“The share price of Maheshwari Chain of Companies dropped by eighty percent today early morning and the investors are withdrawing their investments. Now we have to see that whether the company survives the crisis or declares bankruptcy.”
The news played on loop as Virat was busy attending the calls one after the other and trying to pacify the shareholders while Radhika sat on the bed in their bedroom, tensed and worried for the sudden storm entered their life.
“What happen?”, Radhika asked her husband who sat beside her defeated as his face pressed into his palms before he looked up at her and nodded in no saying, “It was a call from Goenka ji. He refused for Meera and Rehan’s marriage.”
Radhika gasped flabbergasted before asking in tears, “How can they do this with our daughter. Next week is their wedding.”
“Wedding cards have also been sent to relatives. All the preparations have been done. Now if the marriage gets cancelled, then it will be a great disgrace for our daughter.”, Radhika asked tensed and Virat did no say anything.
“This marriage was decided for signing a merger contract between our companies. Now when the company is in such a bad condition then—“, Virat said but did not dare to complete the sentence whereas Radhika cried more on the ill fate of her child.
“Then what we will say to Meera?”, Radhika asked wiping her tears and virat sighed as he said, “Whatever it is but now we have to tell her the truth. You look for the perfect time to share this bad news with her.”
Radhika sobbed more and Virat took her into a side hug as he tried calling few more investors to find a way out of this problem.
But unknown to them, Meera was already standing hiding behind the wall near their bedroom, eavesdropping to their conversation. Her countenance blank and stoid as she silently walked away from there upstairs to her own bedroom.
Locking the door behind, she sat on the bed staring at nothing particular until she could not hold back herself anymore and she slowly closed her eyes letting the tears emerging down from her beautiful eyes.
This is not what she wanted when she prayed for her marriage with Rehan to get call off. Not at the cost of her family’s happiness and future.
Picking up her cellphone from beside her, she dialed the last received call from yesterday late night. Dialing the number again and again, she patiently waited for the person other side to answer the call but it did not happen.
Meera chuckled sadly as the person for whom she was about to leaving her everything behind and get married to him, was now not even ready to talk with her.
Dialing another number she said as soon as the person on other side accepted the call, “I want to talk to Mr. Rehan Goenka. Tell him that Meera Maheshwari is calling.”
But to her dismay the person immediately denied to pass her request as he appologized saying, “Sorry Ma’am but Mr. Goenka is in an important meeting.”
Meera disconnect the call without saying anything further as she knew that the person in Rehan’s office was lying. Yesterday night when Rehan had called her, he had told her that his schedule for today is clear. They were even going for shopping some jewelleries for their marriage until the news of collapse of Maheshwari business came this morning and in split of seconds, her life changed. People changed. Relations changed. Priorities changed. Opinions and decisions changed.
Grabbing her handbag from the wardrobe and settling her dupatta once again properly, Meera walk out of the house before sitting into the backseat of her car as she told the driver to drive, “Take me to The Goenka Industries!”
“Where is black coffee? And where are the omelets?”, Tejaswi asked in panic as she rushed to check the dining table only to see that few things are yet to settled on there.
She looked up at the wall clock which showed five minutes to eight and she immediately rushed into the kitchen to get the rest of the breakfast.
The clock struck exact eight in the morning and Tejaswi sighed looking at everything present on the dining table in the perfect order, just like her son likes.
Creaking of the shoes on the wooden stairs echoed and she looked up behind her to see Vivaansh climbing down the stairs while being busy in folding the sleeves of his black shirt with a grey coat hanging on his forearm.
She immediately took the coat from him and hang it neatly on the Backrest of his chair while giving him space to sit on the head chair.
While Vivaansh was busy in checking the news in the newspaper, Tejaswi started serving him with omelets and black tea while saying, “Do you have to go to the office today?”
Vivaansh glanced at his mother for few seconds before diverting his attention now to his freshly served breakfast as he nodded in affirmation asking, “You have some work with me?”
“Actually, Mrs. Gupta’s daughter, She has came back from London. She is a very nice girl. So, I was thinking if you can meet her. May be you like her.”, Tejaswi informed and though Vivaansh nodded in understanding but did not say anything as he continued having his breakfast. While Tejaswi waited for few minutes for him to at least answer if he is going on this blind date or not, but was disappointed when he did not say anything except a nod.
After having his breakfast, he got up followed by Tejaswi who immediately stood behind him with his coat and helped him in wearing that before coming in front to fix his collars perfectly.
“today I have an important lunch meeting. But I will be done with that meeting in an hour of so. Then I can meet her after that. Meeting is scheduled in our hotel in Bandra. I will ask Rajeev to escort her to my private area, is that ok?”, Vivaansh suggested as he was all ready for leaving for the office and Tejaswi smiled widely hearing him.
“I will ask them once and then will inform you soon. “, Tejaswi agreed with a smile and Vivaansh nodded curtly at her before bidding her bye as he left for office.
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