“How did it go?” Joshua, who was at the other end of the call, asked Lily.
It was late afternoon and Lily was filling him with the activities they did in the homeless shelters they visited.
“It went well, Joshua. Sarah was tired most of the time and had to take breaks frequently.” She looked at Sarah, who was walking towards her with two ice cream cones in hand. “She got us ice cream,” Lily grinned.
“Here you go mamacita” Sarah handed her one cone and sat on the bench beside her.
They had visited three homeless shelters for the day and would be visiting three or four more the next day. All the food and snacks that would be given to them were already prepared only for them to hand out to them.
Most of the students didn’t like it at first, but when they got to the second shelter, the majority of them seemed cool with putting smiles on people’s faces.
Lily and Sarah were an exception since it was something they found fascinating. Matthew and Fendi were happy to help also. They teamed up with them and served their part.
“Joshua, we have a blog,” Sarah said to the phone “Did you tell him yet?” she directed the question to Lily.
Lily put on the loudspeaker so they could speak with him together.
“You’re on loudspeaker Josh,”
“Hi Sarah, that’s really cool. The blog” he responded.
“I know right, Matthew actually brought up the idea of having a blog to share the good we do for people so that others who come across our blog can learn from it and want to give back too” Sarah explained.
“Hmm… I think it’s a good idea” Joshua said.
“I am not really big on the blog idea,” Lily said.
“Why?” he asked.
“I don’t know why she thinks it’s not necessary to do that” Sarah shrugged.
“I didn’t say it is bad, I’m just trying to see the use of sharing what you do for people to everyone. Like, is it necessary? I don’t think JESUS had a blog or something. Just my opinion” she says.
“I just think your motive towards doing this matters. Are you trying to make yourself seem good to the people that would come across your blog? Grow an online presence? Trying to teach the power of giving?” Joshua explained to them. “These are things you need to ask yourself when doing anything at all”
“Our motive is to let people learn the power of giving back,” Sarah said.
“I am not supporting any side but I hope you girls get my point. I am not asking you to stop or continue, find out your true motive towards this before going ahead with it” he advised.
Sarah nudged Lily. “Told you he’ll come up with an answer once we ask him” she grinned. “Thank you sire Joshua”
“You are very welcome dear,”
“I still haven’t changed my mind about it but thanks for the answer”
“Thank GOD. Sarah how are you feeling now?” he asked.
Sarah looked at Lily with furrowed brows and Lily had a guilty look on her face then she mouthed‘Couldn’t help’.
Sarah cleared her throat still glaring at Lily. “I am fine Joshua, just tired.”
“I told Lily that but she’s worried sick for you because according to her she hadn’t seen you in that much pain” Sarah tore her eyes from Lily and felt a sharp pain in her shoulder but tried to conceal it by not showing any signs.
“I am fine and I understand my friend is really caring,” she looked up at Lily with a smile.
She understood why she told Joshua about it, she wouldn’t want her parents finding out she experiences such pain and they wouldn’t notice since they are barely around. They tend to overdo things and she didn’t want that to be the case.
It was just minor pains and she takes some painkillers for them since she assumes they are caused due to stress.
‘I’m sorry’Lily mouthed with puppy eyes.
“I am not mad at you, thanks for caring” she pinched her lightly. “Joshua we need to go, we are being told to retire for the day.”
“We’ll talk to you later sir” Lily salutes even though he can’t see her.
“Sure, but before you go, I wanted you to know that the community center has been purchased and renovations have started” he broke the news to them and they squealed.
“That’s amazing news,” Lily said.
“This just made my day” Sarah side-hug Lily. “I can’t wait to see it when we get back from our trip”
“Me too, how did you get to purchase it? I mean we haven’t even contributed the money to complete the rent” Lily asked.
“It’s a man that paid for it. He told me he’s just grateful to have met a wonderful person who showed him kindness at his lowest. He said he got back majority of his business back and wanted to do something to give back also. I put an ad for anyone interested in donating to the cause and he came to buy the center for us to start renovation” Joshua explained in excitement.
“Glad to hear that, giving back to society is a great thing.”
“He’s also paying for the renovations”
“Center would be opened in no time” Sarah jumped in her seat while clapping her hand.
“We thank GOD for provision,” Lily said and they all went into a thanksgiving mood.
They kept quiet, silently giving their thanks to GOD.
“The gates would be closed soon, so you two get inside now” Ms. Penelope’s voice echoed in the night air.
“Thank GOD guys, amen,” Lily said then stood to her feet and helped Sarah up. “We are happy and will talk later so we don’t get locked out in the cold night, bye Josh”
“Bye girls, and stay safe”
They disconnected the call and walked back into the inn before the gates were closed.
“Tomorrow is another day, good night,” Lily said as they got ready to sleep.
Sarah smiled at her, lay on her bed, and then allowed sleep to take her to dreamland.
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