“Don’t you dare stop me again if you don’t want to die this time, Nathan!”
‘I prayed for you today, Xandros.’
I froze when I suddenly remembered those words from Alison. For the past weeks, that line from her had been the loveliest thing for me.
For me, aside from ‘I love you’, those words were the second most beautiful words ever created. Those words felt like it was Alison’ own unique way of saying that she loves me enough to think of me and to pray for me constantly. Those words had never failed to make an impact to my heart each time.
But for a brief moment, I wanted to let go of Alison’s memory, and allow myself be drowned by the anger. After all, for the longest time, the world had been cruel to me. It kept on happening because I keep on indulging them. I couldn’t let justice for Theron be denied just like what happened to me. But I also couldn’t find the courage to continue my revenge the moment Alison’s face popped in my head.
No. I can’t break her faith in me.
In the end, I freed Arnav. He crawled away from me. I sealed his magic that’s why he wouldn’t be able to return to his kingdom easily unless somebody would send him to the portal. That was our difference. Even if I was not in Arameth, I still have the ability to seal even their king’s magic.
Arnav, on the other hand, had to go back to his kingdom, use spells, and would require the power from hundreds of crystals before he could do the same thing to me.
I turned to Nathan. “I beg you, take all of them with you while I could still control myself, Nathan. At the count of three, I must not see even the slightest traces of them anymore. Because if after three seconds and they’re still here, I swear I’m going to crush all their bones. One…”
Nathan, Arnav, and the soldiers quickly disappeared from my sight. But they left traces: the dead humans. I looked up at the sky as tears ran down my cheeks once more.
“What do You really want? What are Your plans? I am also Your son, right? Then why do You make me suffer like this? Why do I always have to get hurt like this?”
I SAW Alison waiting for me in the playground. She was currently sitting on the swing and was busy typing something on her phone. I felt my phone vibrated. I took it out of my pocket and read her text message.
“I’d understand if you won’t be able to be here tonight, Xandros. But at least, answer my call and let me hear your voice. Please. I need to know you’re safe. And if you are… Are you okay?”
I tried my damnest to hold back the tears. That was just a simple question but it was so hard to answer.
I stared at Alison. I avoided seeing her for more than a week. I also avoided her calls and text messages. But I didn’t let her be on her own. I assigned Juno to guard her while I was away.
There were many things I needed to do aside from Theron’s funeral. We also took care of the humans’ funeral. We wiped away the humans’ memory of the Armethians’ attack that night. I also sent out gold coins to the families of the deceased. I know that no amount of money will be able to compensate the human lives that were lost during the attack. That’s why my men and I swore to provide a lifetime assistance to all the affected families.
As for Alison, I didn’t know how to face her again. I was ashamed of myself. I almost killed someone. I almost lost her trust in me. I almost lost control and it could happen again. Right now, I was barely holding on to my sanity to survive.
But tonight, I didn’t want to be alone again. I was afraid to be alone. Many things come into my mind when I’m alone. That’s why I needed to see Alison desperately. She was my saving grace. Then and now, only her could quiet the demons in my head. Even if she didn’t text me, I was determined to see her. What I’m about to tell her also couldn’t wait for a day or more.
After some time, as if Alison had sensed my presence, she turned to my direction. She immediately stood up when she saw me. She ran to me.
“What happened to you?” she asked after seeing wounds in my arms. That was among my dilemma. My healing spells had never worked on myself. Even Nathan’s healing ability didn’t work on me. He said my injuries were too severe. I had lost a lot of blood, and a lot of my internal force, too.
But they were a little tolerable now that I’d been taking pills. Nathan found those pills in Arnav and the soldiers’ pockets when he sent them to the portal. Those pills could help my body endure some of my wounds up to several months.
Before Theron died, he suggested a plan. And we will make it happen tonight.
“Why are you bleeding?” Alison asked in a shaky voice.
After I confess the truth about me, this could be my last night with Alison. And I wanted to savor every second, every word that would come out of her sweet lips, every frown on her forehead, and every spark in her expressive eyes; whatever those sparks meant: anger, frustration, love, and concern. God… how I love this amazing woman.
I love her so much that I wanted to keep the truth all to myself. I kept having those selfish thoughts on my way to meet her.
But that same love was also the reason why I wanted to confess to her. Love was honest. It never betrays. I learned that from Alison.
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