Sarah didn’t look convinced but decided to let it slide. “Well, congratulations on your new role. Start of something new, eh?” She nudges Lily and all she can do is just maintain the little smile on her lips.
Days later while Lily was coming back from school, she decided to go to the park for a little walk. Sarah had wanted to come to her home but she brought things up so that she could go to the park alone.
Lily sat under a big oak tree, many thoughts wind through her mind. Thoughts of how she could go about building her faith lingered in her mind.
Her train of thought was interrupted by some noise. Lily looked up and noticed a group of people gathered by a bench some feet away from her.
Curiosity got the best of her, so she got up and walked towards the crowd. She wheezed her way through to the front and saw that they were all looking at a homeless man sitting on the bench.
‘why did they all gather him?’ she wondered.
The homeless man was Joshua, he was known by almost everyone in the community to be a good man who minds his business. Although, homeless he has never caused anyone trouble of that sort.
“Why are you all gathered around him?” She found herself asking “If you’re not offering any kind of help then stop staring,” she frowned, and slowly the small crowd of people dispersed.
Lily turned her attention back to Joshua and saw that he was looking down. He looked like a child that was reprimanded. Lily hesitated but after a long draw of breath, she walked closer to him.
Joshua looked up to her and she stopped in her tracks. There was something unexplainable that washed over her when their eyes met.
An aura of peace was seen in his eyes. They looked weary but still held a glimmer of something she couldn’t place her hands on.
Lily moved closer to him and then asked “Are you okay sir? Anything I could be of help to?”
Joshua smiled at her act of kindness “I’m fine miss,” he responded softly. “Just a bit tired, that’s all,” she could see the tired look on his face.
Lily couldn’t explain why, but she couldn’t just walk away from him. She had this sudden urge to do something for him.
“Would you like something to eat?” She asked “I could quickly grab you some food from the café there,” she pointed to the building at the other side of the road.
Joshua hesitated for a moment before nodding his head “Thank you, I’ll appreciate that”
Lily smiled then walked to the café to get both of them a quick meal and some takeaways for Joshua.
When she went to the café, thoughts whirled in her head. Thoughts of how he was able to feel peace in the situation he was in.
She returned in no time with a meal for two. She handed him one when she sat and opened the one she got herself. Joshua rendered a grateful smile to her and then started eating.
They sat for a while, just eating in silence. Lily had questions to ask but didn’t know how to.
“Is there something bothering you, miss?” Joshua asked.
Lily looked at him, eyes widened a bit.
“Erm... I’m just baffled. Like I didn’t need to ask but I could sense an aura of peace around you. You don’t look like you’re in a good place but you have peace within” she said.
Joshua chuckled “You know, it gives me joy when I get comments like that,” he tells her.
“Do you do that intentionally?” She asked “making people think you don’t need help when in fact you do need help” she completes.
“It’s not about intentionality, it’s about what’s rooted deep inside of you,” he said. “No one would want to believe me but I do feel peace within.”
Lily believed because she could still feel it around him but she wanted to know why.
“Yes, I’m homeless, yes I do need help, but no amount of help anyone will render to me can give me this much peace I have within”
“Why? Why do you feel such peace, even in this state that you are in”
“My faith in GOD and his faithfulness over my life has kept me this strong and going” he smiled “I did lose a lot of people, friends, family, etc but GOD still kept me. He sent people like you to come to my aid. I didn’t need to ask before he comes to my rescue” he explained to her.
“That’s what faith is? Believing in the impossible?”
“Nothing is impossible with GOD, you just have to believe he’s there for you always”
“And he’ll come through like he did now?”
“Yes miss”
Lily felt a surge of excitement going through her entire being. She’s seated beside a man who lacked material possessions but had a wealth of faith and inner peace in him.
It was exciting and new for her. This was something she hadn’t learned from church, her parents, or anyone else. She just knew faith was a strong belief in GOD.
Lily wanted to learn more from Joshua and learn more about the confidence he has in GOD.
Evening was approaching quickly and she checked the time on her phone to see that it was almost 5 pm.
“You want to head home now?”
“My parents might be worried now” she chuckled.
“Don’t let me hold you up then” he said “Thanks for the meal, I enjoyed it and your company too” he grinned.
“Aww, thank you and you’re welcome”
Lily stood to her feet and packed up the plate they used then handed him the extra pack of food she bought him. He thanked her and she waved it off.
“I would love to know more about you and this strong faith you have in GOD, I can come over anytime?”
“I’ll be here praying, this place sort of gives me calmness” he responded.
“Well then, I’ll see you later Joshua” she waved and he waved back.
Lily turned around and walked out of there. She couldn’t explain how she was feeling but she felt alive than ever. She felt like this meeting she had with Joshua was not just a coincidence, it was made to happen and GOD probably saw her struggling so he decided to answer her prayers.
“I hope I get to know more about you through this GOD” she hoped in her mind.
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