“What the hell!!!” exclaimed Ricardo Herman ‘what’s wrong with these people?’ he asks himself.
“We’re sorry sir I didn’t know th--” you Mr. Curtis Ricardo’s assistant was cut off by Ric.
“You didn’t know what huh?, you gave Mr. Salvary a wrong document, you very know how important Mr. Salvary is and how bad I need this contract to be signed” holding the contract and showing Mr. Curtis, “And all you could do is give him the wrong document, not just a document my daughter’s freaking birth certificate, What will Mr. Salvary think of us? That we’re playing around?” Ricardo said to Mr. Curtis in a very cold voice surprising Mr. Curtis didn’t flinch just looking at him in a cool face.
“Sir we’ll try our best to se--”
“Do whatever you need to do to swap the document before he reads it” Ric said making Mr. Cutis nod “Now get out and do it quickly” he dismissed him and sat back on his chair, rubbing his forehead a headache forming ‘a coffee and those delicious muffins is what I need right now’ he thought to himself ‘hmm’ remembering the taste of the chocolate muffin he had last night is making his mouth water.
Getting up from his chair and taking his phone with him, he walked out of his office checking his time at 4:03 pm.
“Call and reschedule the meeting for today for next week,” he said to Miss Ann his secretary while walking to the elevator, but he didn’t miss the flattering of her eyelash ‘huh what a flirt’ he muttered.
He entered his private elevator and pressed the button that leads to the lobby not like he doesn’t like his private garage but he prefer the parking lot which is way better, he walked to his Mercedes convertible and settled in, and maneuvered his car out of the parking lot and headed to his favorite cake and pastries shop ‘Paradise Cakes & Chops’. ‘It’s truly paradise’ he thought to himself as he parked, then got out of his car.
“Bethany?” Rosalie, Beth’s twin sister called out for her sister “Bethany! Bethany! Bet-- oh there you are Beth, how are you?” Rosalie said as she saw her twin in the kitchen.
If you see them both you’ll know they’re totally opposite. Bethany is ebony, 5ft7, with a round-shaped face, thicker and fuller hair and eyelash, dark brown eye with a little tint of green at the edges and while Rosalie on the other side is light-skinned, 5ft5, with a heart-shaped face, long hair, and lash, brown eyes with a tint of green also, and let’s not forget she’s curvy.
“Am fine Rose, how are you too?” Beth asked sitting on the kitchen counter, with a cup of juice and a plate of chicken and croissants. “Here,” she said as she handed Rose another cup and plate.
“I’m good too, thanks,” she said gesturing to her snacks. “So, how’s everything going on?”
“Well it’s all good and the bakery has been having more sales like we’ve been getting orders, a lot, we had to buy ingredients from other farms because ours got finished. Isn’t that great?”
“Yes, it is. Did you grill this chicken or you ordered it?” Rose asked already knowing the answer.
“You don’t need to ask when you know. How’s fashion? and the new magazine issue coming up?”
“Fashion is great, and I came because of the magazine”
“Ow... I thought you came because you miss me” Bethany cried in fake hurt making Rose roll her eyes.
“I want three of us to be the new face of our magazine, so we three need to get prepared. I already got the shoes, clothes, and jewelry for th-”
“With makeup” Beth pointed out interrupting Rose.
“-The Photoshoot. We are also going to your spa for some glow”
“Yup we need to, so when is the shoot?” Beth asked after taking a sip of her juice... Hmm, it’s tasty. She thought to herself.
“Next weekend”
“Okay” Bethany packed the plates and cups. And after Dishwashing they both went to the living room to continue their talk.
“Yeah of course I would love that” Beth laughed.
“I wonder how his face would be ... Priceless” they both burst out laughing.
“So” Bethany started after cooling from laughing hard “how is Leonard?” She asked wiggling her brow.
Rose blushed and looked away “He is good. We are having dinner tonight though” Rose replied looking at her twin “He said he wants to talk about something important”.
“Important eh?” Beth teased. “I think someone wants to propose,” Beth said making Rose look at her.
“He didn’t say so he ju-”
“Yeah I get something important, let’s wait and see” she added with a wink.
“We-” Rose was interrupted by a deep voice coming from the door.
