The buzzing throng outside the auditorium is indicating that the singer is quite eminent. However, the entire way to come here, neither Navya nor Kabir have disclosed where are they actually going and for whom this hush-hush adventure. She tried to break their silence in many ways. But it seemed that they were doing it purposely. Being irritated and frustrated Nandika, at last, kept mum for the rest of the ride. However, it didn’t bother her best friend and her over-enthusiastic boyfriend much as they were busy in their cheesy talks. Sometimes Nandika feels her novels cast an adverse influence on today’s teen generation. At least this all-time lovey-dovey PDA is so irritating. Eventually, they reach the venue 10 minutes before the performance time and this fanatically zealous crowd stops their way inside. Nandika snirls to see the madness. Navya whispers in her ear,
“See…how famous he is. I told you, Nandu. You will love his performance.”
Nandika makes a face and shrugs,
“I hope so. Otherwise, it won’t be any better for you.”
She retorts but Navya sheds off the sarcasm. Meanwhile, Kabir nears them and says restlessly,
“What are you both waiting for? Come let’s move. I don’t want to miss even his welcome speech.”
Nandika purses her lips and thinks,
“Welcome speech? Of a Rockstar! Sounds interesting. You made me curious, Mr Rockstar.”
Her daze gets snapped as Navya pulls her by her elbow. They push through the crowd and finally enter the auditorium.
After entering the concert hall, Nandini skirts her inquisitive eyes all around. It’s a huge auditorium but many seats are still empty. However, it is expected that very soon all seats are going to be full. The huge crowd buzzing outside indicates so. Some people already have occupied their seats and some are still brisking to get better seats so that they can see their favourite Rockstar from nearby. Since they reach the venue Nandika is trying to see any banner or hoarding from where she can find out whom is she going to listen to. But surprisingly in any banner, hoarding or advertisement cutouts, the singer’s name is not mentioned. There is no photograph and no name of the main singer is highlighted. It seems that the singer purposely wants to hide his identity. But why? Publicity stunt or something else? Nandika’s train of thought gets broken by Kabir’s call,
“Nandika, you sit here with Navya. I just come back in a minute.”
In reply, Nandika tilts her head in approval. As soon as Kabir disperses, the dais dazzles with spotlights. Nandika can see the other members of the orchestra are ready with their instruments. All are finally tuning and testing their respective musical tools. However, the main singer is still missing. Nandika frowns with annoyance.
“Where is your famous Rockstar? Is he actually going to perform or he just loves to test his fans’ patience?”
Nandika murmurs against Navya’s ear. Navya is about to reply when Kabir returns and sits on his chair. Simultaneously, a voice echoes inside the auditorium and grabs Nandika’s entire attention.
“Welcome fellows….What’s up? Thank you all for coming and giving me another chance to entertain you. However, this night is very different and special for me. Because today I am going to perform for that person whom I love.”
Some girls make a heartbreaking hooting sound,
Nandika squints her eyes and tries to locate the person on the stage whose face is still enveloped in darkness. But he is definitely the orator. The baritone voice continues,
“She doesn’t believe that I love her but today I will make her believe. So, this song is dedicated to my love, my Nandika.”
Nandika startles to hear her name while the crowd starts hooting,
Nandika looks at Navya and Kabir with sheer bewilderment and then again gazes at the stage. Finally, the main spotlight focuses on the lead singer, Maan Malhotra. His handsome face is beaming with contentment. Nandika's breath gets hitched for a second. Maan’s guitar starts creating a melodious tune and he joins it with his harmonious voice,
“If one day you look at yourself
From my eyes
Oh…you Beautiful!
All that is hidden from your eyes
I will show it to you
Oh…you Beautiful!
This is an untold story
That the mirror will start saying
What is happening
For the first time
By God’s grace….it is happening for the first time.”
Nandika can realise that Maan’s eyes are glued on her while every word of his song is dedicated to her only. She breaks the eye contact and gets up from the chair. Without looking at Navya or Kabir she desperately comes out of the row. Navya’s call and plead can’t stop her from heading to the exit. However, a familiar frame obstructs her way. Nandika stares up and meets Maan’s eyes. He already predicted her move and got down from the stage to address her. He saunters to her jiggling on his guitar chord while Nandika starts stepping back with a thumping heart. Both of their eyes are locked with intensity. There is a soft rumble coming out of the audience’s mouth specifying that they have finally seen Maan Malhotra’s love interest right in front of them. Maan continues his melodious journey.
“If one day you call yourself
with my voice
Oh…My Beautiful!
The poetry that is hidden in you
I will recite that for you
Oh…you Beautiful!
This is because of the heart
That can’t be expressed openly
What is happening
For the first time
Oh…My Beautiful!
By God’s grace….it is happening for the first time.”
Meanwhile, Nandika almost reaches the edge of the dais and eventually, her back touches it. She timidly cranes at her back to ensure that there is no place left to retrieve further. She stares up meekly and meets Maan's mischievous eyes. He is standing in front of her almost leaving no space between them. Nandika parts her lips but before that, Maan utters his ultimate words,
“I love you Nandika Murthy…I love you the way you are.”
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