He chuckles as he clings to his tummy and sits on the side of the bed. "I’m joking, Yhra," Melchor says.
"That was a fantastic reaction, I’ll tell you that. If you could only see me, you’d understand why I’m laughing so hard right now," He said, and I couldn’t believe what he was saying. It seemed like all the dread from the previous day was back, and the memories of that day were pushing me away from him.
His blasphemy against me is unforgivable, and there will be no forgiveness.
"You made me feel uncomfortable," I said and then took the food out of his pocket and wallet and placed it in his bag.
"It’s been a long time since I last time I saw you. I could see mucus flowing from its mouth and frothing at the mouth." Melchor keeps on joking and I can't hide the disgust on my face.
"Take into consideration that you are a really attractive lady."
My cousin’s statements to me had me puzzled.
She is my aunt Jessa’s child, and he is about the same age as me.
"Do you mean to imply that what you’re saying is embarrassing?" He chuckled at me and slung his arm around my shoulders.
"All right, now it’s time to retire for the night. Later, I’ll accompany you to Pakil the next day, when I’ll show you the Pagsanjan waterfalls and stream." As I stood there, watching him walk out of the room, I couldn’t help but smile.
The voice that is calling to me is charming and enticing in its tone.
However, everything changed from being dazzling to being completely dark, and the light was no longer there. The darkness had gained a hold of the situation.
The tone of the voice changed, and it took on the tone of a demon’s scream. Fear overtook me, as did the image of the person I detested.
"Please allow me to leave! I feel sorry for you!"
"I will not forsake you. It is entirely mine! It’s just you and me in this room!"
"N-no! I will not do that! Please release me!"
"Yhra, please come back here!"
Soon after I woke up, I was so tired that I couldn't keep my eyes open. The dream made me very nervous and scared.
I will not bother Remon about what he did to me any longer. It makes me feel rather uneasy whenever I think about what he’s done to me.
It is vicious and extremely brutal, and we should not overlook it now. I know that people will continue to blame me, even if Remon is the one who sinned against us. And since I have no option but to accept full responsibility for my actions, I fear the scenario will be reversed.
It appears you had an unpleasant dream, don’t you? Because it’s difficult for me to think and act at the moment, he questioned me as it jolted me to my feet and I was completely oblivious to his questions.
"Were you aware that there was a car parked in front of the home before you arrived here? Check your phone amid everything else. Perhaps someone is monitoring you." With a shake of my head, I carefully pulled my phone from its protective case. An unknown number picked up the phone and answered Carlo’s call.
When I clicked on the message, I felt as if I were being weighed down.
Yhra, you cannot elude me. I’m not lying when I say that you are the only one I have.
My cousin, shouted, "Wow, that’s great!" as he pulled my phone away from me to read the text message.
You are, without a doubt, a rumor-monger. This is not a new concept.
"You’ve maintained your secrecy; nothing has changed, Yhra. As previously shown, it links us. This is a problem that we are experiencing as well. Although your mother is mad, you’re not used to receiving our unwavering support," Melchor’s words made me chuckle, and then I trembled in my boots.
"We are continually soliciting your support, so it is also uncomfortable. Compared to your family, mine is distinctive. This is a delicate matter, and I don’t want you to become mired in it. Please accept my apologies."
"Why? Do you consider yourself to be a burden?" Afterward, he asked a question, to which I responded by walking away and remaining silent for a long time.
"I think the same," he said after letting me alone for a moment as if he had mistaken my silence for my strange net from the other day. That period ended because of a series of misfortunes that befell me.
Hopefully, that will be the last time I see him, and I will be present with him in person. I’m not sure how I’m going to withstand the tragedies that are now affecting my life.
There was a second knock on the door of the room where I was staying, and this time I opened the door on purpose. It was my uncle, and he was being pursued by someone. Carlo was delivering food, and his attitude showed that he was worried.
The man in question is a coworker who has been missing for quite some time. As they walked into the room, I nodded and got up from my bed to meet them there.
I grinned, but my uncle kept his smile on his face.
"Foremost, I’m going to leave you. We’ll go as soon as you say something. We have the option of choosing between freedom and promise, as long as the way is clear. Is it possible to be ready in 30 minutes, hija?" I gave a tentative nod, and Tito turned and walked away from me. As we sat on the bed, he let out a sigh of relief.
"Whatever happened to Yhra? Why have you had to get to this stage in your life?" I was taken aback. Afterward, he took my hand in his and looked at me as if he were sorry for what was happening in my life.
"I feel completely helpless. What is the point of being forced to look like the person you despise?" In response, he closed his eyes, as if trying to think of the right thing to say in response to what I had asked him.
"That is, in fact, his method of operation. We have no notion of what lurks beyond the surface of his story. It is okay as long as he does not disturb you while you are here. I’ll just move into a house to monitor you while you’re here in Laguna," so that I may become completely immersed in Carlo’s words. He was genuine and caring in a way I'd never seen from anyone else before.
In the wake of our meeting with Dr. Remon, she makes me feel important.
"It’s best not to focus on Remon at first because he’s been acting suspiciously over the past several days. As a result, it is advisable to avoid this situation. Don’t be bothered about anything. I shall be of help to you, Yhra." I greeted him with a smile and an embrace, and he was taken aback by what I had done.
"Thank you so much, Carlo. I’m not sure what I’d do if you weren’t there to support me." I wept and then walked away, and he touched my shoulder gently on the shoulder.
"I will assist and support you regardless of the circumstances, as long as you are content with your decision and I am available. Remember to keep this in mind." I agreed and then got dressed to prepare for our trip out of town.
At the moment, my mother is the most difficult problem I’m dealing with, and all I can think about is getting it resolved before I run into another one.
"Bring your siblings with you the next time you come back to Makati, Yhra. Tell your mother to stay with your uncle, since it's been a long time ago that she visited her hometown," I smiled as I held the water bottle in my hands and saw them enjoying a pleasant time.
"Yes, uncle, as soon as I get some work done around here. I’m going to put money aside so that I can send them to college. I’m not interested in causing them any problems in their current situation."
"Not to worry, my father has been successful in obtaining a scholarship. I’ll suggest to your sisters that they supply you with further aid. "
"I can’t believe you went away only to prove that the two of you are having an affair," Remon remarked as he turned to greet me.
"Are you listening to Yhra’s conversations, Remon? Don’t tell me you’ve run out of females and don’t want to miss out on Yhra’s company."
"It is not your issue, physician, with a poor level of education." Carlo bowed as I intervened to put an end to their argument.
"You’re not planning to engage in combat, are you? Is there anything more that you require? Are you sure you don’t want to see my face any more than you already have? What is it that has brought you here? What could it possibly be?"
"It’s not as if I’m competing for the chance to see your face on that day of the week. You will not be present the next day. Return. I’d like to see your face once more before we part ways. With her janitress’s uniform on."
"Doctororez, you are bewildered!
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