“Well hello there, ladies” Zedd their older brother greeted them. “Fancy seeing you both here”
“I live here duh,” Beth said “and you weren’t invited here. Why didn’t you knock?” Beth said playfully glaring at her brother.
“Geez nice way to welcome your guest,” Zedd said slightly hurt while he sits comfortably.
“Aww, don’t be mad, you’re welcome anytime,” Rose said to Zedd while giving Beth the look.
“I remember this place being mine,” Beth said to Rose and tried her best to look serious as she looked at Zedd “And no one asked you to sit”
“I don’t need to ask permission little sis” Zedd winked causing Beth to roll her eyes.
“So how have you both been,” Zedd asked his sisters.
“Good, how are you? And how is Jade? How is she handling her second trimester?” Beth asked
“She is handling it fine, no more morning sickness, but she has become more demanding lately especially at midnight, am good too, I went to see mum tho”
Jade is Zedd’s wife, she’s pregnant in her 2nd trimester, they’ve been married for a year and are totally inseparable. It makes Beth wonder how they got to go separately for a day without holding hands and kissing each other.
“Wow so guys can get your hands off each other for a minute, hmm that should be added to the Guinness book of record,” Beth said making Zedd chuckle.
“How’s life? How’s the business for you both?”
Beth excused herself to the kitchen to get some snacks.
“Well life’s good, I came to tell Beth about the photoshoot, coming up next week. It’s for the cover of sisters, Me, Beth and Jess” Rose answered and thanked Beth who got them snacks.
“What about you Beth?” Zedd asked taking a bite of his spring roll “How is the Bakery also?”
“All is good. Just waiting for Jess to finish school so she can take over the Bakery” Beth answered. “We would also be launching our new set of jewelry in three month times”
“That’s good little sis. Am proud of you both”
“Thanks. What about you? How’s work?” Rose and Beth asked at the same time, making Zedd chuckle and both of them laughing.
“Business has been good, met my old friend recently. Ricardo Herman. Am so happy he got himself back after what happened 4 years ago”
“What happened?”
“He lost his wife, she had complications though but the doctors are surprised she could carry the baby and even birth her naturally. It was a miracle but she died, leaving Ricardo with their only child”
“Aww that’s sad, good thing he is moving on,” Beth said.
“Yeah,” said Zedd. Then his phone rings in his pocket he took it out to see the caller “it’s Jade she needs something, I got to go. See you, ladies, later “He bid them bye before leaving.
Rose and Beth went up to Beth’s room after cleaning the living room. And then continued their talk.
“Yes, that’s what Leo said,” Rose said “He was like ‘oh baby I can’t get enough of you, I want us to have a beautiful life together, kids together and many more’ and with that, he’ll Kiss me like he has not kissed me for years,” Rose said smiling at the thought. “I hope he proposes tonight”
“Me too, you guys are really cute together and makes a perfect couple”
“What of you Beth, aren’t you going to date again, It has been almost a year you broke things off with that jerk”
“I know, I know, okay? I just... I need time”
“Isn’t a year enough time? Or are you scared you’ll get hurt again?” Rose asked her twin causing a tear to slip from her eye “Look babe, am not saying you should get hurt again, just because someone hurt you doesn’t mean the next will, open your heart and you just might find the one who would love you forever.
“Mike isn’t the one for you, I know it hurts but you need to let go and move on okay?”
Beth nodded
“Don’t wallow in self-pity and stand up like the strong Bethany we know, I admire your courage babe. So please and please try letting a guy in and see where it goes okay? Just le-” She was interrupted by the doorbell “Oh that must be Leo. I texted him to come to pick me up here” Rose said standing from the bed and putting her shoes on “it’s still 4:30 pm, too early”
“Well loverboy can’t wait to dinner to see his babe,” Beth said wiping her face from her tears.
Rose turned to Beth and gave her a sad smile, I have to go, and please think of what I told you, don’t cry okay? I don’t want you crying I’ll see you later okay?”
“Okay,” said Beth her voice above a whisper.
“Bye,” Rose said after hugging Beth and turned to leave.
“Bye,” Beth said to almost herself as tears trickle down her face as memories of what mike did flash through her mind.
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