Days after the incident at the park, Lily and Sarah kept going to the park to check if there were any changes and if they could get a spot on Joshua. There was nothing so it bothered them.
“Why would anyone think of doing something like that and for a whack reason?” Lily asked in frustration.
“Just say the word, it's not bad. Stupid reason. For a stupid reason”
“Still, no one should be treated that way. These guys never wanted to be homeless, the situation got them on the street. Now, you’re taking them away from the street for something that absurd”
“Stupid, a stupid reason” Sarah repeated.
“Okay, where would they keep them if they are taking them off the street? I mean, there should be a plan or something for them, right?”
“Yeah, you’re right”
“I’m just upset about this” Lily hissed and huffed out air in anger.
“Don’t be” Sarah consoled. “I am as upset as you are but we don’t know where they are at now. That’s what we should be focused on getting, their location” she said “Could find Elvis too, you know?”
Lily thought for a while. “Sounds great, I just hope they are not treated badly”
“Me too”
They went to Sarah’s house for some study time and prayed to GOD to show them where they could find Joshua. After study time, Sarah’s dad took Lily home and she waved him goodbye as she entered her house.
“How was study time baby?” Daisy asked when Lily greeted her in the kitchen.
“It was good, let me drop my bag, freshen up, and come meet you” Daisy nodded and continued what she was doing.
By the time Lily came back, Daisy had already put the pie in the oven and was waiting for it to bake and waiting for Lily.
“I stood too long then” Lily pouts.
“At least, you’re here to eat it, eh?” Daisy smiled.
“Yes, mum” Lily reciprocated the smile.
They stayed quiet for a long while before Daisy broke the silence.
“I heard about it” Lily looked up at her “The vacating of the homeless, I heard and I’m sorry to hear that” she managed a smile.
“I just wish I knew where Joshua is, just to see him at least and be sure he’s fine”
“I’m sure he’s fine and will find his way back to you soon” Daisy tried to assure her.
“You think so?” Daisy nods her head.
“We all know his job isn’t done yet so, he can’t just simply go” she smiled.
“Thank you, mum, maybe that’s the reassuring I needed”
“Glad to help baby,” she held her hand out for her to get into her embrace. Lily comes into her embrace and the two of them stay like that, enjoying each other’s company and comfort.
“You think he’ll come home soon?” Lily asked. Daisy sighed.
“I don’t know” they leaned away from the hug “Lily, I don’t know but what I am sure is that things will be good and will play out to be good too,” she manages a smile which Lily reciprocates.
“I pray so mum”
Just then the timer sounded for them to take out the pie. “Let’s see what we have here” Daisy wore some mittens “I hope it’s good” she laughed.
“You’re the cook, it will be good” Lily hyped.
“Keep hyping me girl, might turn out to be the best cook boss soon” Daisy took out the pie and faced her daughter. “Pie’s ready”
One sunny Saturday afternoon, Lily was walking by a store after having lunch with Sarah some blocks away. She was headed home, her focus on nothing aside from going home to take a nap or read some books.
“Lily” she halts when a familiar voice calls her name.
Turning around to see who the person was, she was startled when a figure appeared in front of her immediately. Her heart jumped and she took steps back with wide-opened eyes.
“Hey Lily, careful there” Joshua held both her arms to steady her.
It took a moment for Lily to fully register Joshua standing in front of her. Her eyes welled up with tears, her lips quivered, her hands shook and just looking at him seemed like it was all a dream.
“Jo-Joshua,” she said, her voice as light as a feather. “Joshua,” she said with more power.
Joshua opened his arms wide and did a 360 for her. “Here in flesh” he grinned.
“Where… how… what happened? How… where were you? I’ve been looking for you all over,” she lets out a breath she didn’t know she was holding. “What happened?” she asked, feeling a mix of emotions. Confusion, happiness, a bit of fear.
“Come, let’s get off the street and talk” he leads her into the store she was passing in front.
The store looked to be high-class in some way and customers were going in and out and seemed a bit busy. Joshua led her to a sofa that was in front of a dressing room. He sat her down and sat down too.
“Do you need anything?” he asked and she shook her head, still shocked and trying to wrap her head around what was going on. “Okay, so how are you? How’s everything? It’s been a while, eh?”
“A long while Joshua” she stated. “Come on, where have you been Joshua? I’ve been looking for you since the incident of taking all homeless people from the street. I and Sarah actually”
Joshua chuckled. “I missed you guys too and I would have contacted you but I don’t know where either of you lived or have your phone numbers to call” he explained. “I have been good as you can see.” He points to himself.
“Yeah, yeah, I can see that. What happened? How did all these happen? Share with me, I want to know.”
“I got a job a day after our last meeting. The most amazing thing was I got paid my bonus immediately after which was supposed to come immediately after my salary by month end. Great, right?” Lily nods her head.
“That’s great news, Joshua, congratulations”
“Now I can get snacks and other things when we have our meetings” he grinned.
Lily felt happy for him, her lips held a never-ending grin. Her eyes say how elated she is to hear of his great improvement.
“Where do you stay now?”
“I live downtown. It’s a bit far to this place but it’s the best deal I could get at short notice. The bonus was enough to cover it all. I wanted to tell you both the great news but then the issue with vacating the homeless people came and I couldn’t. I come here after work, just to see if I can get a glimpse of you guys passing by but nothing, and when I saw you walking just outside, it made me happy” he grinned.
“I’m glad too, let me get your phone number so that we can communicate aside just waiting to meet physically,” she brought out her phone and collected his number. “I’m going to create a group for the three of us to communicate generally, I’ll also send your number to Sarah, she’ll be so happy to hear the great news” Lily jumped in her seat.
“I’m glad that we can reconnect again,” Joshua said and Lily nodded in agreement.
“It is amazing and I am so happy.” Lily grinned.
“You know, I’ve been thinking about this for a long time now” Lily nods for him to continue. “I would love to create a community center where the homeless can find food, shelter, and support” Lily nods.
“Like a homeless shelter?” Lily asked.
“It will be for anyone who’s in need. I have been in these people place and coupled with what is happening to them now, it’s all too much for them to handle and I would like to give some kind of hope to them, let them know that GOD didn’t leave them”
Lily nods in agreement “That’s a good idea”
“This might not be the best or the thing that could change their lives forever but it’s something to start with, what do you think?”
“Great idea, I love it and I advise that we start by giving food to the homeless and less privileged. Start from there, could be clothes, food, and other basic essentials they need, you know?” she shrugged.
“I understand. That’s a great way to start something. I will seek out sources for where I want the community center to be”
“I and Sarah can work on getting people to donate to the cause”
Joshua smiled. “This will turn out to be a big thing one day”
“GOD help us.” She stood to her feet. “I’ll be heading home now, it was really nice to reconnect with you Joshua,” they shared a hug and leaned away.
“Likewise Lily, take care, okay?”
“You too” she turns and leaves the store with a fulfilled mind.
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