Yes, today is a Saturday and Beth is still at work at 5:00 pm when everyone has gone home except the guards who are waiting for her to leave before locking up, this has what has been her distraction since Mike left her heartbroken and it has become a habit now since she has no one waiting for her. ‘but... the guards have families to get to’ she thought to herself and decided to pack up and finish up at home.
“Oh GOD” she muttered leaning her head against her chair and stretching ‘I need a break’ she thought and she rubbed her forehead.
Twenty minutes later she packed her things intending to go home to continue her work, she went out of her office and saw that her secretary was still at her table.“Ann? Why are you here? I thought you’ve gone home?” Bethel asked Ann as she checked the time on her watch with a worried expression on her face “it’s 5:30 pm Ann you should be home early”.
Ann is a widow in her mid-forties and has three kids a girl (Summer) and twin boys (David and Dylan). One of the twins has a heart issue so Beth allows Ann to go home early to take care of him and hired an assistant to take over when she goes home. She even offered her financial support which Ann accepted after much persuasion.
“Oh my sister came and is looking after them” Ann replied giving her a genuine smile.
“Okay that’s nice, are you going home now?”
“Yes ma’am”
“Okay then, let me give you a lift then,” Beth said as they walked to the parking lot and got into her car.
“Thank you”
“Thank GOD” Bethany replied as they got into her Toyota Tundra and drove off.
“I guess you are still living in Beverly Hills or you’ve relocated?”
“Am still there. It’s quite a peaceful place though” Ann answered with a smile which Beth returned.
Five years ago when Ann started working with Beth, she was living in a one-room apartment with her three kids. They had to move out of the penthouse she and her husband rented became she couldn’t meet up with the payment for the rent after spending so much on surgeries for her husband since he was diagnosed with Coronary Heart Disease and it took a huge toll on her and she trying to cater for her kids’ needs and her mental health, so when Dylan was diagnosed with Congenital heart defect at birth she was so heartbroken and when Beth offered her the job with the benefits of going home early to go see her boy and her kids it made her so happy and Grateful.
“So how’s Dylan holding on?”
“Pretty much okay” Ann replied with a sigh “he’s a fighter” she whispered.
“Yeah sure, he is” Beth gave her a comforting smile and focused on driving.
“So Gwen?” Ricardo called his daughter’s name as they were leaving her class to the parking lot where he packed while holding hands. He decided to just take some time away from work to come pick her up from school, little but it makes Gwen super happy and anything for the happiness of his daughter.
“Yes Papa” she answered as she took a sip of her strawberry yogurt, her dad bought for her “Papa can I get more of these? I love it”
“Well if only you’ll e-” he was cut off by someone calling his name, he turned to look at the person that called his name.
“Hello Ricardo,” she said with a little wave with a wide smile, as she adjusts her blonde hair.
Mrs. Robinson or let’s way Miss Robinson (as she likes to be called). Ariana Robinson is the mother to the girl that irritates Gwen ‘Bella’ short for ‘Isabella’. Ari is a beautiful woman with ash blonde hair, blue eyes, pointing cute nose, perfect pink lips and got all the curves in the right places and she takes every chance she sees to flaunt it ‘just in front of Gwen’s Dad though’ and also don’t forget the history with the male gender. A year ago she got divorced from Bella’s father and was rumored to be in a relationship with a Dubai Prince not too long after her divorce. They must have broken up since she is trying to get Ricardo’s attention again. Like she knew he was going to pick up his daughter today, she was wearing a skin-tight brown gown that reaches almost to her mid-thigh and a necklace that brings attention to her cleavage.
With a raised brow he looked at her and said, “Mrs. Robinson” with a nod to acknowledge her presence and looked down at his daughter to see a scowl on her pretty face.
The same look was on Bella’s face and when none of the parents are looking she poked her tongue out at Gwen making Gwen roll her eyes.
“Gwen, say hi to Mrs. Robi-”
“Ariana is okay Ricardo” she fits him with a bright flirty smile.
“Um..... Okay Ariana, we would be leaving now have a nice day,” he said while he and Gwen started moving towards the car
“Err... umm Ricardo, do you like want to go out for coffee, a drink or something?” Ariana asked “like old times”
Ricardo looked at his daughter and saw a look of displeasure and replied “Ariana that would be impossible, I have a date actually tonight so I can’t come sorry”
Ariana didn’t look happy with his reply but still pester on “might not be today maybe another time?”
“Sorry no Ariana, thanks for the offer though, have a great evening” with that he left with his daughter and thought to himself ’never again Ricardo, that woman’s crazy, no chances for her. She misbehaved the first time and he doesn’t need that energy around his daughter.
Argh! ‘I have to get him back before some witch takes him from me’ she put her hands on her chin “I need to act fast”
Beth got distracted by her phone ringing, she looked at her wall clock, two minutes to 6, ′who is calling’. She reached for her phone on the bedside table and Ricardo’s name flashed on her screen, an instant smile engulfed her face. She doesn’t know why she’s having all these feelings, she doesn’t know how long she has been staring at her phone, 2 hours?... No stop exaggerating...2 minutes. It stopped ringing as she was about calling him it rang again
“Hello” she answered
“Hey Beth, how are you doing?” Ricardo asked
“Am doing great, and you?”
“Am very much okay” he replied, “How was your day?”
“My day was good and yours?”
“Blessed, can I ask you something?”
“Sure, go ahead”
“Are you busy?” Silence “like, want to go out for dinner?” He asked but no reply, he thought she hanged up and checked his phone and saw that she was still on the other line.
Beth felt frozen and didn’t know what to say. ‘Ricardo just asked me out’
“Hello, still there?” Ricardo snapped her out of her thoughts.
“So want to go out for dinner?”
“Sure, I’ll love that”
“Okay. Good, send me your address and I’ll pick you up in 30 minutes” he said
“Sure” she answered happily “will be expecting you,” she said before disconnecting the line.
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