They continued talking about the prices of the building, debating whether to buy or rent, calculating costs, and other factors that needed to be considered to put everything and everyone up and running in no time.
“We need to do another outreach, we should do more till we launch this center for all to come,” Sarah mentioned.
“Noted, we also need to make sure that the location has to be a place everyone can assess easily, like a place that would be easier to find without a hassle till we branch out” Lily added.
“Yes, that’s an important thing to consider. I mean, why make it hard for them to access the good stuff?” Joshua asked.
“Exactly the point,” Sarah wrote down in her notepad. “Also, there are two students in our school who are willing to serve just as we are doing. They admire what GOD helps us to do and would love to join the force”
Joshua nods his head. “More hands would be appreciated, let’s pick a date we all meet.”
“Let it be after forty percent of the project is done,” Lily said.
“Good call, is there any other thing we missed?” Joshua asked.
They continued talking more about the project which lasted for almost two hours and they were done.
“This should be all for now,” Lily said “Hope you guys have the important notes written?”
“Yes we do”
They put away their books and pens.
“You know Joshua, my parents did a good job with how they raised me. Wanted me to know GOD from an early age and I appreciate all their efforts. It gave me the foundation I need to seek out to know GOD more and also build my faith in him” Lily smiled.
“Your parents did a wonderful job” Joshua commented.
“I had that training in me but as I grew up, I saw suffering and injustice in the world, and that somehow shook my faith, and made me question if GOD really was here. Here to see the hunger, pain, and suffering many people are inflicted with. That made me distant from him”
Joshua nods in understanding. “Lily, I understand”
“You know most of the time before now, going to church felt like a place I needed to be on Sunday, watch, and go back home. No form of connection whatsoever. Even when I read the Bible, I didn’t feel anything. Just emptiness and I didn’t like it. I didn’t like how I felt and yearned for GOD’s word so that it could fill up the emptiness in my heart. I knew something was missing but couldn’t put my hand on it”
“Doubt is a natural part of the faith Journey, Lily. Amidst all the questioning, we will find the deepest revelations” Joshua said.
“It did for me. I met you in the midst of it all” she smiled “Joshua, meeting you has been a turning point for me. You showed me faith in a different way, one that’s rooted in real experiences and a profound connection to GOD. Just like a breath of fresh air”
“It’s an honor to have played a part in your Journey, Lily. Just keep in mind that it’s not me but the Grace of GOD that’s at work in your life.” Je pats her hand on the table.
“I am glad GOD led me to you. I am so happy that I followed my instinct to know the reason for the crowd at the park that day”
“Me too Lily, me too,” they both shared a hug which lasted for a brief moment.
“I’m glad for you two” Sarah chipped in.
“Thank you,” they said at the same time.
They paid for their snacks and coffee and then made their way outside the café. They walked down the street and stopped at a turning.
“It’s still a bit early in the evening, should we go to the park to relax for a while before retiring for the day?” Lily asked.
“Good idea,” Sarah said and Joshua nodded in agreement.
The three of them walked to the park talking about random things. They reached the park in a couple of minutes, still talking about random stuff. Their conversation shifted to personal likes and dislikes.
“Boiled eggs aren’t my favorite” Lily mentioned.
“You aren’t a foodie if you don’t eat boiled eggs. Like what do you mean? Are you kidding or what?” Sarah taunts her.
Joshua laughed while Lily stuck her tongue at her. “Don’t tease her” he said.
“Ignore her, she became a foodie because I was” Lily rolled her eyes.
“Oh please, I am the queen of food in our friendship” she flipped her hair.
“Whatever” Lily rolled her eyes again.
Sarah faced Joshua, a serious look on her face. “This might be too personal but I’m curious. You don’t have to answer anyway”
“Okay, what’s that?”
“Do you have a family? Like of your own?”
Joshua chuckled lightly and shook his head. “Uh… I did have a fiancée but she left when things went down for me” he answered.
Both ladies felt sad about what happened to him, but what made them even more surprised was how his eyes twinkled. There were no traces of hurt when he spoke of the bad things that happened to him.
“It’s amazing how you don’t show any hurt when you speak of this,” Sarah said.
“I would be angry and hurt if my partner did that to me,” Lily said.
Joshua shrugged. “Well, I have forgiven all who wronged me and I don’t need to be keeping malice against anyone. Yes, I was hurt but will keeping malice reverse the hurt that has been caused?” they shook their heads “Then it’s not worth it”
“I would really love to have your heart,” Sarah said.
“It’s pure and accommodating,” Lily said. “Sorry about your fiancée, you’ll get a better one when it’s the right time” Lily encouraged.
“GOD will continue to help me, Lily.” He said.
They all stayed quiet for a while, just letting the time pass as they watched people come into the park and leave, the sun was gradually setting. Leaving hues of red in the sky.
“I do pray that GOD helps us all and guide us in the right path” Joshua prayed.
“Amen,” they chorused.
Three of them stayed on the bench, watching the sky gradually turn dark before deciding to retire for the day. They said their goodbyes and went their separate ways.
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