“I’m so excited about this” Lily jumped as she and Joshua made their way to the newly purchased center. “Sarah would have love to come here too” she expressed her excitement.
“I am sure, she would too. How’s she feeling now? The pain reduced?”
They stopped at the end of the stairs in front of the building. Different workers could be seen carrying on with their various work, moving about.
“I don’t know Joshua, I feel like she is in more pain than she’s letting me know”
“Why would she want to hide that from you?” he asked.
“I am as confused as you. I know we all have secrets but the constant wincing made me notice. I don’t even know how long it has been that she experiencing this pain and she wouldn’t open up about it” Lily sighed in defeat.
“I do hope it’s nothing too serious” Joshua said.
“Me too, she came down with a fever when we arrived from there and while we were on that trip she made me promise that her parents wouldn’t know she’s experiencing such pain” Joshua frowned.
“Why would she tell you that?” Lily shrugged. “Did you tell them?”
“Had no choice. Her dad was at home when we arrived and he immediately rushed her to the hospital despite her protest” Lily shook her head, a worry look on her face.
“Something happened?”
“She kept talking about a discomfort in her upper abdomen. The right side and when she said that, her dad sort of froze before I had to shake him to take her to the hospital” Lily explained.
“She’s still at the hospital?” Joshua asked.
“Yes, when I visited yesterday, she told me she will be discharged soon”
They continued walking up the stairs. “She’s so sure, admire her confidence” Joshua compliments.
“Would let her know when I go to meet her this evening.”
“I might also come along,”
“She’ll be glad” they reached the top stairs and entered through the open door to see the place looking messy and in disarray. “This place would be a wonder soon enough” Lily grinned.
“I know right?”
“Good day sir,” they turned to the voice and saw a young man wearing a safety helmet with his white wife-beater stained and his face also “Looking for someone?” he asked.
“Oh no, we are the owners of these place so we just came to check how far things are going” Joshua explained.
“Oh, you’re the man behind this amazing idea” he waves “Would have love a handshake but I’m all dirty” he chuckled “I am Derek, one of the plumbers fixing all leaks and anything plumbing” he chuckled.
“Nice to meet you Derek, I am Joshua and this is Lily. We are one of the co-founders of this place.”
“Nice to meet you both also. When I heard of this center opening up soon and the purpose for it, I just wanted to come work regardless of how little or many I will be paid. People are going through a lot and I am so sure this would be a great thing for them all” Derek expressed his excitement.
“We are glad people are receiving this well” Lily grinned.
“Yes, but you’ll soon come to know that not everyone will accept your idea, regardless of how good and benefi-”
“Derek man, come we have lots of work here” another guy in the same clothing as Derek called out to him from a door.
Derek turned to look at the pair with an apologetic look on his face. “I need to go. It was nice meeting you both” he said.
“Same here” Lily said.
He starts walking with his back. “Keep what you are doing and don’t stop regardless of the backlash, GOD bless” he waves at them and turned around to go through the door at the other side.
“GOD bless you too” Joshua said. He and Lily looked at each other.
“He’s right. We will face backlash even though we are doing a great cause for the benefit of others” Lily shook her head and they walked out of the door to leave.
“That’s just life for you Lily.” He sighed. They walked some distance away from the center before he spoke again. “Even when JESUS was going around doing good and healing those that were sick and oppressed, he had opposers” Joshua said.
“The negative and positive law” said Lily.
They arrived at the park then sat on the bench they had been sitting on right from time.
“The what law?”
Lily looked at him. “The good and bad, the dark and light, the negative and positive. If one exist, the other have to. Just like this quote I saw by Francis Bacon ‘In order for the light to shine so brightly, the darkness must be present’ and it’s true” she said.
Joshua nods. “Life and death”
“When there’s a birthing of life, someone out there is dying” her voice cracked when she said that.
Joshua placed his hand on her shoulder. “What’s going on? Are you okay?”
She opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out so she choked back a sob. Taking deep breaths, she let out a huge sigh.
“I don’t know Joshua, I… there’s this feeling of emptiness in my heart and I can’t identify what kind of emptiness it is” she choke back a sob “I just can’t” she said in a whisper.
Joshua puts his arms over her then draw her closer as she sobs to her heart content. He didn’t say anything, just offered her a shoulder to cry on.
“Her parents are here?” he asked. “Would love to meet them” he said when they entered the hospital lobby and were walking to the elevator.
“I don’t think so,” Lily said then pressed the right floor number and waited for the door to close.
“Okay. Careful with the buns we got for her” he said when he noticed her almost crushing it.
“Oh, sorry” Lily adjust the small basket in both hands the look up at Joshua “I don’t look like I cried a river?” she made faces which made him laugh.
“No, little one and I am sure you’re feeling better now?”
Lily looked away and sighed. “Much better”
“Good,” he said then the elevator opened and they stepped out. “And you didn’t cry a river” he said when they arrived in front of Sarah’s hospital room.
“Oh please,” she rolled her eyes and they laughed.
She knocked and opened the door slightly to see Sarah who quickly hid something inside her blanket when she heard the door open.
Lily glared at her and put the basket on the couch then walked up to her with her hands outstretched. “Gimme” she said.
“What?” Sarah asked, also trying to conceal what’s in her mouth.
“Spit it out and give me what you’re hiding” Lily wriggled her hand.
“Nothing” Sarah spoke like she had problems with her speech.
“We brought you some snacks and if you don’t br-”
She immediately brought out the chocolate bar she was hiding and properly chewed the one in her mouth. “Here you go detective. Stop eating my butt” she rolled her eyes.
“You think you could hid something from your dear friend?” Joshua walked up to her with his arms opened wide for a hug.
He noticed how she froze for a second before letting herself loosen up.
Sarah chuckled nervously. “I am not hiding anything from Lily” she said.
Joshua leaned back from the hug and sat on a chair close to her bed.
“I am not saying you are” he chuckled. “I was only joking” he said.
“Oh, yes joking” she laughed and there was an awkward silence for almost a minute before Sarah spoke in a lively tone “What snacks did you bring for me?” she asked.
Lily sighed and looked at Joshua before going to take the basket filled with her snacks. She walked over to an excited looking Sarah whose hands were stretched out to receive the basket. Lily was close to putting it on her hand but she stopped herself and looked worriedly at Sarah.
“If there’s something, serious or not, you’ll tell me?” she asked.
Although Sarah felt hesitant but she nods her head. Lily looked at her closely then sighed and released the basket to her.
“You know I am just looking out for you?” she said when she sat on the bed.
Sarah ate a whole samosa then sighed. “I know” she looked at Lily “And I appreciate it” she smiled.
“We hope to see you out of here soon” Joshua poked her cheek and she forced out a laugh.
“Me too” she sighed again then shared some of her snacks with them. They all ate and talked about the progress they were having with the center under renovations.
“Guys, I really appreciate you coming here to spend time with me. Thank you” she said to them when they packed up the tissue and disposable plates and cups they used.
“Never thank your friends, we are like family and you don’t need to ask before we care” Lily said.
“Group hug?” Sarah opened her arms wide for them to get into her embrace.
She wasn’t sure how she was going to tell them what is going but she wanted to be sure it’s nothing serious so that she doesn’t cause any form of alarm. Sarah’s sure that with her friends and family by her side, she can go through this painlessly.
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