"Lily" Daisy calls her from her room.
Lily came out of her room immediately after she heard her name, she walked down the stairs and to her mum who was sitting on a sofa in the living room.
"Yes mum?" she stood in front of her mum. "You called me"
"Yes, I did" Daisy handed her some money with a paper containing things to buy. "I need you to get all that is on the list there," she looked up at Lily. "I doubt you'll get most of it at the store but get whatever you can. If you didn't the rest to get at the store, don't bother. Just come home, I'll get the rest on my way home tomorrow"
"Dallis Store?" Lily asked for confirmation.
"Dallis Store" Daisy confirmed.
"Okay mum, let me get my coat" Lily turned to leave but her mum stopped her.
"Here for your bus fare and some extra change in case you see something you want to buy"
"Thank you, Mum" Lily took the money and went up to her room to grab her coat.
She was downstairs in no time. "Bye Mum" she waved then walked out of the house as she walked to the bus stop. She checked her phone for any message notification from Sarah. Nothing showed so she put her phone back in her pocket.
She reached the bus stop in no time and entered, she sat on one of the chairs in the front row. The bus moved and stopped when someone was getting in or it stopped at someone's bus stop. When her stop was reached, she came out and walked the remaining steps to Dallis Superstore.
She got inside and picked up most of the items on the list. She saw almost all that was listed on the paper and then went to check out. after paying and her goods were properly packed for her, she exited the store and went to the other side of the road to get something to eat and also buy some takeouts.
As she ate and scrolled through her phone, a man suddenly sat on the chair in front of her. She was a bit startled but composed herself immediately. Lily looked around the busy diner and saw that everyone was minding their business and servers were serving tables.
Thinking he might be at the wrong table, Lily spoke up to ask.
"Are you lo-"
"Can you buy me some food?" he interrupted her. She frowned a little bit and watched the man closely.
He looked a bit rough at the edge, his face looked dull and void of any life, his clothes looked ruffled and his hair unkempt. He looked hungry and with how he constantly stared at her meal, he seemed like he hadn't eaten a good meal in a while.
"Oh, okay. Sure" she said and called one of the waiters to take his order.
"Hope this isn't a way of telling the server to call security on me?" he asked.
Lily frowned then chuckled lightly. "Oh no, why would I do that?" the server came.
"Yes ma'am? Would you like any other thing?" he asked, looking at the man in front of Lily skeptically.
"It's not for me sir, ask the young man what he wants to eat" she points to the man in front of her.
The server looked at Lily weirdly before complying with her request. "What would you like to have sir?"
The man made his order and the waiter noted all of it, turned to Lily to ask if she needed anything else which she shook her head to, then he left, still looking at the man strangely and at Lily weirdly.
"I wonder why he's looking at me strangely," she shook her head.
"I am used to the strange looks," the man said with a shrug.
Lily looked up at him with a brow raised. "Really?" he nods to it "What's your name if you don't mind me asking?"
"Elvis, Elvis Hemming" he responded.
"I am Lily Hansburg," she offered her hand for a handshake.
Elvis looked at her with surprise written all over his face, he recovered in time and shook her hand. For the first time he sat there, and he smiled... a full grin on his lips.
The food came in and he started eating, hungrily like he missed lots of meals before now. Lily watched him eat and thought maybe he didn't want to eat in a long time, so she just continued with her eating.
After a moment, the man leaned back on his chair and sighed in relief. Lily looked up at him with a smile on her face. The man looked satisfied, with a bright glow on his face and a genuine smile on his lips.
"Like it huh?" she asked. She was already done with her meal, she was waiting for him so that she could ask if he needed takeouts.
"Loved it" he stretched in his seat. "Haven't had a good meal like this in a really long time" he mentioned.
Lily grinned. "Glad you could have that and conquer it"
"Thank you so much, Lily, I appreciate a lot. GOD bless you"
Lily could feel her heart filling with so much joy when he said that to her. She's glad she was able to bring joy and comfort to someone.
"You need takeouts too?" she asked and he looked at her with wide open eyes.
It was as if time froze and so did he, then his features softened and tears welled up in his eyes. He nodded his head and cleaned the tear that slipped out.
"Hope I didn't make you sad or anything, that's the last thing on my mind," she asked, feeling like she did something or said something to evoke such emotions from him.
"No" his voice was heavy with emotions "You did nothing but good to me in the past one hour we've been sitting here" Elvis sniffled and let out a sigh. "That waiter looked at you weirdly because he's surprised you didn't call security on me when I sat in front of you suddenly"
he shook his head.
"I have been struggling for the past month and it's not been easy for me. My wife is from a wealthy family but because we love each other, she decided to stay with me and marry me but her family made it a mission to frustrate my life. I was doing well on my own but not as well as her family, They didn't want a pauper who has no name like me but she stayed with me. I and my wife took in and she's due next month" he laughed.
"Her parents set me up and made their daughter hate me, throw me out, and want nothing to do with me. My business began to fail also and before I could put the pieces together, I lost everything, my wife, my unborn child, my hard work, and just everything" he wiped the tears from his cheeks.
Lily could feel her heart go heavy for this suffering man. She has never believed something this bad could happen to anyone.
"I have been trying to pick up the pieces but nothing springs forth. I resulted to begging, something I promised myself I would never do" he laughed. "Life just has a way of dealing with you in ways you can never imagine" he shook his head. "Every person I ask for food will either scream at me because of how I look, eye me like some thief, make me believe they want to help me then call security and wouldn't even look at my side" he shook his head.
Lily felt a turn in her stomach at how people would act towards a fellow human being like themselves. It was disgusting to think of that alone.
"I'm sorry that happened to you. I can't imagine how hard it must have been for you all this while" she shook her head "I wonder why a little help seems like a lot for people?" she shook her head.
"Well, not for you. You not only let me eat till I'm full, but you also offered takeouts for me. I am grateful" he smiled "Thank you"
"My friend Joshua will always say to thank GOD, so thank GOD. I am glad to be able to offer help as I could"
"You're a GOD sent, thank you" he thanked once more.
"Dont thank me, Elvis, I'm glad GOD answered your prayer today, GOD will continue to protect and provide for you always"
"Amen dear, thank you"
The server brought the bill and the takeout the man asked for. Lily paid the money and she server left.
When she stood up to leave, Elvis stood up too. They walked out of the diner and Elvis thanked her once more before going the other way. Lily watched him, feeling good for what happened. She checked her purse for her bus fare and saw that she still had some change aside from it, looking up, she saw Elvis far off and she began running after him.
She didn't want to scream his name and attract attention so she tried to walk-run as fast as she could with her shopping bags in hand till she reached him. He turned to the left and she did too then touched his arm to stop him. He looked at her in surprise and Lily held her hand up for him to give her a minute as she caught her breath.
"Sorry... I saw..." she was trying to calm her breathing "I saw that, that I still have some change with me aside from my bus fare and wanted to give it to you in case you need something else", she brought out the money from her purse and hands it to him "Sorry, it's little. That's all i got for now" she chuckled lightly.
Elvis smiled at her "You're a good person, thank you" Lily grinned "Why didn't you just call me instead of stressing over running after me?"
"Didn't want to attract attention" she said. "Later" she waves and he returns it then turns and walks away.
Lily watched him leave for the second time and didn't know anyone could feel this good just seeing someone smile genuinely because of a little act of kindness.
"Thank you GOD" she jumped, ignoring looks that were fired at her by passersby.
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