They arrived at the inn a few hours after the short break they took. The inn was a long and wide bungalow, almost all the rooms were booked because of how many they were, and so there weren’t many guests inside.
A room contained five people, it was an en-suite with two large beds and a single bed opposite each other. The room was quite large and spacious enough for all five occupants to fill.
Sarah, Lily, Fendi, and two other girls occupied one room and according to what was rumored, it was one of the best rooms in that inn. They were instructed not to come out after settling into their respective rooms and they stayed inside. Only a valid reason can take them out of the room.
Sarah and Lily spent most of their time, talking and eating some snacks they packed for their trip, reading the Bible and just reminiscing on old memories.
Lily noticed that Sarah barely touched her snack and would playfully pour some of her portion into her bowl. She thought Sarah was just being playful but it was consistent. This is one of Sarah’s favorite snacks and would even fight Lily for taking bits of it.
She also noticed how Sarah would shift positions and wince when she sat in certain positions. She would also stretch her back sometimes.
“Are you okay?” Lily asked. She wanted to be sure she was okay.
Sarah frowned and then chuckled. “Why? Yes, I am” Lily didn’t look convinced and raised a brow. “What? Why are you looking at me like that?”
“You aren’t eating much of your snack” Lily points at the bowl. “And the wincing, what’s that all about?”
Sarah laughs it off and adjusts in her seat, a small wince on her face. She tried to ease her position slowly and to clear any sign of wincing from her features.
“Nothing, I just didn’t feel like eating too much” she shrugged.
Lily looked at her closely, still not believing what she said. Sarah rolled her eyes.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” there was concern in her tone.
Sarah nods her head then yawns. “I am fine silly” she ruffled Lily’s hair “You know I will let you know if there’s something wrong? You’re my best friend, I’ll tell you. I am so fine, so stop worrying okay?”
Lily smiled and then nodded her head. “I believe you, just come to me if anything. I’m always here” Sarah grinned and they both shared a hug.
“Aww, can I join also?” a voice said from above them, so they pulled away to look up. Fendi stood above them, a smile on her face.
They smiled and waved their hands. Fendi waved back.
“Can I join you both?” she sat on the floor close to Lily’s bed when she asked.
“Yeah, sure” Sarah chuckled.
“What are you guys talking about if you don’t mind me asking? And mind you I love you guy’s friendship. It’s beautiful” she gushed.
“Thank you Fendi, and we are just reminiscing on old times” answered Lily.
“Okay,” she nodded then scrunched her brows. “Can I ask something guys? When did you both meet? Like how did you meet? Through a mutual friend? Bumped into each other in the hallway? I want to know,” she sounded excited when she asked.
“Yeah, go ahead with your question,” there was a hint of sarcasm when Sarah spoke. The smile was still on her face.
Lily shook her head. “Fendi, we are just getting to know you so you will have to calm down.” Lily explained to her “When you ask a question, you wait for it to be answered. There’s nothing wrong with inserting suggestions or clues or whatever they are called but you just hold on a bit” Lily said.
She noticed how Fendi’s excitement dropped when she said that.
“I don’t mean to offend you in anyw-”
“No, it’s fine.” She sighed. “I thought my friends were just being so mean to me when they picked those about me” She shook her head. “I didn’t mean to annoy you guys or anything, I just want to make new friends. My old friends kicked me out of the circle, say I’m suspiciously excited about everything” She rolled her eyes.
Lily feels bad for her and holds her hand for comfort. “We are not annoyed, we are just cautioning you, that’s all,” she looked to Sarah for support.
Sarah nods and winces when she lays on her back, she rotates her right shoulder and arches her back to stretch then lays on her back comfortingly.
“See, don’t worry we aren’t annoyed by you”
Fendi smiled. “Thanks for correcting me, I’ll try to give people space to speak and not interrupt them” she grinned.
Lily pats her arm. “I love your enthusiasm” Fendi’s grin widened.
“Thank you, can I join in your conversation or did I interrupt something?”
“Oh no, you ca-”
“Sorry Lily” Sarah carefully stood to her feet wincing at every movement she made “I think I will call it a night from here” She sat on Lily’s bed and lay back “Please let me sleep here for the night,” she said to Lily groggily.
“Sarah, if you’re experiencing some kind of pain, let me know”
“Lily,” Sarah cracked an eye open “You know I have a weird sitting position. That’s probably hitting me in the butt” she chuckled. “Have fun girls” She closed her eyes and turned the other way as she drifted off.
“I don’t want to poke my nose but I heard slouching while sitting could give you enormous back pain,” Fendi said. Lily looked at her and straightened her back then went on her knees to cover Sarah with her duvet. “She’s fine, right?”
“I hope so,” Lily said when she sat on the floor.
They stayed quiet for a moment then Fendi spoke up. “Do you want us to call it for the night? We had a long trip anyways” she shrugged.
“Sure, thanks and good night” Lily stood to her feet and walked to Sarah’s bed, Fendi stood up too and walked to her bed also.
“Good night Lily” She sat on her bed and stretched then lay on it with her eyes closed.
“Good night Fendi,” Lily said then cast a look at Sarah when she sat on the bed. She yawned and closed her eyes. “GOD, please relieve Sarah from any pain. I know this back pain could be avoided by us sitting properly but heal her of this pain, amen” she said then opened her eyes to look at Sarah once more.
She lay on the bed and stared at the ceiling for almost five minutes. “Protect Joshua, my parents, my sister, and Sarah’s parents also. The homeless, Elvis, and all the good people of the world” she said then closed her eyes to sleep.
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