“Fangirling? I don’t know what that was but thank you. I will see you later.” I smiled back before I carried Aguilar’s two sons on my shoulders. I quickly teleported towards the treatment room.
But before I disappeared, I heard Ali’s last words. “I am proud of you, Mister Sormont. I wish you know just how much.”
MY HANDS began to shake but I tried to steady them as I pointed them towards the direction of my last patient for tonight. My vision started to blur and I could feel my knees about to give out. But I did not stop until my patient threw up. After he was able to release the dark liquid inside his system, only then did his complexion started to go back to normal. His tremors had stopped and the color of his eyes had gone back to normal.
We found out that the dark liquid was the cause of the epidemic. We were more convinced now that black magic was behind this because that dark thing was one of the signs of that kind of power. Once the patient successfully released the liquid, only then will he feel better. And to be able to take it out from the patients’ body required not just the ability to heal, but so much internal force as well. That’s why it was risky even to those who had the power to heal others.
Because once our internal force weakened, our immune system will drop. There was also a tendency that the illness of the ones we healed will be transferred to us.
When I saw that the patient was now breathing normally, I left a note to his parents and put it beside the bed. I also gave a few orders to my subordinates, before I used my remaining strength to teleport outside the Castle. But before that, I made sure that all the tasks in the South quarters were finished. More than twenty of the patients’ guardians were tested positive of the virus. They were now in the quarantine facility. My father was the one in charge of that.
I appeared inside the carriage. I was sweating so much as I sat there. I closed my eyes out of extreme exhaustion. My family’s immune systems were ten times stronger than the royal physicians that’s why we decided to take care of most of the patients. I took care of a total of forty-six patients. If I exceeded and tried to attend even to just one more patient, my internal force would not have made it anymore.
After a few minutes, I felt something soft and warm caressed my cheeks.
“The people here are so lucky to have you as their ruler. You did not let them down. You did really well today, Mister Sormont.”
I opened my eyes and stared at Ali. I was wrong to believe that she would stay where I asked her to. She followed me wherever I went. And she had been cheering me the whole time. I asked her to go in the carriage but she insisted to stay beside me. She said it was to give me moral support. It did help, though. I had to give my all. I could not give up because she was there looking at me like some sort of a superhero. I could not disappoint both Ali and the patient.
“Aren’t you tired yet? You’ve been talking for several hours now.”
“Nope. I’ve wanted to talk to you for a long time. So, even if my throat hurts, I will never get tired talking to you, Mister Sormont. And that’s a promise,” she answered. I envy her energy. She remained so full of life the entire day.
Since she was not a spirit, when I felt her follow me inside the Castle, I casted a protection spell around her so she would not get infected by the virus.
But when I remembered what Ali said a while ago, I looked at her, puzzled this time. “Who are you? Why is it so important for you to see me and talk to me? Do we know each other? Have we met before? But I doubt it. If I had met you before, then I would have remembered you. You are not easy to forget.”
“Thank you for saying that. You are right. This is our first time meeting. Don’t ever forget me, okay? And I told you, I’m Ali. Of course, it matters so much to me that I’m here with you because you are the King. I don’t get to talk to Kings every day.” She said in a proud voice. “I want to get to know someone that’s why I’m here. I overheard what you said in your office, Mister Sormont. You said you were uncertain that’s why you were asking yourself who you really were. And I find it a little strange. I didn’t know that there are older people that are still not sure about who they are at their age. Because in my case, I’m nine years old, and yet, I already know who I am, I already know what I could and couldn’t do. But maybe we can help each other. I will get to know you, Mister Sormont. I will tell you who you are so you wouldn’t need to wonder anymore. But there is a condition. You should help me find the person I am looking for.”
I frowned at her. “You said that someone just mentioned me to you that’s why you only know a few things about me. But for some reason, I find that hard to believe, kiddo. Because the way you talked and acted earlier made it look like you have known me and my parents for a long time now.”
Ali smiled once again. And it was such a loveable smile. “All I know is that you and I are going to be very, very important to each other, Mister Sormont.”
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