the first encounter I had with this cancer. I had it when I was a little girl and…” she sniffled “My parent nearly lost me but GOD took control and I was okay” she faced down to look at Lily with a smile on her face.
“I like to think they left and came and left and came, you know like that” she cleaned the tears on the side of her face. “But they never actually left. They considered a transplant in my early years but doctor said it was too risky to go ahead with it, so I had to just go through normal treatment to keep it from eating me up” she chuckled.
“I’m sorry” Lily whispered.
“It’s no one’s fault. Life just kind of like to happen and it’s not pretty most of the time” she chuckled at the end of the statement and Lily managed a smile. “I’m glad I have the best people in my life” she grinned.
“Me too, I’m sorry you had to go through all this pain. No one deserves it at all” Lily squeezed her hand comfortingly.
“Thank you for being there”
“You know who you should be thanking the most” Lily leaned in for a hug and they stayed like that for a moment “He should be thanked the most because he brought us together”
“Thank GOD” Sarah wiped a tear that escaped from her eye.
“Thank GOD” Lily whispered.
The leaned away from the hug and Lily took out her phone to videocall Joshua.
“Hi Joshua” they greet him together and he waved back, excitement evident in his tone.
“How is our little strong girl doing?” he asked.
“She’s doing great as you can see” Sarah flexed her weak muscle to him and he laughed.
“By the time we see each other, you’d be able to knock a heavy punch” he winked.
“You bet brother”
They continued talking for a little while and Sarah told them she was feeling tired. Before Joshua disconnected the call, he prayed with the both of them and prayed for GOD to take the sickness from Sarah and make her healthy once more.
As they prayed, Sarah and Lily shed silent tears and chorused ‘Amen’ when needed. They said their goodbyes after praying and Lily lay on the bed with Sarah, giving her as much support as she can and making Sarah aware that she’s never alone.
GOD is with her. She is with her. Her family is with her and Joshua is with her.
Sarah couldn’t ask for more.
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